Friday, June 30, 2023

Simple Rule of Life

"It’s a simple and generous rule of life that whatever you practice, you will improve at. For instance: If I had spent my twenties playing basketball every single day, or making pastry dough every single day, or studying auto mechanics every single day, I’d probably be pretty good at foul shots and croissants and transmissions by now."

--  Elizabeth Gilbert

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Steer The Course of Your Life

"Not making a choice – waiting and delaying, avoiding and denying – is as much a decision as making one. Letting it happen means accepting whatever course is imposed by events or other people – but you’re still making that choice, to let outside influences impose on you. People often say that their fate is sealed, that it’s destiny, luck or karma that dictates what happens to you, or that you had no control over events. Now you are an adult you have far more power than you imagine to steer the course of your life. With that responsibility might come anxiety and guilt. But with it could come fewer regrets."

-- Suzie Hayman

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The False Economy of Overwork

"The most surefire way to make yourself more fragile, to cut your career short, is to be undisciplined about rest and recovery, to push yourself too hard, too fast, to overtrain and to pursue the false economy of overwork.  Manage the load."

-- Ryan Holiday

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Happy and Supportive Friendships

"Harvard researchers tested and retested the memories of people in their fifties and sixties over six years. Socially active people had less than half the memory loss of those who were less engaged. But quality, not quantity, of friendships matters most. If you have as many bad relationships as good ones, the stress of the bad cancels out the restorative powers of the good, suggesting your brain wants you to cull the herd to include only the happy and supportive friendships." 

-- Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Monday, June 26, 2023

To Become More

"Like old maps and old stories, continually doing what you have always done will bring you back to old places, the places you have been before. Repeat after me: “What got me here will not take me one step further. To have more or become more, I will have to do new things.”""

-- Dondi Scumaci

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Letting Go Of Things

"We must learn to let go of the things that no longer serve us."

-- Antonio Neves

Basically, this quote is about the importance of letting go of things in our lives that no longer serve a purpose or are holding us back in some way. This could be anything from old habits or beliefs that no longer align with who we are or what we want, to toxic relationships or jobs that are causing us more harm than good.

Learning to let go of these things can be difficult, but it's an important part of personal growth and development. By holding onto things that no longer serve us, we're essentially creating unnecessary obstacles for ourselves and preventing ourselves from moving forward in life.

So, the key takeaway from this quote is that we need to be willing to let go of things in our lives that are no longer serving us. This can be a scary and uncomfortable process, but it's important for our own well-being and happiness. By letting go of what no longer serves us, we create space for new opportunities and experiences that are more aligned with who we are and what we want out of life.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Whether You Shine or Struggle

"Choose to surround yourself with people who bring joy and growth into your life and are secure enough in themselves to be real and solid whether you shine or struggle."

-- Brendon Burchard

Thursday, June 22, 2023

We Are Wired For Friends

"All the research converges on one unshakable imperative: If you want to live a long and healthy life, invest in friends, particularly at midlife. Every evolutionary instinct cries out for trusted companions, and the more the merrier, because the more friends you have, the healthier, happier, and more mentally acute you will be, now and in your later years. We are wired for friends."

-- Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

No Decision Really is a Decision

"Living with intention requires that we pay close attention to the choices we make and where those choices take us. Where you are standing now in every area of your life is a direct reflection of the choices you have made—by design or by default. In this context, a nonaction is an action. No decision really is a decision."

-- Dondi Scumaci

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

When You Are Not Practicing

"“A thousand days of training to develop,” Musashi would write, “ten thousand days of training to polish.” For a samurai, there was no such thing as pretty good. If a pretty good swordsman met a better fighter . . . he would die. It’s like the basketball Hall of Famer Bill Bradley’s observation: When you are not practicing, refining, working—somewhere, someone else is . . . and when you meet them, they will beat you."

-- Ryan Holiday

Monday, June 19, 2023

Your Future Is Really Your Present

"You simply must support your goals with your whole consciousness and life energy. While success may seem to be about the future, it’s really about the present. Your vital vibration every day is what determines the results. If the way you live, think, and treat yourself contradicts your basic intention, it could take forever to get what you want!"

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Friday, June 16, 2023

What To Feed Your Mind

"It’s been proven again and again. Hypochondriacs, people who are convinced that they are sick even though nothing is wrong with them, experience the exact symptoms of the actual illness. For them, the illness is just as real as if their bodies were ravaged by disease. It is also possible to make yourself ill through constant worry and fear of failure, because the mind constantly strives to turn into reality the things we think about most. Protect your mental health with the same care you give your physical body. Just as your body requires healthy, nourishing foods, and a balanced diet, so does your mind. Make sure you feed it plenty of positive thoughts."

-- Napoleon Hill

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Have Faith In Yourself and Your Future

"The universe is abundant and giving, so you can trust that good things are coming your way. I suppose that’s the ultimate message in times of difficulty: to have faith in yourself and the future. It’s something I wrote on an index card and carried in my wallet when I was struggling through my brain injury: Remember, you are stronger than you think, and the future holds good things for you."

-- Brendon Burchard

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

You Are Unique and Essential

"You were designed for success. On the day you were born, the Creator of all things breathed destiny into you. You are unique and essential. You have a purpose, and you are more powerful then you might imagine."

-- Dondi Scumaci

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

What Is Real Wealth

"A person who lives below their means has far more latitude than a person who can’t. That’s why Michelangelo, the artist, didn’t live as austerely as Cato but he avoided the gifts dangled by his wealthy patrons. He didn’t want to owe anyone. Real wealth, he understood, was autonomy."

-- Ryan Holiday

Monday, June 12, 2023

When You Face Issues

"Having fewer regrets often means facing problems squarely instead of avoiding them.  Rather than pushing problems behind us, we need to look for solutions and apply them instead of running away, which is what most often leads to regrets. By facing issues we can often learn to seize the day and live in the moment instead of always looking either back or forward, dwelling on regrets or creating new ones."

-- Suzie Hayman

Friday, June 09, 2023

Taking Responsibility for Our Actions

"We must take ownership of our mistakes and learn from them."

-- Antonio Neves

So, have you ever made a mistake before? I know I have! It's a pretty common thing that happens to everyone. But what's important is how we react to those mistakes. Instead of blaming someone else or making excuses, taking ownership of our mistakes means admitting that we made a mistake and accepting responsibility for it.

This is an important lesson because it teaches us that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. By owning up to our mistakes, we can take steps to make things right and prevent the same mistake from happening again in the future. It's all about being accountable for our actions and taking responsibility for the consequences of those actions.

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Keep Contributing Positively To The World

"Whatever your worker status, take stock of the years you might have left and renew your commitment to your top goals. As long as you’ve got breath, keep contributing positively to the world around you."

-- Joshua Becker

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

When You Become Supremely Skilled

"Never give up, add a tremendous amount of value, and stay on the path to mastery.  When you become supremely skilled and successful at what you do, doors will open and you’ll meet more and more extraordinary people."

-- Brendon Burchard

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

What Become Your Life Story

"You are not a victim of your past, your present, or your genes. You do have choices and options. You can empower yourself, even in the most difficult situations. In the end, it is not what happens to you; it is how you respond that will become the story of your life."

-- Dondi Scumaci

Monday, June 05, 2023

Simply The Work which Pleasure The Reward

"The pleasure of excess is always fleeting. Which is why self-discipline is not a rejection of pleasure but a way to embrace it. Treating our body well, moderating our desires, working hard, exercising, hustling—this is not a punishment. This is simply the work for which pleasure is the reward."

-- Ryan Holiday

Saturday, June 03, 2023

You Have The Power To Create Your Own Opportunities

 "Don't wait for opportunity, create it."

-- Tommy Baker 

If you're waiting for an opportunity to come to you, you might be waiting a long time. Opportunities don't always present themselves on their own - sometimes, you have to actively seek them out and create them for yourself.

For example, let's say you're looking for a job. You could sit around waiting for job postings to come up and hope that one of them will be a good fit for you. But if you really want to increase your chances of finding a job that you love, you might need to create your own opportunities. This might mean networking with people in your desired industry, reaching out to companies that you're interested in working for, or even starting your own business.

The same principle applies to other areas of life, too. If you want to start a new hobby, you might need to create opportunities for yourself by joining a club or signing up for a class. If you want to make new friends, you might need to create opportunities by attending social events or joining a meetup group.

We have the power to create our own opportunities in life. Instead of waiting for things to happen to us, we can take action and make things happen for ourselves. By creating opportunities, we can open up new possibilities and achieve our goals in ways we never thought possible.

Friday, June 02, 2023

To Become Self-Determining

"One of my most valuable life lessons came from my mentor when I was eighteen years old. I was feeling sorry for myself when my mentor asked if I’d like a helping hand to help me through this rough spot. I said, “Yes.” Then he looked me straight in the eye and told me in no uncertain terms that if I wanted a helping hand, I had one at the end of each arm. He promptly turned around and left the room. As startled as I was, I knew he was absolutely right. He knew that for me to become self-determining I had to find my own answers."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Feel The Joy

"Think of how lucky you are. Be glad to be awake (because it’s better than the alternative, which we’ll all greet one day). Feel the joy of being able to do what you love. Cherish the time. But most of all, use it."

-- Ryan Holiday