Saturday, July 08, 2006

How to Coach Yourself To Success & Wealth - By Roy Huston

A lot of people have ambitions that they have not yet achieved. Some people do not even have any plans to help them achieve their "dreams".

Are you as successful as you could be with your business and finances? By following guidelines
outlined below, you can become successful and wealthy.

Effective goal setting is an important initial step towards formulating your success and wealth goals. Your goals are targets that will guide you
towards your ideal life as they positively reinforce your intentions. For you to be able to achieve your success and wealth potential, you need to set down some realistic goals. Use your goals to visualize your way to success. If you can not visualize or imagine how much wealth you would like to have, then it simply will not happen. Visualization is a powerful way of changing your negative thoughts and focus on being positive and receptive to your success. Effective goal setting
means setting goals that are 'smart' (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed). Smart goals will help you have a clear target to work towards, and a timeframe within which to achieve these goals.

It is important for you to create space for your success by getting rid of all the unnecessary clutter in your life which uses up your energy. By simplifying your life you will have more time to
focus on achieving your success and wealth goals. It is important that you become more productive in all you do by working smarter. Plan your day and be organized; and work towards your goals everyday.

What you think can be stopping you from reaching your dreams. Achieving success and amassing wealth is all about attitude; believing in yourself and overcoming any negativity you may have. Although taking action on a plan and following specific steps puts us on the path to success; many of us do not get any further ahead because of our self-limiting beliefs and negative attitude.

A famous quote says "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage". Confidence is critical to success. Confidence is about feeling capable and being comfortable and at ease with yourself. If you have a developed confidence, you
believe in yourself and trust your intuition. With a good level of confidence, you can achieve any goal you set your eyes on, and you can certainly achieve any level of success and wealth you want.

A famous Chinese proverb says "A journey of a
thousand miles begins with a single step". Although taking the first steps towards your success and wealth goals can be easy, it is keeping on taking them that is the challenge. Keep motivated and focused on your goals; perseverance certainly pays off. You may think that you have obstacles such as insufficient time, knowledge,
money or resources; but if your desire and ambition to change is strong enough, you will reach your goals of achieving some success and wealth in your life.

To keep your motivation high, keep in mind the 'big picture' perspective of your goals, and each day work towards these goals, and in the long term, you will get the success and wealth you want.

Roy is a member of Success University and is currently earning his Scholar Certification.
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