Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Power of Vision and Direction

 "Don’t underestimate the power of vision and direction. These are irresistible forces, able to transform what might appear to be unconquerable obstacles into traversable pathways and expanding opportunities."

-- Jordan B. Peterson

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Only You Can Make Yourself a Victim

"No one can make you a victim but you. We become victims not because of what happens to us but when we choose to hold on to our victimization. We develop a victim’s mind—a way of thinking and being that is rigid, blaming, pessimistic, stuck in the past, unforgiving, punitive, and without healthy limits or boundaries. We become our own jailors when we choose the confines of the victim’s mind."

-- Edith Eva Eger

Monday, December 28, 2020

Why You Need to Think of Your Goals

 "Without goals you are unfocused and the chance of being successful is severely reduced. So, before embarking on your Willpower Challenge, let’s look at the purpose of goals and then assess your goal planning skills."

-- Ros Taylor

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Your Brain Speaks with Your Own Voice

"Self-talk has a way of creating its own reality. Telling yourself you can do something can help it happen. Telling yourself you can't do something can make it more likely to be true. And because your brain speaks with your own voice, whatever it says, it feels real and it feels true."

-- Gill Hasson

Saturday, December 26, 2020

When A Person Does Not Know Their Purpose

 “A person who doesn’t know what the universe is, doesn’t know where they are. A person who doesn’t know their purpose in life doesn’t know who they are or what the universe is. A person who doesn’t know any one of these things doesn’t know why they are here. So what to make of people who seek or avoid the praise of those who have no knowledge of where or who they are?”

-— Marcus Aurelius 

Friday, December 25, 2020

If You Feel Scared Do It Anyway

 "The lesson here is . . . if you’re scared — do it anyway. Let your “why,” your passion, drive you and motivate you each day to move you closer to your goals."

--  Megan Tull

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Learn The Lessons Failure Teach

 "Every young person trying out life with a purpose—was to put aside the laughs from the sidelines, to put aside the bad guidance from foolish friends who say Stop trying, you just look silly, and focus on your purpose. Allow yourself to fail, and learn from your failings. There is no loss in failure if you learn the lessons failure has to teach."

-- Peter S. Temes

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

You Will Thrive In Spite of Your Losses

 "When you recognize that you will thrive not in spite of your losses and sorrows, but because of them, that you would not have chosen the things that happened in your life, but you are grateful for them, that you will hold the empty bowls eternally in your hands, but you also have the capacity to fill them? The word for that is healing."

-- Cheryl Strayed

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

No One Owes Us Anything

 "Listen, no one owes you anything. We get what we want by a combination of a bit of luck and a lot of hard work. If you want stuff, you work. Simple as that." 

-- Richard Templar

Monday, December 21, 2020

Choose To Break The Barriers Down

 "The whole thing has taught me that the barriers we put before ourselves don’t really exist. The only way barriers exist is in our heads. We create them, we feed them, and we choose to keep them alive. So we can also choose to break them own."

-- Katie Piper

Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Chief Task in Life

 “The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own . . .”

-—Epictetus, Discourses

Friday, December 18, 2020

Keep Moving Till You Hit Your Limits

 "Life is about taking steps that move you forwards. You don’t have to worry about going forwards quickly. What matters is that you are moving and that you keep moving until you hit your limits."

-- John Bird

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Reason Why I Succeed

 "Jordan liked the idea of reaching young people, but he didn’t want his message to be about success—he wanted it to be about failure. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life,” he famously said, “and that is why I succeed.” That’s the line that made it onto the poster and into the minds of untold thousands of youngsters."

-- Michael Jordan

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

There is a Direct Cause and Effect

 "None of us should ever underestimate our ability to change people’s lives. There is a direct cause and effect of what we do here and what happens there. But if you want to help you have to actually do something. You can’t just talk about it. My motto is “If you want to make things happen, you have to make things.” Create an object, a slogan, a film, a little book, a badge, a hashtag, a Red Nose Day … make something so wonderful that it captures people’s hearts and minds so they can’t help but be dragged in and help. And even better, make it funny too. That’s all I have ever done."

-- Richard Curtis

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Thinking That You Chose To Believe

 "It's important to know, though, that neither negative thinking nor positive thinking is more real or true than the other. Either way of thinking could be real or true. But what does make one way of thinking more real is the one you choose to think and believe. As Shakespeare said, ‘For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’"

-- Gill Hasson

Monday, December 14, 2020

You Always Have A Choice To Make

 "The great news is that you always have a choice to make: you can either stay stuck and continue on the same unfulfilling path to nowhere, or you can choose a different path, or—even better—you can create your own."

--  Megan Tull

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Control What We Are What We Become

 “We may not always be able to control what is put in our path, but we can always control what we are . . .and what we will become.”

-- Les Brown

Discover One Thing At A Time

 "Young children discover one thing at a time. The tiniest detail sparks wonder. Because a young child doesn’t have the same awareness of time as an adult does, there isn’t a sense of “hurrying” to learn something. Each new discovery builds upon the last as an exciting body of knowledge, and experience is formed. Adults have often forgotten this natural perspective, and they put pressure on themselves to learn quickly or impatiently expect themselves to come to a solution immediately."

-- Julia Cameron

Friday, December 11, 2020

You Need Find To A Way To Believe

 "You somehow need to find a way to believe, to keep going. But it’s not enough to just say to yourself “be confident”, you can’t just BE confident, you have to surround yourself with people who bring the best from you, who will help you, who will help you grow that confidence. I’m like Britain’s Got Talent. I need my three yeses. I need my wife, my mother and my agent to all say, “Yes, that was good.” Then it’s like, all right, that works, I can keep going. I put my success down to that: my wife, my family, my support network. My three yeses."

-- Michael McIntyre

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Don't Hoard It As You Will Die Without It

 "Any voice you have in this world, you have to use it. Whatever money you have the day you die, you die without it, so donate it. If you can only give an hour of your time, then do that." 

– Noella Coursaris Musunka

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Find The Thing That Give You The Most Fulfilment

 "People tend not to be accidentally successful. If you see anyone very, very good at something, they tend to be very driven by what they do and they work really hard at it. So find the thing that makes you passionate and do that. And if you can find something you’re passionate about that also makes a difference to others, it will be a greatly fulfilling quality in your life. In the end, the things that give the most fulfilment are the things you do for others."

-- Tony Blair

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Foster A Love of Reading

 "If there’s just one piece of advice I could give, then I would urge people to foster a love of reading. It’s our core skill as human beings. It’s the gateway to everything else. It gets you involved. It allows your curiosity to follow its course. It connects us across time and space. Books and reading are the most important things. Yes, I would say above all else, I would urge people to foster a love of reading. Start as early as you can and keep on reading."

-- Bill Gates

Monday, December 07, 2020

No Substitute for Own Positive Attitude

 "There simply is no substitute for having your own positive attitude. It gives you the motivation, energy and ability to succeed, it enables you to be happy and keeps you going through the toughest times."

-- Gill Hasson

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Single Most Important Piece of Advice

 "My single most important piece of advice is stay healthy. It’s too easy to become consumed by the issues that plague this country. It can have an egregious effect on you. People engaged in the fight lose their health, their mind, their life. So do whatever you need to do to stay healthy – get a therapist, eat well, exercise. You need to stay strong, to stay healthy, to be in the fight for longer."

-- Patrisse Khan-Cullors 

Saturday, December 05, 2020

Humility Will Help You Learn

 "Stay keenly aware of the vastness of our ignorance.There is so much we don’t know, so really put the effort into scraping at the edges of our knowledge. And remember, the most interesting, rewarding and fascinating thing is to be wrong, to discover, “oh, I thought I was right, but now I am seeing something that I hadn’t seen before.” So be prepared to listen to that voice inside that says “I really know very little about what’s happening here.” That humility will help you learn."

-- David Eagleman

Friday, December 04, 2020

Look Fear In The Eyes

 "We all have what it takes, inside us. Trust yourself, trust your intuition. Don’t let someone else be in control of your destiny, and don’t not go after your passion because of fear. Look fear in the eyes and say, 'I am coming for you.'"

-- Laila Ali

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Don't Just Do What Everyone is Doing

 "If you see a problem, and you get irritated by that problem, then consider if that is something you can fix by becoming an entrepreneur. Don’t accept it. Don’t just do what everyone else is doing. Be contrarian. Challenge the current way of doing something. Not only will you find that more exciting, but that sense of mission and purpose, of having an impact you can be proud of, means you are more likely to be successful. And to enjoy the journey more."

-- Niklas Zennstrom

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Live Without The Burden of Secrets Life

"The bottom line is there is nothing better than going through life with no secrets. So be open about who you are as a person. Wake up in the morning and be yourself. Live your life unashamed of who you are and without the burden of secrets."

-- Caitlyn Jenner

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Maintenance of Aim is Utmost Important

 "Well, it starts with the usual stuff that you hear: work hard, be lucky. No one is successful without those two things. But the most important thing of all is maintenance of aim. If I could pass on one thing, it is that. My business success came from maintenance of aim. I said to myself, no matter what else I will make the best programmes I can. My political life: maintenance of aim again – get equality for gay rights, no matter what else was going on in my life. And that’s what it’s about, fight the distractions, keep coming back to your thing, the thing that’s most important to you."

-- Lord Waheed Alli

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Do The Best of Your Ability

 "If you’re ever lucky enough to be successful in what you choose to do, don’t ever believe your own hype, and remember it could all stop tomorrow. Do whatever you do to the best of your ability. Take the job seriously, but not yourself. And most of all, be nice to work with."

-- Oliva Colman

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Focus and Aim To Be The Best

 "You have to really focus. Just do one thing. And aim to become best in the world at it."

-- Jony Ive

Friday, November 27, 2020

Start Believing in Yourself

 "So you have to sit yourself down and tell yourself whatever you have to tell yourself so you start to believe it, that you can beat them, that you WILL beat them. You may even have to lie a bit to yourself at first to get the belief going.  Whatever it takes. And from then on, once you start to believe, you make sure you’re searingly honest with yourself. Are you working as hard as you could? Have you done everything, and I mean everything, you can to get ready for that match?  And the answer always has to be yes. There has to be no doubt in your mind. Otherwise, you’re going to lose."

-- Lawrence Dallaglio

Thursday, November 26, 2020

You Get Back What You Give

 "Give and you get back what you give. Treat everyone as individuals: understand how people are and encourage them. There is real discipline too underpinning the work they do. I strongly believe that you achieve more in a work environment with hope rather than fear … the whole concept of people shouting or bullying or intimidating is foreign to me."

-- Ruthie Rogers

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Search For The Thing You Are Good At

 "There is an inner steel that comes from knowing you’re good at something. It might be plumbing or building tables or driving a cab or whatever, but being able to say “When it comes to this, I know what I’m doing” is good for one’s confidence. So my advice to someone younger is search for the thing you’re good at and don’t stop."

-- James Corden 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Respect The Humanness

 "Treat everybody as equal value, irrespective of his or her status or who they are. That’s the thing I want for my children, I want them to always feel that nobody’s better than you and vice versa. That’s what my parents taught me. Never treat anybody as lesser and never accept anyone treating you as lesser. Respect the humanness of the other person."

-- Helena Kennedy QC

Monday, November 23, 2020

Each Time Give Your Full Commitment

 "I really play on the edge. The time on the Eiger, I had to move fast, so I allow myself to hit only once with the ice axe, no compromise, never twice. Full commitment each time I place the axe. And it works, you really concentrate, you really hit precise."

-- Ueli Steck

Sunday, November 22, 2020

You Must Do Everything in Your Power

 "Listen, you can’t just hope that a gold medal, a good grade, or a promotion is waiting for you at the end of a cycle. You must do everything in your power—in your Game Plan—to make sure you deserve that reward."

-- Bob Bowman

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Make Sure You Give 100 Percent

 "Always believe that when you apply yourself, you can achieve anything. Make sure you give 100 per cent and work as hard as you can in everything you do, not just in what you enjoy but also in life. And don’t forget, natural ability will only get you so far, there is no substitute for practice."

-- Andy Murray

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Rewards in Life

 "There’s always going to be someone faster, smarter, taller, more experienced than you, but the rewards in life don’t always go to them, the rewards in life goto the dogged, the determined, those who can keep going and pick themselves back up and never say die and just hang in there, sometimes quietly and undramatically."

-- Bear Grylls

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Power in Your Hand

 "No matter how bad it is, no situation is ever greater than you. You always have three options: you can change the situation, accept the situation or change your mindset on how you see the situation. And you have the power in your hands to choose whichever is best for you. Never allow something else or someone’s opinion to become the title of your book. Ever."

-- Jo Malone

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Don't Lose That Sense of Wonderment

 "I have never met a child that is not fascinated by our natural world, the animal kingdom and the wonders within it. It is only as we get older that we sometimes lose that sense of wonderment. But I think we would all be better off if we kept it. So my advice is to never lose that, do what you can to always keep that sense of magic with our natural world alive."

-- Sir David Attenborough

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Always Do The Right Thing

 "Life for me is about doing the right thing, on a difficult day, when no one is looking. If you do something or walk by something that you know is not right, then you’re ultimately cheating and undermining your own self. If you do the right thing, no matter what the outcome, your confidence always grows. And you have a better life that way. So just make sure you are always honest with yourself. And make sure you always do the right thing."

-- Lt Col Lucy Giles

Monday, November 16, 2020

Never Forget What Bestirs You

 "For each person who aspires to anything, retain the innocence and conviction of when you started out. Be open to the surprise and wonder and terror of the world, but remain faithful to your first aspiration. Never forget what bestirs you."

-- Edna O’Brien

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Face It and Don't Curl Up Like a Ball

 "I know it sounds kind of corny, but every day I look in the mirror and I tell myself that I am going to go out there and face it and not curl up in a ball because somebody said something or thinks that I couldn’t be or do something simply because of who I am. It’s hard, but you have to do it. Put in the hard work, discipline and focus and just keep going. Remember there are numerous people, both similar and dissimilar to you, who are rooting for you to stay strong, and to prove the naysayers wrong."

-- Dambisa Moyo

Saturday, November 14, 2020

What Kind of Person Do I Want To Be

 "In life, we are not what we look like, we are not our gender, sexuality or religion or race, we are how we act and the impact that we have on others. And the best way to think about the impact we have on others is in adjectives. I ask myself “What person do I want to be?” But in adjectives, not nouns. How about kind? Healthy? Ambitious? Does thinking like that get me to a more fruitful and satisfying place? I think it probably does."

-- Clare Balding

Friday, November 13, 2020

Do Not Do Something Unless You Are Committed

 "Whatever you do, do it with intent. In martial arts we call it “one plus one”. Just one good kick and one good punch is better than twenty you didn’t have any intent behind. Do not say something unless you mean it, do not do something unless you are committed. Do not confront by shouting, but confront by using your intellectual powers and the power of a better argument, by standing your ground, by keeping your centre, by never transgressing so they cannot attack. Ultimately, the trick is to absorb and redirect their energy. You use their own power against themselves."

-- Nancy Hollander

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Do Something and Change Something

 "If you put your head on a pillow late at night and think it hasn’t been a good day, wake up next day and change something. It might be your ideas or attitude, it might be to leave a job or husband. It could be anything, but change something. Don’t just drag on a set of circumstances which just aren’t falling into the right places. You’ve got to listen to and then act on that inner spark."

-- Joan Bakewell

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Do It Because You Love To

 "There is such a large amount of luck needed to get your moment, so you have to be in acting for the right reasons: do it because you love the thing, the process, because you’ll enjoy doing a no-pay play in a room above a pub. You have to be happy doing it that way, because what happens otherwise if you don’t get your break?"

-- Jude Law

Monday, November 09, 2020

Make The Best of Whatever You Have

 "I told you, you have to make the best of whatever you have. The only thing I had was that piece of bread, so I hid the gold every night in that and they never spotted it. I was cleverer than them.  Make always the best from what you have, no matter how little it is."

-- Lily Ebert

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Listen and Find Your Rhythm of Your Life

 "You have to develop a well-stretched ear and listen. The more you listen for the rhythm of your life, the more you will hear it. Find your rhythm. Live your life to its beat."

-- Mickey Hart

Saturday, November 07, 2020

Be Your Authentic True Self in Every Moment

"Do not let others define you and your life. Do not be defined by other people’s expectations of you. Do not be defined by time, either by what you’ve done up to this point, as that is the past, or by your ambitions, as that is the future. Tune into yourself and define yourself by being your authentic true self in every given moment. Find out what things feel good for your soul and do that. That’s your freedom that you have. And it gives you the ballast to resist a world that’s trying to manipulate or categorise you in some way."

-- Nitin Sawhney

Friday, November 06, 2020

Be Focused on Your Desire Road

 "He was very focused. If he said he was going somewhere – it didn’t matter what was on that road – he went there. He lived authentically, and true to himself – that’s what I admire about my dad."

-- Dr Maki Mandela

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Work and Play Are Precious

 "People talk about work and play as if they are separate things, with one being there to compensate for the other, but all of it is life, all of it is precious. Don’t waste any of it doing something you don’t want to do. And do all of it with the people you love."

-- Sir Richard Branson

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Whatever It Is Be Bold

 "Be bold. If you’re bold you might right royally screw up, but you can also achieve much more, so be bold. You’ve only got your own reputation to lose and that’s not important. It’s much better to strive for something that seems impossible, that’s quite nuts on some level. So be bold, whatever it is. Even if you work on a customer help desk somewhere, ask yourself how can I be bold? Find those small moments of boldness because they are everywhere."

-- Baroness Martha Lane Fox

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Nothing Good for Being Negative

 "If I was passing on anything, I would say, for goodness sake, look for the pluses in life. Being negative completely erodes everything. If something bad happens, I always say cancel and continue and get back on track. There’s no good being negative, I don’t believe in negativity."

-- Dame Judi Dench

Monday, November 02, 2020

Look Forward Instead and Crack On

 "At the end of the day I think the most important thing is don’t look back on what has happened. Instead look forward to what you can do. Just crack on."

-- Corporal Andy Reid

Sunday, November 01, 2020

The Toughest Journeys To His Strongest Soldiers

 "Confidence and happiness are not luck or something only other people can have, they are decisions you make that involve hard work, commitment and believing that you actually deserve it. There are no barriers to stop you getting them. And if for whatever reason you ever feel in despair, it is worth remembering God gives his toughest journeys to his strongest soldiers."

-- Katie Piper

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Do Something That You Love

 "Well, to get anywhere, you’ve got to work hard, so that means you’ve got to do something that you love. Who wants a life where you turn up each day to do something you don’t like? But most importantly, make sure you actually then get up and do it. There is always someone else who can do what you can do, so you’ve got to make sure you do it first, before the other guy does. You have to get up early every morning and get to it."

-- Mike Bloomberg


Friday, October 30, 2020

To Move Forward You Got To Take The Unknown Journey

 "Today 100 per cent is not enough. Give 100 per cent, and then go over this border into what is more than you can do. You have to take the unknown journey to where nobody has ever been, because that is how civilisation moves forwards. 100 per cent is not enough. 150 per cent is just good enough."

-- Marina Abramovic

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Three Things To Success

 "I’ve thought about this, and my advice for success comes down to three things: Be Curious, Show Up, Stay In Touch. You have to Keep Reading, Listening, Talking, Thinking, Finding Out How People Think, What They Do. And chase down anything that seems interesting"

–- Ari Emanuel

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Be a Successful Good Listener

 "My best advice is listen, listen rather than talk. I was never bright in school, but I was a very good listener, and I still am. I have a better life because of it. When I meet people, I’m curious about their story, about how they did what they did. Along the way you meet people smarter than you and they teach you what you don’t already know. So I listen to them, take away my little titbits, and off I go …"

-- Simon Cowell

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Find That Deeper Purpose in Your Life

 "There will be “Ah ha!” moments in life when a light might go on, when you think to yourself, “I MUST do that” – whatever it is. It’s not because someone says you should do it, but it’s because you feel absolutely compelled to and there would be something wrong with the world if you didn’t. If you find that light – acknowledge it. Find other people who share that passion. Cultivate it. Find that deeper purpose in your life."

-- Annie Lennox

Monday, October 26, 2020

Start Focusing on How To Become Mentally Strong

 "Believing that you shouldn’t have to work as hard or shouldn’t have to go through the same process as everyone else because you’re the exception to the rule isn’t healthy. But you can learn how to stop complaining about not getting what you deserve and start focusing on how to become mentally strong enough that you’ll no longer feel entitled."

-- Amy Morin

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Stretch Yourself and Experiments Life

 "If you haven’t made any mistakes then you may not have been taking risks to try new approaches or do things differently. Stretch yourself and look for ways to do “experiments” that may result in mistakes so that you can learn from them."

-- Deborah Olson

Saturday, October 24, 2020

If You Do Not Set a Definite Objective You Will Get Nowhere

 "A set definite objective must be established if we are to accomplish anything in a big way.  You may have no definite plan in life except the fact that you want to get ahead. All the desire in the world will get you nowhere; what is necessary to do first is to establish a set definite objective firmly within."

-- John McDonald

Friday, October 23, 2020

Keep Firing Your Will Power

 "Our life and legend hinge on our ability to keep marching on, to keep firing our will over the long term. Just one more heavy step toward our dreams often awakens the desire to follow it with another. And so the answer becomes clear when people ask, “What is the ultimate secret to lifelong motivation?” Continuing on—no matter what."

-- Brendon Burchard

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Decide Exactly What You Want

 "Decide exactly what you want. Be specific. Don’t make the mistake of saying things like, “I want to be rich. I want to be happier. I want to be healthy. I want to travel.” These are not goals. These are wishes, illusions, and fantasies. A goal is something that is clear and specific."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Many Benefits of Doing Meditation

 "Meditation has been linked to a variety of emotional benefits, including helping those who practice to reduce negative emotions and to gain a new perspective on stressful situations. Some studies report meditation decreases anxiety and depression. Not to mention the spiritual benefit."

-- Amy Morin

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

How Not To Get Stuck in Life

 "If you think that you’re a loser because you didn’t get math, the girl, or the job, you’re probably going to have an even harder time making a go of it next time. If there’s a next time. But if you can flip the idea of rejection on its head and turn it into a chance to improve your algebra or your pickup lines, then you aren’t stuck at the bottom of the heap but at the beginning of a long, optimistic hike up the mountain."

-- Bobby Bones

Monday, October 19, 2020

Expect Delays and Detours Toward Success

 "Carefully planning your way to success is a sure way to achieve your goals, and that approach should never be underestimated. Just remember that you need to be patient and persevering and to know that there can be delays and detours along the way."

-- Donald Trump

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Never Let The Downs Drag You Down

 "Don’t let the downs drag you down. Face them philosophically. Just say to yourself, “Ah, this is one of those downs I knew would crop up at some point,” and deal with it. Yes it’s a pain, but no, it doesn’t have to ruin all your plans."

-- Richard Templar

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Never Attempt to Pursue Success Alone

 "I don’t think anybody achieves anything as an individual. You’re always going to need support from someone else. Whatever you pursue, you don’t want to attempt to go it alone."

-- Bob Bowman

Friday, October 16, 2020

You Need Time Out For Yourself Only

 "Creating time to be alone with your thoughts can be a powerful experience, instrumental in helping you reach your goals.  Mental strength requires you to take time out from the busyness of daily life to focus on growth."

-- Amy Morin

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

When You Look Back at Your Life

 “Will you look back on life and say, ‘I wish I had’ or ‘I’m glad I did?’” Following these success principles will make it possible for you to look back one day and say, “I’m glad I did.” You do have a choice."

-- Zig Ziglar

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Worry Only About What You Need To Do

 "You dictate how hard you work on a project, when you will study for an exam, how dedicated you’ll be to a diet. You don’t worry about how much others are training or how much studying a fellow classmate is doing; you worry about you, your effort, and what you need to do in order to achieve your vision."

-- Bob Bowman

Monday, October 12, 2020

The Magic of Staying in The Day

 "The magic of staying in the day is that there is only so much that can happen in a day—and when we accept, and then accomplish what the day offers, we will find that, before we know it, we have moved further than we might have ever imagined."

-- Julia Cameron

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sustained and Enlarged Your Motivation

 "We cannot feel sustained energy or commitment for completing a journey if we have never taken the first step. The triathlete must have ambition but he must also begin to train. He must sign up for the race, begin running farther, train harder, stretch his comfort zones, work for his dream of crossing that finish line. From those efforts, his motivation will be sustained and enlarged."

-- Brendon Burchard

Saturday, October 10, 2020

With Each Failure You Become Better

 "Understanding that you will be okay, even if you fail repeatedly, offers much peace and contentment in life. You’ll no longer worry about being the best or feeling like you have to achieve the most to be appreciated. Instead, you can rest assured that with each failure, you’re becoming better."

-- Amy Morin

Friday, October 09, 2020

With Each Failure You have Become Better

 "Understanding that you will be okay, even if you fail repeatedly, offers much peace and contentment in life. You’ll no longer worry about being the best or feeling like you have to achieve the most to be appreciated. Instead, you can rest assured that with each failure, you’re becoming better."

-- Amy Morin

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Purposeful Action is the Key to Great Success

 "Purposeful action is the starting point of all great success. The more you engage in systematic, planned action toward your predetermined goals and objectives, the more rapidly you accomplish the things you want."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

The Resilience to Bounce Back

 "As long as we can find the resilience to bounce back from defeat and the consciousness to learn from it, we can achieve “success.”"

-- Bobby Bones

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

So Be An Artist of Your Best Self

 "So when I say I view my work as an art form, you can bet that I’m as meticulous as any artist is about their materials and the desired result. If you will do the same, I think you’ll surprise yourself at how high your standards will become. Don’t sell yourself short. Life is an art, business is an art, so be an artist and best yourself."

-- Donald Trump

Monday, October 05, 2020

Self Belief Will Drive You To Succeed

 "If you believe that you deserve this, are capable of it, can achieve it—whether it’s making enough money to buy a house, patching up your relationship, owning a Ferrari, or becoming a less anxious person —then you’ll make it happen. That self belief will drive you to succeed where you’d have had no chance if you were expecting to fail. Your level of self-belief isn’t just about motivation, it will actually change the outcome. And you’d better believe it."

-- Richard Templar

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Build Character by Challenging You

 "Failure can build character by challenging you in new ways. It can help you identify areas in your life that need work as well as hidden strengths you’ve never before recognized."

-- Amy Morin

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Gradually Expand Your Full Capacity

 "The wise thing to do is to grow to it as marathon runners do, by first running a mile, then two miles, then three, gradually expanding their capacity to eventually cover the full distance."

-- John McDonald

Friday, October 02, 2020

Work With All The Strength At Your Command

 "Try as hard as you wish, and you cannot be happy unless you believe in yourself! Work with all the strength at your command, and you cannot accumulate more than barely enough to live on unless you believe in yourself!"

-- Napoleon Hill

Thursday, October 01, 2020

The Mindset To Move On is Very Important

 "What I tell my athletes is this: “Don’t be so hard on yourselves. If a practice—or even a race—doesn’t go right, move on.  Let it go.”"

-- Bob Bowman

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Only The Day We Are In Can Be Lived

 "The past is finished; the future is not yet here. Only the day that we are in can be lived. Each day well lived is a thing of beauty, giving us a more satisfying past and more promising future."

-- Julia Cameron

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

You Can Do Better The Next Time

 "Just like you need to learn from mistakes to avoid repeating them, you need to learn from failure so you can do better the next time. Sometimes that means improving your skills; at other times, that may mean looking for opportunities where your skills may be appreciated." 

-- Amy Morin

Monday, September 28, 2020

Don't Let Your Attention Drift Away

 "We mustn’t let our dreams die in the daylight because we lose focus while responding to the world’s lame interests or false emergencies. We mustn’t take our eyes off our own goals, as we dispatch mundane tasks of the day or await the “right time” to begin what we truly want to do. When we allow our attention to drift from our dreams and into the vast sea of unawareness, our motivation is dragged along behind it."

-- Brendon Burchard

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Things We Worry About Never Come To Pass

 "Remember that FEAR stands for False Experiences Appearing Real. The fear of failure is not based on reality, but on imagination. Fully 99 percent of the things we worry about never come to pass. Fear is a belief, and as William James of Harvard said, “Belief creates the actual fact.”"

-- Brian Tracy

Friday, September 25, 2020

Pick Yourself Up and Get Right Back To The Chase

 "There is no genius in effort. There is no genius in fortitude. I’ve found that the most successful self-made people are those who are great at chasing an idea hard, screwing it up, learning from it, and getting right back into the chase. It’s about keeping up the hustle. I love the hustle."

-- Bobby Bones

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Never Be Afraid of Being Unique

 "Compete with yourself to be the best you can be. That’s the mindset of entrepreneurs—they know that competing with others might possibly lower their own standards. That may sound tough, but it’s the truth. You have to have your own vision and stick with it. Picasso definitely had his own way of seeing things that certainly worked to his advantage, artistically and financially. Don’t be afraid of being unique. It’s like being afraid of your best self."

-- Donald Trump

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Focus on What You Can Learn From The Experience

 "Focus on your efforts instead of the outcome. When you’re trying to complete a difficult task, focus on what you could gain from the challenge. Can you learn something new? Can you improve your skills even if you aren’t initially successful? By thinking about what you can learn from the experience, you’ll be more likely to accept that failure is part of the process."

-- Amy Morin

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Positive Thinking Not Only for Positive People

 "Remind yourself of all the times you—and others—have got what they want despite obstacles and challenges, and list all the reasons why you should succeed. Positive thinking isn’t something that only positive people can do. It’s quite the other way around. Positive people are so because they choose to think positive thoughts."

-- -- Richard Templar

Monday, September 21, 2020

When Something is Really Worth Doing

 "True success is waking up motivated by doing what you love and not having an impact simply on yourself, but the world around you. Honestly, I don’t think something is really worth doing if it doesn’t in some way help someone else."

-- Sten Morgan

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Transfer Your Life Force To Your Desire

 "When you set your mind on anything, whether it be small or large, tangible or intangible — a pencil, a hat, an automobile, a home, great riches, and education, a profession, or travel — you transfer a portion of your life force to that thing, otherwise it could not be drawn to you. And you continue to nourish it as long as you hold it in mind, and the intensity of your desire governs the power with which the force is directed."

-- John McDonald

Saturday, September 19, 2020

When You Hit Against a Wall in Pursuing a Long-Term Dream

 "Anyone pursuing a long-term dream will eventually hit a wall. The chase is long and it can eat you up. When that happens, you must look for help from the “like-minded.” People who can appreciate the challenges you’re enduring."

-- Bob Bowman

Friday, September 18, 2020

Spend Time Thinking About Your Beliefs Surrounding Failure

 "Don’t allow inaccurate beliefs about your abilities to hold you back from becoming successful. Spend some time thinking about your beliefs surrounding failure. Look at your path to success as a marathon and not a sprint. Accept that failure is part of the process that helps you learn and grow."

-- Amy Morin

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Spend Time with People that Support Your Goals

"If you are spending time with the wrong people, then you need to stop spending time with them. Instead, start spending time with people that support your goals."

-- Kallen Diggs

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Process To Spark Our Own Motivation

"So let us focus our minds on seeing our dreams come true, and on seeing ourselves make it happen. Let us sit down tonight and think of what more would bring joy and fulfillment into our lives. Let us journal about it and dream about it. Let us imagine ourselves doing great things with boldness and fire and commitment. This is visualization and internalization—a process of weaving expectancy deep into our psyche and the fabric of our being.This is the process of sparking our own motivation."  

-- Brendon Burchard

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

No Real Limits Except The Limits You Place

"The truth is that you can do anything that you put your mind to, if only you want it hard enough. There are no real limits except the limits you place on your own thinking. It is only self-limiting beliefs, which are largely under your control, that hold you back."

-- Brian Tracy

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Pattern of People Who Make It

"The pattern is real; the people who make it are the ones who don’t quit. They are borderline crazy about what they are trying to achieve. They fail. But they don’t quit."

-- Bobby Bones

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Grit is a Better Predictor of Success

"Grit is a better predictor of success than IQ. Clearly, not everyone with a high IQ reaches a high level of achievement. In fact, a person’s IQ isn’t a very good predictor of whether he or she will become successful. Grit, defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals, has been shown to be a much more accurate predictor of achievement than IQ."

-- Amy Morin

Friday, September 11, 2020

Make An Effort To Exert Yourself

"Champions go the extra mile. We all know when we’ve done just enough and when we’ve really exerted ourselves. Make an effort to exert yourself—every day. Don’t fail because you never allowed yourself to get started! Don’t avoid success because you think the responsibility might be too much—just focus and get going! You’d be surprised at what intelligent effort can produce."

-- Donald Trump

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Get Yourself Into The Right Frame of Mind

"It’s important to get yourself into the right frame of mind. A positive frame of mind. Don’t give yourself permission to be pessimistic about the outcome. Don’t allow yourself to go through scenarios in your mind that involve you failing at this, or being too late for that, or just missing out, or being told you haven’t earned/won/got what you want. As soon as your mind starts to head that way, be firm. Tell yourself, “No.” That kind of thinking is forbidden, banned, verboten."

-- Richard Templar

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Take Something From Failure

"Failure is part of the Method. Sometimes it comes in waves; sometimes it catches you by surprise. But whenever it hits, understand that it is part of your pursuit. Take something from failure and use it to move your vision along."

-- Bob Bowman

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Note Your Feeling of Satisfaction

"Accomplishing a small goal primes the pump and inspires us to set another. Choose one small goal that you can accomplish today. Name and accomplish it. Note your feeling of satisfaction. Does another, larger goal now wink at you? Do you wink back, ready to take it on?"

-- Julia Cameron

Monday, September 07, 2020

Those Who Lack Natural Talent Can Gain World Class Achievement

"Research studies have found that after ten years of daily practice, people can surpass others with natural talent in chess, sports, music, and the visual arts. After twenty years of dedicated practice, many people who lack natural talent can gain world-class achievement."

-- Amy Morin

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Persistently Hold On To Your Goal

"When you persistently hold to your goal, and keep absolutely airtight secretiveness, the Outer Mind finds no escape for its increasing energy, and in desperation it plunges through, like the overload of steam through the safety valve of a boiler, and your objective is reached."

-- John McDonald

Saturday, September 05, 2020

Not Abilities It Is Our Choices

"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices."

-— J.K. Rowling

Friday, September 04, 2020

The Secret To Stoking Ambition

"So we must go within and ask: “What do I want for myself? What new goal would be meaningful to me? What am I excited about learning or giving? What great new adventure do I dream of? What grand pursuit or act of service will be satisfying to me and get me out of the bed each morning?” Such questions are the secret to stoking ambition, and thus motivation."

-- Brendon Burchard

Thursday, September 03, 2020

I Can Do Anything I Put My Mind To

"Practice autosuggestion. Speak positively to yourself every day. Say the words, “I can do it! I can do anything I put my mind to,” until it becomes your new reality."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

If You Refuse To Try Again

"If you refuse to try again after you fail once, it’s likely you have developed some inaccurate or unproductive beliefs about failure. Those beliefs influence the way you think, feel, and behave toward failure."

-- Amy Morin

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

If You Want Something Bad Enough

"I believe with all my heart that if you want something bad enough, with the right life choices and work ethic, you can get it."

-- Bobby Bones

Monday, August 31, 2020

Remember To Think Big

"Take my advice and never be a know-it all. First of all, it’s impossible to know everything, and second of all, it’s just no fun—for you or anyone else. And third, you will be missing out on some great adventures. So remember to think big by expanding your horizons at the same time you’re expanding your net worth. That’s what significant success is about."

-- Donald Trump

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Don't Take No For An Answer

"Want to know why some people always seem to get what they want? It’s because they don’t sit around making excuses and hoping it will just manifest out of thin air while they’re waiting. They do it despite all the obstacles that could deter them. They get their heads down, and they don’t take no for an answer."

-- Richard Templar

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Expect Stuff to Happen Differently

"Expect stuff to happen. That way, you’ll be ready to react to it—with a new Game Plan, a new set of short-term goals, and a renewed effort to get you to where you ultimately want to go."

-- Bob Bowman

Friday, August 28, 2020

Don't Reinforce That Failure is Bad

"Giving up after the first failure can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Each time you quit, you reinforce the idea that failure is bad, which in turn will prevent you from trying again; thus your fear of failure inhibits your ability to learn."

-- Amy Morin

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Need To Set New Goals for Ourselves

"We need to set new goals for ourselves. In accomplishing them, we will find a renewed sense of vigor. It is really as simple as taking pen in hand and listing categories in which we can set these goals. Our categories can be simple: spirituality, friendships, creativity, physicality."

-- Julia Cameron

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

You Can Choose What To Think

"Remember, you can choose to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success instead of ways that don’t."

-- T Harv Eker

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Eliminate Irrelevant Noise To Your Job

"Think like a great swimmer: Aim for a quality effort by focusing on the job, what’s relevant to doing your job, and eliminating the noise that is irrelevant to the job. Remove the chaos.”"

-- Bob Bowman

Monday, August 24, 2020

Thoughts and Emotions Can Be Chosen

"When we understand that thoughts and emotions can be chosen, then we finally realize that we err in saying, “I don’t feel happy” or “I feel sad and there is nothing I can do about it.” Since we have some choice in how we feel at any given moment, the more accurate statements would be “I am not using my mind right now to generate a feeling of happiness” or “I have been choosing to focus on sad things for a while and that has created this feeling of sadness” or “I am allowing my unconscious impulses to direct me now rather than using my consciousness to feel positive and design my ideal reality.”

-- Brendon Burchard

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Failure is Just The Beginning

"Failure doesn’t have to be the end. In fact, most successful people treat failure as just the beginning of a long journey to success."

-- Amy Morin

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Make a Habit To Practice Honesty and Intergrity

"Make it a habit to practice honesty and integrity in everything you do. Without integrity, nothing else is possible. Lack of integrity in a single area is often the fatal flaw that holds people back for their entire lives."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Luck and Hard Work

"However, I believe in the expression “The harder you work, the luckier you get.” The only thing you can control is how hard you work— and how often you show up, even after you’ve been rejected."

-- Bobby Bones

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Folly To Measure Success in Money or Fame

"It’s folly to measure your success in money or fame. Success is measured only by your ability to say yes to these two questions: Did I do the work I needed to do? Did I give it everything I had?"

-- Cheryl Strayed

Sunday, August 16, 2020

When You Avoid Failure You Also Avoid Success

"Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success."

-- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Every Success Path is Different

"Write down your definition of success. When you’re tempted to resent other individuals who are working toward their own definitions of success, remind yourself of your definition. Everyone’s path to success is different and it’s important to recognize that your journey is unique."

-- Amy Morin

Friday, August 14, 2020

First Step is To Take Time to Read and Learn

"There are many roads to wisdom and many wonderful books to educate us on our way. I’m sure you’ll discover your own favorites, but the first step is to take the time to read and learn in the first place. In the long term, this will save you time because you will be learning from people who have already been faced with serious issues and who have been victorious."

-- Donald Trump

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Take Some Detailed Thoughts and Planning

"Anything worth having is going to take some detailed thought and planning and preparing and ground work laying. If it’s not down in writing you risk leaving out something vital that slows you down or even stops you in your tracks."

-- Richard Templar

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Take Action Then Take More Actions

"Taking action—and then taking more actions—is the key to our progress. It’s easy to forget the simple fact that when we are working on our project, our project is in motion. Our project is alive. It is up to us to nurture and sustain it."

-- Julia Cameron

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Don't Waste Time on Hatred

"Time spent in hatred not only is wasted, but it smothers the only worthwhile emotions of the human heart, and renders a person useless for constructive work. Thoughts of hatred do not harm anyone except the person who indulges in them."

-- Napoleon Hill

Monday, August 10, 2020

How To Compare Against Yourself

"Comparing yourself to others is like comparing apples and oranges. You have your own set of unique talents, skills, and life experiences, so comparing yourself to other people isn’t an accurate way to measure your self-worth. Instead, compare yourself to who you used to be and measure how you’re growing as an individual."

-- Amy Morin

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Each Day Put in A Little Extra Effort

"I tell my swimmers that each time they put in a little extra effort during practice they’re making a deposit in their vision account. That account works like a savings account: The more you put in, the more your talent or skill will grow."

-- Bob Bowman

Saturday, August 08, 2020

Our Faith and Optimism Grow with Every Positive Action

"As we act in the direction of our dreams, we are given strength and courage. The first brush stroke leads to the second.  The first word leads to the next. Our capacity to create is tied to our capacity for the faith and optimism it takes to begin. Our faith and optimism grow with every positive action, however small."

-- Julia Cameron

Friday, August 07, 2020

Use Your Minds in a Purposeful Way

 "People who are motivated are not lucky. They are conscientious. They choose to use their minds in a more purposeful way in order to energize and lift their lives. And for that they tend to achieve more and gain more respect."

-- Brendon Burchard

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Do Work That You Care

"Perhaps the most important word is caring. If you really care about your work, it’s probably the work that you were meant to do. If you don’t care about your work, you would be in effect living a lie. If you do not feel fully engaged with your work, it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with your job. It is just that this job is wrong for you. And you will never be successful doing something that you don’t care about."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Focus on Sharpening Your Own Skills

"The more time you spend wishing you could do what someone else does, the less time you’ll focus on sharpening your own skills. Wishing that other people lacked talent won’t improve your talent."

-- Amy Morin

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Learn As Much During The Process

"Learn from your mistakes while you are making them. Knowing that whatever I’m doing is likely not going to work out, I try to learn as much during the process as I possibly can."

-- Bobby Bones

Monday, August 03, 2020

Forward is The Direction of Real Life

"We all get stuck in place on occasion. We all move backward sometimes. Every day we must make the decision to move in the direction of our intentions. Forward is the direction of real life."

-- Cheryl Strayed

Saturday, August 01, 2020

You Have To Get There Yourself

"I realize now when I can assess a situation quickly that it’s a result of wisdom I’ve gained through a variety of experiences. It’s a bit like being able to trust your instincts because you’ve had a good record of successes. It’s very hard for me to just give you this wisdom—you have to get there yourself. But these pointers were helpful to me as a student, and they are worth thinking about."

-- Donald Trump

Friday, July 31, 2020

Stop Poisoning Yourself

"Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."

-- Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Biggest Keys to Reach Full Potential

"There are usually many different ways to solve a particular problem. If your current method hasn’t been successful, be open to trying something new. Learning from each mistake requires self-awareness and humility, but it can be one of the biggest keys to reaching your full potential."

-- Amy Morin

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Power of Positive Thought is Huge

"The power of positive thought is huge. Just by consciously acknowledging your achievements along the way, you’ll feel more successful. And that, in turn, will make your future challenges seem more achievable. So it really is important to celebrate. Some celebrations may be private and others may be very public—I don’t care how you do it so long as you realize how well you’ve done."

-- Richard Templar

Monday, July 27, 2020

What You Do With What Happens

"It is not what happens to you that determines how far you go in life; it is what you do with what happens to you."

-- Zig Ziglar

Sunday, July 26, 2020

When You Are Face with Pressure Situation

"When you face a pressure situation, stay true to yourself and your plan. Remain in the present and do what you have worked weeks and months to perfect. If you follow this prescription, the desired results should come."

-- Bob Bowman

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Take The First Step and Gain Self Esteem

"It is true that when we take a step, we then desire to take another step, then another. When we move into action, we gain self-esteem."

-- Julia Cameron

Friday, July 24, 2020

Share Your Mistakes Help Prevent One in Future

"When you view mistakes not as something negative but instead as an opportunity to improve yourself, you’ll be able to devote time and energy into making sure you don’t repeat them. In fact, mentally strong people are often willing to share their mistakes with other people in an effort to help prevent them from making the same mistakes."

-- Amy Morin

Thursday, July 23, 2020

You Can Choose To Be A Winner

"People who choose to see themselves as winners get the prizes in life. You can choose to be a winner and get the prizes, too."

-- Natalie Reid

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Motivated People Seize The Truth

"Motivated people seize this truth. The great artists, leaders, and innovators use the entire force of their reasoning faculties to become their highest selves and do their highest good. They express who they truly are and pursue goals they find meaningful. They strategically contemplate their direction and values; they weigh what will give them the greatest sense of vibrancy and fulfillment in every major decision."

-- Brendon Burchard

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Each Step You Take Toward Your Goal

"Optimists think about what they want and how to get it. They think about their goals and the specific steps that they can take each day and each hour to move themselves in the direction of their goals. Each step you take toward a goal that is important to you makes you feel positive, powerful, and more optimistic."

-- Brian Tracy

Monday, July 20, 2020

Pay Attention To All The Steps You Take

"Pay attention to all the steps you take toward your goal. In order to learn from your mistakes, you have to remember what you actually did in the process! This sounds kind of obvious, but most of us are so obsessed with the finished product, we completely ignore how we got there. Leave a trail of mental bread crumbs along the path of your endeavor (taking notes or keeping a very short daily journal on your phone helps), so that when the whole thing is over you can trace your path backward to the beginning."

-- Bobby Bones

Friday, July 17, 2020

Developing A Good Plan

"No matter what type of mistakes you’re trying to avoid, the key to success lies in developing a good plan. Developing a written plan increases the likelihood that you’ll follow through with it."

-- Amy Morin

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Healing is Entirely Up To You

"Nobody will protect you from your suffering. You can’t cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or walk it away or punch it away or even therapy it away. It’s just there, and you have to survive it. You have to endure it. You have to live through it and love it and move on and be better for it and run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal. Therapists and friends can help you along the way, but the healing— the genuine healing, the actual real-deal, down-on-your-knees-in-the-mud change—is entirely and absolutely up to you."

-- Cheryl Strayed

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Do Something versus Doing Nothing

"One of the worst fears we can have is the fear to attempt something. That can leave you feeling bereft for no particular reason except that maybe you will have missed your purpose. There is always the possibility of failure, but there is a greater chance of success if you actually try to do something versus doing nothing. I wasn’t sure I’d be a success on the radio, but I went for it and my program on Clear Channel was a big hit. But I had to take the chance first to find out."

-- Donald Trump

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Important of Milestones

"Milestones are important for two reasons. For one thing they help you to get organized so that you can launch your plan more effectively. And for another thing they ensure you stay on track and keep pointing toward your destination."

-- Richard Templar

Monday, July 13, 2020

The Still Small Voice Within You

“Trust yourself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.” Listen to what is called the “still, small voice” within you. The starting point of true greatness in human life is when you begin listening to that voice, when you begin trusting your intuition and going with the flow of what it tells you to do."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Acknowledge The Factors That Led Up To The Misstep

"If you want to avoid repeating a mistake, spend some time studying it. Set any negative feelings you might have aside, acknowledge the factors that led up to your misstep, and learn from it. Look for an explanation without making an excuse."

-- Amy Morin

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Push Beyond Old Marks and On To New Ones

"More important, it reminds him that to push forward in life—whether in pursuit of a record-setting time or in search of a new career path—he needs to push beyond old marks and on to new ones. And when he does, and when he has achieved success, he will have earned it. He will deserve it."

-- Bob Bowman

Friday, July 10, 2020

What Small Amount of Action Can Do To You

"The key to any sustained program lies in doing it one day at a time. Rather than create grandiose goals beyond our reach, it behooves us to commit to one discrete, feasible action. What small amount of exercise could you do, just for today? Do that thing."

-- Julia Cameron

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Choose One Area of Life

"You can only be the best at one thing at a time. Choose one area of life to optimize for top-level success and focus on it ruthlessly."

-- Sten Morgan

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

When Enlightenment Comes

"Enlightenment comes when we realize happiness is a choice, sadness is a choice, anger is a choice, love is a choice. Every state, emotion, and mood available to Man can be generated at will in our mind. This realization is one of the most obvious guideposts on the path from adolescence to adulthood, from immaturity to maturity, from terror in life to transcendence."

-- Brendon Burchard

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Do Solve A Problem Doing The Same Thing

"The problem won’t get solved. It’s a vicious cycle. When you repeat a mistake, the problem perpetuates and you’re more likely to just keep doing the same thing. You’ll never be able to solve a problem until you do something differently."

-- Amy Morin

Monday, July 06, 2020

Be Selective on Your Expertise

"You only have so much cognitive energy.  Be selective about what you choose to become expert as you don't want to be typecast as an expert in areas you do not want to spend time on."

-- Barbara Oakley

Sunday, July 05, 2020

Automatically Block Out Negative Thoughts

"Here is an important point. Your conscious mind can hold hundreds of thoughts in a row, but it can only hold one thought at a time, either positive or negative. If you deliberately fill your mind with a positive thought about a goal you want to achieve and the specific actions you can take to achieve it, you automatically block out negative thoughts."

-- Brian Tracy

Friday, July 03, 2020

When Looking Back At Failure

"Look three failures back instead of at your last one. Time and space give you more clarity on solutions. The further we’re removed from conflicts, the smarter we are about them. Working on failures from the past will help you with those in the present—without your even needing to try. Sometimes we also notice, when looking back, that the failure wasn’t as significant as we thought at the time."

-- Bobby Bones

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Learn How To Motivate Yourself Daily

"Likewise, no matter how motivated you are, the world can be a negative place. Things don’t go your way. You get criticized. You get ‘dirty’ again. So you have to learn how to motivate yourself every day, just like washing.”

-- Adam Khoo

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Be Positive Time To Upgrade Your Skills

"Three years ago I had difficulties finding freelance IT assignments. I realized this was actually a positive. It meant it was time to upgrade my skills—to both broaden and deepen what I know. Today, I’m over fifty and have no issues finding work—contrary to most people my age.

-- Ronny De Winter
freelance software engineer, Belgium

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Create Goals That Make You Stretch

“If you want to be exceptional,” the instructor said, “you have to set goals that you cannot achieve with your current level of capability. You need goals that will make you stretch.”

-- Barbara Oakley

Monday, June 29, 2020

We Are Responsible for Our Own Lives

"We do not have the right to feel helpless. We must help ourselves. After destiny has delivered what it delivers, we are responsible for our lives."

-- Cheryl Strayed

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Doing Things To Build Up Experience and Stamina

"Sometimes we do things to build up experience and stamina to prepare us, but it’s to prepare us for something bigger. Always know you could be on the precipice of something great—that’s being connected to your higher self. It’s also a good way to keep those negative thoughts far away."

-- Donald Trump

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Heal Your Emotions and Move Forward

"If you spend all your time looking in the rearview mirror, you can’t look out the windshield. Staying stuck in the past will prevent you from enjoying the future. Recognize times when you’re dwelling on the past and take the steps necessary to heal your emotions so you can move forward."

-- Amy Morin

Friday, June 26, 2020

Treat Every Steps Seriously

"Sometimes what you want should be achievable in a fairly short time. But other aspirations are too big to take a blind jump at. You need to break them into manageable steps. And the important thing is to treat every one of those steps seriously—think each one through as carefully as you would if they were your eventual goal and not just a starting point."

-- Richard Templar

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Keep Moving and Learning

"Traditionally, careers have been stepping stones where you lingered at each step. Modern careers, however, are more like conveyor belts. You have to keep moving and learning no matter what stage you’re at."

-- Barbara Oakley

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Let The Wisdom You Gained Guide You

"My advice to you is this: Keep moving forward, like a swimmer with practiced strokes, and let the wisdom you’ve gained over time guide you. Your destination may be closer than you think."

-- Bob Bowman

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Feel A Lightness of Heart

"Humor naturally brings us perspective and a balm of hope. Not all of life needs to be taken so seriously. In our lives and in our daily writing, we come to feel a lightness of heart. Things aren’t nearly as bad as we at first think they are. In fact, they might not be bad at all."

-- Julia Cameron

Monday, June 22, 2020

The Whole Point of Living

"If you are trying to be someone that you’re not, you need to stop and question your motives. Why not become someone that you will be proud of? Isn’t that the whole point of living?"

-- Kallen Diggs

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Focus on The Lessons

"Focus on the lessons you learned. If you’ve endured hard times, focus on what you’ve learned from that experience.  Accept that it happened and think about how you may be a changed person because of it but realize that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Maybe you learned to speak up because you allowed yourself to be treated poorly, or perhaps you learned that you need to be honest if you want relationships to last. Some of the best life lessons can be learned from the toughest times you’ve endured."

-- Amy Morin

Friday, June 19, 2020

Getting a Workout for Your Brain

"Hobbies often bring valuable mental flexibility and insight.  If you're lucky, these insights can spill over and enhance your job.  But even if they don't, your brain can be getting a workout."

-- Barbara Oakley

Thursday, June 18, 2020

My Point of Success

"My point is this: Success in any endeavor is often dictated by how much quality time and effort you put into it."

-- Bob Bowman

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Mother of Motivation

"The mother of motivation is choice. Our mind chose a reason for action, and it either committed to that choice or it did not, and thus we experience a high level of motivation or a low one. In this truth we find our greatest personal power: the ability to take over our impulses and direct our minds to choices and commitments that will serve us."

-- Brendon Burchard

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Look for Valuable Lesson in Every Setback

"Look for the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. Every problem or obstacle you have contains a lesson of some kind, and often several lessons. While you’re looking for the lesson, asking what can be learned from this situation, your mind remains positive and you remain in complete control of your emotions."

-- Brian Tracy

Monday, June 15, 2020

Getting Used of The Storms in Life

"Storms are never good. They are never fun. They are never wanted. But you get used to dealing with them once you’ve been through a few. The result is, you begin to see that a storm doesn’t have to ruin your entire day. And even if it does ruin a day, it doesn’t ruin a week."

-- Bobby Bones

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Only Thing That Matters Right Now

"The best bit of advice his coach gave him was: “The past is the past. You can’t change that. What you can control is your attitude on the next shot. The only thing in the world that matters right now is the next shot.”"

-- Barbara Oakley

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Choosing To Forgive

"When you hold a grudge, those feelings of anger and resentment do nothing to lessen the other person’s life. Instead, harboring anger and resentment gives that person more power to interfere with your quality of life. Choosing to forgive allows you to take back your power, not just over your psychological health, but also over your physical health."

-- Amy Morin

Friday, June 12, 2020

Trust What You Have Learned

"Trust that all you’ve learned was worth learning, no matter what answer you have or do not have about what practical use it has in your life. Let whatever mysterious starlight that guided you this far guide you onward into the crazy beauty that awaits. When the path reveals itself, follow it."

-- Cheryl Strayed

Thursday, June 11, 2020

See Yourself as an Organization

"See yourself as an organization. Pay attention to every facet of your life. What’s strong? What’s weak? What’s missing? What can you do to make the big picture better? Whatever you do, don’t stagnate. Don’t become complacent. Don’t pretend that 50 percent is enough, whether you’re giving or receiving. Things move too quickly today to fall into that trap."

-- Donald Trump

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Work Out How To Get It

"Look, you have to put something in to get something out. A lot of the work may simply be a matter of thinking, or it might take months of long hard work. But however it might look from the outside, good things don’t just fall into people’s laps. Not very often anyway. If you want something you have to work out how to get it, and this is the first stage of that process."

-- Richard Templar

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The Best Version of You

"There will always be somebody out there who is better than you at something you want to do.  You must realize that you are on your own journey, on your own path and you are being the best version of your rather than a bad version of somebody else."

-- Barbara Oakley

Monday, June 08, 2020

The Most Positive Attitude

"When I walked into a room at a children’s hospital to find a six-year-old with incurable cancer and the most positive attitude, I couldn’t help thinking, And I’m worried that I didn’t have a nine share in the ratings this week? Yup, we’re all always learning. Or at least, we should be."

-- Bobby Bones

Sunday, June 07, 2020

You Have The Power in The Path of Life

"If you’ve spent most of your life feeling like a victim of your circumstances, it takes hard work to recognize that you have the power to choose your own path in life. The first step is to develop self-awareness by identifying when you blame external circumstances and other people for how you think, feel, and behave. Take a close look at the people you are devoting your time and energy toward. Are they the people you want to receive it? If not, you may be giving them more power than you think they deserve."

-- Amy Morin

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Friday, June 05, 2020

Discover Your Authentic Interests

"Taking the time and effort and care to discover our authentic interests, we move forward in the direction of our authentic dreams."

-- Julia Cameron

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Find A Way To Go Beyond

"Instead, the key idea, much like the central idea of this book, is that, whatever you think you are, you are actually bigger than that. You can find a way to go beyond. And you can often get started—or even complete an entire career transition—by reinventing yourself through the constantly updated world of online materials."

-- Barbara Oakley

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Other Highly Organized Minds

"No man can build a fortune such as that which Carnegie controlled without the use of other men’s brains. The amount which a single brain can produce, accumulate, and own, acting independently of other brains, is comparatively little, but the amount which one brain can accumulate and control when acting in harmony with other highly organized minds is practically unlimited."

-- Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

How To Put Failure and Disadvantage in Perspective

"It wasn’t until I started to help others that I realized how insignificant my struggles were. There’s nothing like getting involved in things much bigger than yourself to put failure and disadvantage in perspective."

-- Bobby Bones

Monday, June 01, 2020

Have a Strong Sense of Self-Worth

"Without confidence in who you are, your entire self-worth may depend on how others feel about you. What if you offend people? What if they don’t like you anymore? If you choose to put up healthy boundaries, you may receive some backlash. But if you have a strong enough sense of self-worth, you’ll learn that you can tolerate the repercussions."

-- Amy Morin

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Strength of Benevolent Words

"Benevolent words are not only restricted to verbal expressions.  Our eyes, facial expressions and body movements can unfold the strength of benevolent words, giving others warmth.  As you step out of your house and meet your neighbours and cleaners in the morning, just give a nod or a smile and everyone will have a joyful mood.  When someone has setbacks or worries, giving him encouragement and comfort can help him hurdle over his fears and difficult situations.  Always give benevolent words, this is gorgeous and delightful, and everyone would want to be near."

-- Buddha

Friday, May 29, 2020

Feel Better When You Are Alive

"Living a healthy lifestyle has become my hobby and my job. I live a healthy lifestyle, not because I want to live longer, but to feel better during the time I am alive."

-- Barbara Oakley

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Building Up Your Risk Tolerance

"To my mind, the magnitude of an achievement will be limited by your aversion to risk. Building up your risk tolerance is like building up your fitness. You have to start small, and you have to go through some pain, but once you get the feel for risk’s ebbs and flows, its highs and lows, you learn to appreciate it."

-- Bob Bowman

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Experience by Moving Forward

"Let us reawaken to a life unbounded, finding inspiration in the fact that humans throughout the millennia have learned to overcome their fears. They changed how they reacted to fearful impulses. They took a deep breath, contemplated whether or not their fears were rational, and visualized the growth they would experience by moving forward."

-- Brendon Burchard

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Feed Your Mind Continually

"Feed your mind continually with positive ideas and information. Read positive books and articles, information that helps you and improves your life and work. Listen to positive, educational audio programs on your smartphone, in your car, and whenever else you have a chance. Attend positive talks, seminars, and workshops where you learn valuable, constructive ideas that you can use to improve the quality of your life."

-- Brian Tracy

Monday, May 25, 2020

Don't Let Others Define Your Self Worth

"You let other people define your self worth. If you give others the power to determine your self-worth, you’ll never feel worthy enough. You’ll only be as good as someone else’s opinion of you and you will never be able to receive enough praise or positive feedback to meet your needs if you depend on others to feel good about yourself."

-- Amy Morin

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Stepping Back To Novice

"Many ordinary and extraordinary people have made fantastic changes in their lives by keeping themselves open to learning.  Learning something new sometimes means stepping back to novice level.  But it can be a thrilling adventure!"

-- Barbara Oakley

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Do Not Compare Yourself to Others

"Don’t compare yourself to others. It’s not helpful or accurate. You don’t know their Fight as well as you think you do."

-- Bobby Bones

Friday, May 22, 2020

You Get To Make Your Life

"What’s important is that you make the leap. Jump high and hard with intention and heart. Pay no mind to the vision that the committee made up. You get to make your life."

-- Cheryl Strayed

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thought Without Action

"Thought without action won’t amount to much in the long run. Those great ideas you have will remain great ideas unless you actively do something with them."

-- Donald Trump

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Create Short-Term Objectives

"You don’t have to wait until you reach your goal before you celebrate your accomplishments. Instead, create short-term objectives and celebrate when you reach each milestone. Even something as small as going out to dinner with family can help you acknowledge your progress along the way."

-- Amy Morin

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Do Something About It

"If you want something, you have to go for it. You don’t necessarily have to sacrifice everything (sometimes you do) but you do have to make a firm decision to take action. It’s no good saying you want to give up smoking if you just carry on lighting up and thinking how nice it would be if you could stop. Do something about it."

-- Richard Templar

Monday, May 18, 2020

Devote To Things Which You Can Control

"We can’t possibly make all our circumstances and all the people in our lives fit into the way we think things should be.  When you learn to let go of the details you can’t control, the amount of time and energy you’ll be able to devote to the things you can control will give you the ability to accomplish incredible feats."

-- Amy Morin

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Secret Ingredient To Success

"My secret ingredient to my success has been discipline discipline discipline. It’s not comfortable most of the time, and when it gets comfortable, that means it’s time to level up."

-- Bobby Bones

Friday, May 15, 2020

Make The Action Small

"If the antidote to fear is action, the way to take action—and to thus outsmart, outrun, or avoid our fear—is to make the action small enough, humble enough, that we are able to take it."

-- Julia Cameron

Thursday, May 14, 2020

You Just Have To Give It a Try

"We don’t always know if we will end up where we want to be, but we have to give it a try. Even before we do that, we have to fight for our light and keep fighting for it. Because there will always be people who say, ‘I don’t think that will work.’"

-- John Bird

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

You The One Who Can Use Your Ability

"You will make a lousy anybody else, but you are the best “you” in existence. You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility."

-- Zig Ziglar

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Gratitude Leads To More Positive Emotions

"People who feel gratitude don’t get sick as often as others. They have better immune systems and report fewer aches and pains. They have lower blood pressure and they exercise more often than the general population. They take better care of their health, sleep longer, and even report feeling more refreshed upon waking. Gratitude leads to more positive emotions. People who feel grateful experience more happiness, joy, and pleasure on a daily basis. They even feel more awake and energetic."

-- Amy Morin

Monday, May 11, 2020

Most Important Predictors of Success

"Ambition, grit, and endurance are the most important predictors of success—and anyone can possess those three qualities."

-- Bobby Bones

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Once The Storm is Over

"And once the storm is over You won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, that the storm is over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, You won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm is all about."

-- Haruki Murakami
A poem from his novel "Kafka on the Shore"

Saturday, May 09, 2020

All Life is an Experiment

"Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, May 08, 2020

Live Fully in The Present

"We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present."

-- Marianne Williamson

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Don't Let Events Determine You

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

-- Maya Angelou

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Where Start and Success Shrink

"Work, time, and luck come with achieving a goal. Just know that if you pursue your goal with a steady drumbeat, the length between start and success will continually shrink."

-- Bob Bowman

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

We Must Venture Forth

"When our dreams become vivid and enliven us, we must venture forth, with or without worried family and friends, even if it brings some sorrow and sacrifice. To allow other people’s anxieties to defeat our drive is to succumb to oppression."

-- Brendon Burchard

Monday, May 04, 2020

The Feelings of Self Pity

"Feelings of self-pity can lead to living a pitiful life. When you feel sorry for yourself, it’s unlikely you’ll perform at your best. As a result, you may experience more problems and increased failures, which will breed more feelings of self-pity."

-- Amy Morin

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Next Time I Will Do Better

"Always speak positively about yourself. Be careful never to say anything about yourself that you do not want to be true.  Never criticize yourself or put yourself down. If you make a mistake,  immediately cancel it by saying something like, “Next time I’ll do better.”"

-- Brian Tracy

Saturday, May 02, 2020

Record and Learn from Mistakes

"Learn from your mistakes. The more time you can put between yourself and them, the easier that is to do. In a lot of instances, we don’t have enough time to properly reflect. And that’s okay. Keeping a list will help you recall them later. It’s human to forget things we don’t want to remember. Sometimes looking back at a mistake from three mistakes ago helps the current situation."

-- Bobby Bones

Friday, May 01, 2020

Power or Fear Its Your Choice

"Every time I felt something horrible cohering in my imagination, I pushed it away. I simply did not let myself become afraid. Fear begets fear. Power begets power. I willed myself to beget power. And it wasn’t long before I actually wasn’t afraid."

-- Cheryl Strayed

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Complacency Ruin Your Chances for Success

"I’ve already spoken about complacency and how it can ruin your chances for success. It’s the same as being in a rut and deciding to stay there. That’s why I like to advise people to live on the edge—it’s the opposite of complacency, and the same as thinking on your feet."

-- Donald Trump

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Be Open To Possibilities

"You can’t always predict what’s going to come your way. But if you are open to possibility, and are willing to give things a try to see where it takes you, sometimes it will take you to a place you couldn’t have envisioned but that is perfect for you. It might be that you get something that is not exactly what you originally envisioned as your goal, but you can decide to want it having already gotten it."

-- Richard Templar

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

You Are The Cocreators of Lives

"Taking small steps in the direction of our loves gives us a feeling of power. We are not the victims of circumstance. We are, instead, the cocreators of lives that bring us joy."

-- Julia Cameron

Monday, April 27, 2020

Stop Your Negative Inner Voice

"If our inner voice is often negative, undermining our self-confidence, it can create roadblocks that stop us from taking action to build our skills and mastery, and so hinder us when we want to move forward."

-- Deborah Olson

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Your Mind is Something You Control

"There is nothing that savors of occultism in the human mind. It functions in harmony with the physical and economic laws and principles. You do not need the assistance of any person on earth in the manipulation of your own mind so it will function as you want it to. Your mind is something which you control, no matter what your station in life may be, provided always that you exercise the right instead of permitting others to do so for you."

-- Napoleon Hill

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Power of a Vision

"Without that vision, there is no starting point, no way to plan an attack. And no way to know whether or not you’ve achieved what you want to achieve. That is the power of vision."

-- Bob Bowman

Friday, April 24, 2020

Toward Self-Mastery and Social Prowess

"We will always need to work toward self-mastery and social prowess so that we can authentically express who we are and joyously seek what we desire of life. Let that be our work."

-- Brendon Burchard

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Your Expectations of Yourself

"Finally, your expectations of yourself are the most influential of all. If you expect to do well, you will do well. If you expect to be successful, you will be successful. If you expect to follow through with your diet or your learning plan, you will probably do it."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

To Feed A Big Mind

"A big mind requires a variety of thoughts and impulses to keep it well occupied, so make sure you keep your mind engaged in the best ways possible. It could very well be your calling card for success."

-- Donald Trump

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What Exactly You Want

"You see, the clearer you are about what exactly you want, the easier it is to aim for it. Otherwise you may not even know when you’ve got it."

-- Richard Templar

Monday, April 20, 2020

In The Moment of Creation

"Befriending ourselves, we gain clarity on our values. Expressing ourselves in any way—writing a poem, singing a song, sketching our surroundings, sending a postcard—we connect with a greater power. In the moment of creation, we are never alone."

-- Julia Cameron

Sunday, April 19, 2020

When Your Motivation is High

"When motivation is high, people not only take action when prompted, they can also do difficult things. If you’ve ever read about a mother fighting off a bear to save her child or an ordinary person pulling someone out of the path of an oncoming subway car, you get the point."

-- BJ Fogg

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

You Never Arrives At Success

"You never arrive at success, just as you can never fully achieve your full potential. It is something that is always growing, always expanding. It is a journey more than a destination. You will develop more into your full potential every day."

-- Sten Morgan

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Never Be Scared of Making Mistakes

"If you are scared of making mistakes, you need to accept that mistakes are part of the learning process. Even the most successful people have risen from suffering the consequences of their bad mistakes."

-- Kallen Diggs

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Towards A Higher Achievement

"An achievement is a bondage. It obliges one to a higher achievement."

-- Albert Camus

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Your Work is an Asset

"Being true to yourself and your work is an asset. Remember that assets are worth protecting. No one will ever tell you it will be easy to stick to your own convictions, but I believe it is necessary. Otherwise, what are you doing and who are you doing it for? Keep it straight and simple.You will be richer—in more ways than one—in the long run."

-- Donald Trump

Monday, April 13, 2020

Who Does The Future Belong To

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Never Again Believe The Impossible

"It’s that giant leap of mankind, where we saw that small metal capsule carry brave men in white, puffy suits beyond the blue sky into the blackness, transcending their own earthly limits, landing on the moon, coming home to a world that could never again believe in the impossible."

-- Brendon Burchard

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Your Life Happens for Specific Causes

"Everything that happens to you or for you in your life happens for specific causes, which lead to the effects that make up your life as it is today. If you want to change the effects, you must change the causes. If you want to change what you are getting out, you must change what you are putting in."

-- Brian Tracy

Friday, April 10, 2020

Success is Pretty Simple

"It’s pretty simple: The more consistency you bring to your daily goal work, the more predictable your success will be, whether you’re chasing football titles, Olympic medals, or wins in your day-today life."

-- Bob Bowman

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Release The Past and Live in Today

"Letting go of that which you do not cherish—and bidding farewell to that which no longer serves you—leaves room for you to live in the day. Living in the day, you release the past, and open yourself to the potential of tomorrow."

-- Julia Cameron

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Don't Under Estimate One Tiny Action

"One tiny action, one small bite, might feel insignificant at first, but it allows you to gain the momentum you need to ramp up to bigger challenges and faster progress. The next thing you know, you’ve eaten the whole whale."

-- BJ Fogg

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Thoughts Lead To Feelings Actions Results

"Remember, thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to actions, which lead to results. You can choose to think and act like rich people do and therefore create the results that rich people create."

-- T Harv Eker

Monday, April 06, 2020

Courage is a Choice

"We have forgotten that courage is a choice, and that permission to move forward with boldness is never given by the fearful masses. Most have forgotten that seeking change always requires a touch of insanity."

-- Brendon Burchard

Sunday, April 05, 2020

We Have Forgotten That Courage is a Choice

"We have forgotten that courage is a choice, and that permission to move forward with boldness is never given by the fearful masses. Most have forgotten that seeking change always requires a touch of insanity."

-- Brendon Burchard

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone

"The more you do of what you’re doing, the more you’ll get of what you’ve got. All success comes from moving out of your comfort zone, trying something new or different, taking risks and accepting the fact that most things don’t work out, at the least the first time you try them."

-- Brian Tracy

Friday, April 03, 2020

Why So Many People Failed

"Far too many people have no idea of what they can do because all they have been told is what they can’t do. Unfortunately,  too many people see how success and the good life would be available for everybody else, but they protest, “For me? No way!”"

-- Zig Ziglar

Thursday, April 02, 2020

One Secret Essential Ingredient of Success

"The Method begins with one essential ingredient: a vision. You need a vision of where you want to go, what you want to do, who you want to be someday down the road. Simply put: In your mind you must program your internal viewfinder toward a performance, toward an achievement, toward a scene that you see taking place in the future. Something you want to be a part of. That’s your vision."

-- Bob Bowman

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Your Life is Lived by Tiny Changes

"Your life is lived by tiny changes. Each tiny change empowers you as you act on your authentic interests. Each small change prepares the path for you to make larger changes in a life that you are free to build to your own unique design."

-- Julia Cameron

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Learn To Start It Small

"No matter how much you want to cultivate a healthy habit, you won’t be able to do it reliably if you start big. When you go big, the new habit probably won’t stick. In many people’s lives, tiny isn’t just the best option, it might be the only option."

-- BJ Fogg

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Only Way To Develop Quality Mind

"The only way to develop any quality of the mind is to concentrate upon it, think about it, and use it. Evil tendencies of the mind can be blotted out by starving them to death through disuse!"

-- Napoleon Hill

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Human Nature To Crave for Purpose

"It is human nature to crave a sense of purpose, and without one, it is natural that panic might set in as you begin to feel adrift."

-- Julia Cameron

Friday, March 27, 2020

Be Open To Something

"The thing you want may or may not show up in the exact form you planned. Be open to something that’s even better than what you originally wanted. What you wanted may be in a completely different form … or maybe what you wanted will take a little longer to reveal itself. Remember, every conceivable scenario is possible, even developments of which you cannot conceive, so be willing to accept whatever appears."

-- Natalie Reid

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tiny Habits Works As It Adds Up

"Creating positive habits is the place to start, and creating tiny positive habits is the path to developing much bigger ones. Once you know how Tiny Habits works— and why it works—you can make big onetime changes. You can disrupt unwanted habits. You can work up to bucket-list behaviors like running a marathon."

-- BJ Fogg

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sometimes Methods Need To Be Change

"We must come to the realization that not everything we try is going to work, and sometimes we need to change the methods we use."

-- Sten Morgan

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Build Toward A Vision

"Build toward a vision, don’t rush to it. The progressive steps—the intermediary goals—help train your mind to deal with challenges and expectations. Each goal you hit along the way will add to your confidence."

-- Bob Bowman

Monday, March 23, 2020

Know That Failure Doesn't Break You

"You know that success doesn’t make you, and failure doesn’t break you. You clearly understand that failure is an event, not a person; that yesterday ended last night, and today is your brand-new day."

-- Zig Ziglar

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Time To Set Your Own Course

"There comes a point in everyone’s life when he must set his own course and plan his own process. The best coaches, the best bosses, the best parents, the best leaders are the ones who show their people not just how to get better but how to motivate themselves to get better." 

-- Bob Bowman

Saturday, March 21, 2020

You Are The Creator of Your Own Destiny

"If you are wasting your time trying to gain approval from others, then you need to stop. Start living the life the way you intended, not the way others intended. After all, you are the creator of your own destiny. Do you really want someone else to be in charge of it?"

-- Kallen Diggs

Friday, March 20, 2020

Dangerous To Hold Destructive Thoughts

"A thought is like a seed planted in the ground in that it brings back a crop after its kind, multiplies, and grows; therefore, it is dangerous to allow the mind to hold any thought which is destructive. Such thoughts must sooner or later seek release through physical action."

-- Napoleon Hill

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Don't Wait for Everything To Be in Place

"If you want to start something, you can’t wait for everything to be in place. You have to start somewhere. It’s a mixture of being prepared enough, but not putting it off until you think it’s all perfect."

-- John Bird

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Real Opportuity for Success

"The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job; you can best get to the top by getting to the bottom of things."

-- Zig Ziglar

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Success Involves Hard Work and High Stakes

"Success involves hard work and high stakes. To keep yourself on the right track when the pressure is on, make sure your habits – both mental and physical – enable you to stay composed and in control."

-- Deborah Olson

Monday, March 16, 2020

One Day You Will Regret Not Trying

"You’ll never regret trying to reach your full potential. You might, however, wake up one day and regret not trying."

-- Sten Morgan

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Principle of Suggestion

"Place in a man’s mind, through the principle of suggestion, the ambition to succeed in any undertaking, and you will see that man’s latent ability aroused and his powers automatically increased. Plant in your boy’s mind, through the principle of suggestion, the ambition to become a successful lawyer, doctor, engineer, or businessman, and if you keep away all counter-influences, you will see that boy reach the desired goal."

-- Napoleon Hill

Friday, March 13, 2020

First Be Happy With Who You Are

"The reason is simple: It makes no difference where you go, there you are. And it makes no difference what you have, there’s always more to want. Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have."

-- Zig Ziglar

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Stop The Imbalanced of Your Mind

"Being jealous of others will not enable you to increase any goodness, nor will it reduce others achievements.  On the contrary, our mind will become imbalanced and difficult to contain our anger, which is harmful to our body and mind.  Is it better to sincerely acknowledge, praise and rejoice others achievements and kind deeds?  This in turn will transform into a driving force for our progress or active participation in their good deeds.  Learning how to rejoice helps the society reduce contradictions, enhances harmony, and we can be healthier and happier."

-- Buddha

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Learn To Be More Confident in Yourself

"If you are not confident in yourself, then you need to learn to be more confident in yourself. Reflect back on your past successes and use those experiences as your foundation. Henry Ford said it best: “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you’re right.” It’s the mind that makes it so."

-- Kallen Diggs

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Live From Who We Are Today

"By achieving consciousness, we can live from who we are today rather than who we were yesterday. In this way, we can respond appropriately to situations, tapping the full range and potential of our skills and talents, rather than inappropriately reacting to events, driven by the fears and insecurities of the past."

-- T Harv Eker

Monday, March 09, 2020

Deep Desire is the Beginning

"Desire is the very beginning of mind operation. You can create in the physical reality practically anything you can desire with deep, vitalized emotion. Deep desire is the beginning of all human accomplishments. Auto-suggestion is merely the principle through which that desire is communicated to your subconscious mind. Probably you do not have to go outside of your own experience to prove that it is comparatively easy to acquire that which one strongly desires."

-- Napoleon Hill

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Choose What You Want in Life

"Success and happiness are not matters of chance, but choice. You literally choose what you want in life."

-- Zig Ziglar

Saturday, March 07, 2020

What Goes Around Comes Around

"There is a saying you may have heard, “What goes around, comes around,” and it’s generally understood to mean you will reap what you sow; that which you give out is what you will get coming back to you, the way a boomerang does."

-- Natalie Reid

Friday, March 06, 2020

The Only Thing That Push You Further

"You have two options when it comes to discomfort. You can either choose to accept and embrace the challenge, or you can spend most your time avoiding it. You can live in fear of the discomfort, or realize that it is the only thing that will push you further and make you more successful."

-- Sten Morgan

Thursday, March 05, 2020

The Way To Be Happy :-)

"Happiness is the only good. The place to be happy is here. The time to be happy is now. The way to be happy is to help make others so."

-- Robert G. Ingersoll

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Character Can Be Built

"My own experience has proved conclusively that character need not be a matter of chance! Character can be built to order just the same as a house can be built to correspond to a set of previously drawn up plans. My own experience has proved conclusively that a man can rebuild his character in a remarkably short length of time, ranging all the way from a few weeks to a few years, depending upon the determination and the desire with which he goes at a task."

-- Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Kind Acts Shower To Close Friends or Relatives

"Sometimes on the trains, we see considerate foreign workers or passengers giving their seats to those in need.  Sometimes, we also see heartwarming scenes of people giving way for the elderly and young children to board the buses.  On the road, we also see pedestrains and cyclists giving way to each other.  Donating to victims in disasters are often seen too.  If these wholesome acts to others can be combined with the kind acts we shower our close friends and relatives, our subordinates and domestic workers, the world will become a better place to live in."

-- Buddha

Monday, March 02, 2020

You Need A Long Range Goals

"Occasionally, circumstances arise that are beyond your control. If you don’t have long-range goals, then temporary obstacles can be needlessly frustrating. A setback can be a stepping-stone and not a stumbling block. When you have that long-range goal it’s easier. If you wait until all the lights are “green” before you leave home, you’ll never get started on your trip to the top."

-- Zig Ziglar

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Be Fearless and Wiser

"When you are not scared of making mistakes, you become fearless in taking risks and wiser from every experience."

-- Kallen Diggs

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Just Go With What You Have

"It is very rare that the people, money, emotions, skills and even the planets – if you believe in that sort of thing – come together exactly when you want them to. Sometimes you just have to go with what you have."

-- John Bird

Friday, February 28, 2020

When A Person Cannot Be Defeated

"The person who takes the time to build a definite plan that is sound and equitable, that benefits all whom it affects, and then develops the self-confidence to carry it through to completion cannot be defeated."

-- Napoleon Hill