Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Unlimited Power Is There

"Just as the effect you get from electricity depends upon the mechanism to which the power is attached, so the effects you get from mind depend upon the way you use it.  We are all of us dynamos.  The power is there - unlimited power.  But we've got to connect it up to something - set it some task - give it work to do - else are we no better off then the animals."

-- Robert Collier

"After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box."

-- Italian Proverb

"People have judged you; you have accepted their idea without any scrutiny. And you are suffering from all kinds of people's judgments, and you are throwing those judgments on other people. And this game has become out of proportion. The whole humanity is suffering from it. If you want to get out of it, the first thing is: Don't judge yourself."

-- Osho

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