Sunday, June 07, 2009

See It With The Eyes Of a Child

“Look at everything as though you are seeing for the first time, with the eyes of a child, fresh with wonder.”

-- Joseph Cornell

"Earn as much money as you possibly can and as quickly as you can. The sooner you get money out of the way, the sooner you will be able to get to the rest of your problems in style."

-- Jim Rohn

Thought Of The Day :

I know I have shared this quote with you before, but I love it so much....I had to share it again! Last week, I watched all three of my kids play with a ladybug. They must have watched that little bug for 20 minutes, all fighting over who would hold it next and who would get to set it free "to find its mommy and daddy". The wonder and amazement in their eyes made me think about what is truly important. Take time to stop and smell the roses and enjoy all the beauty that life has to offer.


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