Sunday, February 03, 2013

Your Support Network

"Success may often appear an individual pursuit, but in truth there is a support network behind every individual.  Whatever goal you have set yourself, try to make somebody on the journey with you who has an interest in you achieving your goal and who will support you."

-- Alison & David Price

"The ascent of Everest was not the work of one day, nor even of those few anxious, unforgettable weeks in which we prepared and climbed.  It is, in fact, a tale of sustained and tenacious endeavour by many, over a long period of time."

-- Sir John Hunt

"Ordinary people believe only in the possible.  Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is possible.  And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible."

-- Cherie Carter Scott

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