Thursday, April 12, 2007

Over Thinking, Under Performing - By Darren J Robinson

I've studied many top performers in various lines of employment, and have looked at several over achievers, and one of the major commonalities amongst them is the ability to not only do what they need to do, but also to take action!

Nike coined the phrase, "Just Do It," and that simple quote, although so simple on it's own, can make or break a person's success in life.

How many times have you thought to yourself, "If only I had...", or "Why didn't I...?" Many times it's either we chose the wrong option or we didn't choose one at all. Most of the time, it's because we didn't choose one at all because we over think whatever it is and we end up doing nothing. You become one of the "Frozen Chosen."

Leaders and successful people are able to act fast when needed. They don't sit back and over analyze all of the what-ifs. Doing that will let the opportunity pass you by. You can't possibly have all the answers without knowing all the questions, and the only way to know the questions is just by doing it sometimes.

In whatever you're trying to accomplish, there will always be an inherent risk. Risk is a part of life. As children, we accomplish so much because we are not afraid of risks. As adults, we've been bombarded by negativity for years that we're afraid to take risks. We over analyze everything because we want to assess ALL the risks. It's impossible to move anywhere in life without taking risks and you'll never achieve anything unless you stop over thinking.

Over Thinking = Under Performing

If something you want to accomplish has been proven by someone else, follow in their footsteps. Do what they do. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can improve on things, but you'll never get anywhere unless you...Just do it! It's so easy to think yourself out of accomplishing your goals, whether it's to start a home business, succeed in network marketing, become a super salesperson, or improve on any area of your life. If you sit back and over think your dream, you'll never accomplish it.

The only way to win a race is to get running. Don't stand at the starting line and try to figure out how to turn the corner a mile down the road. Cross the starting line! Put one foot in front of the other. Soon, the finish line will be within reach.

Darren Robinson has been involved in network marketing for a number of years. Many of those years spent in frustration and failure. Now, success is all that happens in his life and you can visit Darren's blog at for more articles to help you achieve your goals.

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