Saturday, November 30, 2019

Who The Credit Belong To

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again …"

—- Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, November 29, 2019

When Will Success Avoid You

"If you avoid discomfort, success will avoid you in return. Accomplish uncomfortable things to increase your capacity for greatness and achieve your true potential. When you press into discomfort, you will find yourself alone at the head of the pack."

-- Sten Morgan

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Copying Successful People Mind-Set

"Go to the library, a bookstore, or the Internet and read a biography of someone who is or was extremely rich and successful. Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Mary Kay, Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Jack Welch, Bill Gates, and Ted Turner are some good examples. Use their story for inspiration, for learning specific success strategies, and most importantly, for copying their mind-set."

-- T Harv Eker

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Replace Your Subconscious Mind

"To change what’s in your subconscious mind, figure out what’s in there—see what the program is—and then replace it with a program of your own design, one that works for you."

-- Natalie Reid

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Failing A Big Part of The Learning Process

"Failing is a big part of the learning process that we must go through in order to advance ourselves in life. The challenge isn’t in the process of failing or making a mistake. It’s in how we behave and move on when we make mistakes."

-- John Bird

Monday, November 25, 2019

Activate The Field of Infiinite Correlation

"You can put the cosmic computer with its infinite organizing power to work for you. You can go to that ultimate ground of creation and introduce an intention, and just by introducing the intention, you activate the field of infinite correlation."

-- Deepak Chopra

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Eliminate All of YOur Excuses

"Today is graduation day! From this day forward, choose to be 100 percent responsible for your life. Eliminate all of your excuses. Embrace the fact that you are freed by your choices, as long as you assume personal responsibility for them.  It’s time to make the choice to take control."

-- Darren Hardy

You Have Limited Amount of Time

"You have a responsibility to those who depend on you and also to your true potential to do the best you can. You have a limited amount of time. Will you spend it doing as little as possible, or will you push yourself to grow even further?"

-- Sten Morgan

Friday, November 22, 2019

No Matter What Your Goal Is

"No matter what the goal, you are just after a small positive change in your circumstances (or someone else’s) that will make a 1% difference that day. The principle of this change is that, after 100 days, you start to have a greatly improved life with improved relationships, financial security and better health."

-- Tom O Nei

Thursday, November 21, 2019

I Can Learn I Can Improve

"To stay resilient, you need a positive mindset (“I can learn, I can improve”) combined with a clear, long-term goal.  Focus on something you care about, and then your quest to gather more knowledge about what you find most interesting will contribute to your success."

-- Deborah Olson

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Your Subconscious Will Produce

"If you genuinely believe what you want is going to happen, that sincerity will convince your subconscious … and your subconscious will produce what you want in your world!"

-- Natalie Reid

Monday, November 18, 2019

Whatever You Put Your Attention On

"Attention energizes, and intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life. Whatever you take your attention away from will wither, disintegrate, and disappear. Intention, on the other hand, triggers transformation of energy and information. Intention organizes its own fulfillment."

-- Deepak Chopra

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Modeling A Primary Ways People Learn

"Successful people look at other successful people as a means to motivate themselves. They see other successful people as models to learn from. They say to themselves, “If they can do it, I can do it.” As I mentioned earlier, modeling is one of the primary ways that people learn."

-- T Harv Eker

Friday, November 15, 2019

Best Teachers on The Path of Success

"The mistakes and achievements of others are the best teachers on the path to success. Seek out and accept the perspective of mentors, peers, and customers."

-- Sten Morgan

Learning To Accept Failure

"Learning to accept failure as part of the process of success is vital. In fact, the more failures you have and the more quickly they happen, the quicker you will learn."

-- John Bird

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Your Greater Potential Rusting Away

"One great area of hidden treasure lies dormant in the person who fails to give his all to the work he is doing. He feels that he is doing all he is paid to do, so he allows his greater potential to rust away through disuse."

-- Eric Butterworth

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How You Should Pick Your Goals

"Goals can be a great way to find more success and fulfilment in your life. But what is absolutely critical is that you pick goals where you get genuine pleasure from working towards them, as well as from achieving them."

-- Alison Price

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Experience Life Flowing with Effortless Ease

"Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance. This is the path through which nature?s intelligence unfolds spontaneously, without friction or effort. When you have the exquisite combination of acceptance, responsibility, and defenselessness, you will experience life flowing with effortless ease."

-- Deepak Chopra

Monday, November 11, 2019

First One In Last One Out

"When I played with Michael Jordan on the Olympics team, there was a huge gap between his ability and the ability of the other great players on that team. But what impressed me was that he was always the first one on the floor and the last one to leave.

-- Steve Alford, NBA player and Olympic gold medallist

Friday, November 08, 2019

Your Own Wall of Prison

"You need to think about the things that are holding you back. They might be things that you think are keeping you safe, but what they’re doing is keeping you comfortable, and tied to the wall of the prison."

-- Sten Morgan

Maintain Your Confidence is Essential for Success

"If you encounter misfortune, don’t forget that the experience has given you an opportunity to discover something new about yourself or the situation itself. No matter what happens, finding ways to adapt and maintain your confidence is essential for success."

-- Deborah Olson

Thursday, November 07, 2019

If You Don't Appreciate What You've Got

"Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have. Make a list of ten things you are grateful for in your life and read the list aloud. Then read it each morning for the next thirty days. If you don’t appreciate what you’ve got, you won’t get any more and you don’t need any more."

-- T Harv Eker

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Your Attitude Towards Failure

"Failure comes at a high cost because the rewards are high. But don’t let that put you off. You need to hug failure as much as you do success, because your attitude towards failure is directly related to your success."

-- John Bird

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Whenever I Make a Choice

"Whenever I make a choice, I will ask myself two questions: What are the consequences of this choice that I'm making and Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness to me and also to those who are affected by this choice."

-- Deepak Chopra

Monday, November 04, 2019

How Your Subconcious Works

"That’s how the subconscious works.  It isn’t a matter of merely saying the words, however; you have to honestly believe them. If you genuinely believe what you want is going to happen, that sincerity will convince your subconscious … and your subconscious will produce what you want in your world!"

-- Natalie Reid

Sunday, November 03, 2019

How Great Success Was Achieved

"You really only have two options: succeed or die trying. It is often in these places, when we have no other option than to make it work, we succeed. No great success was ever achieved without the risk of losing everything."

-- Sten Morgan

Friday, November 01, 2019

When You Failed To Take Action

"This is where you come in. However this luck was delivered to you—from the universe, God, the Lucky Charms leprechaun, or whomever or whatever you associate delivering your good fortune—it’s now your job to act on it. This is what separates the Richard Bransons from the Joseph Wallingtons. Joseph who? Exactly. You’ve never heard of him. That’s because he failed to take action on all the lucky things that happened to him."

-- Darren Hardy

Stop Worrying What Other People Think

"Don’t worry what other people think; just focus on taking that next 1% step towards your destiny. Making an attempt is what really counts."

-- Tom O Nei