Friday, March 21, 2025

Things We Worry About

"Things that never happen: 40%.

Things over and past, that can’t be changed: 30%.

Needless worries about our health: 12%.

Petty, miscellaneous worries: 10%.

Real legitimate worries: 8%

Which leaves 92 percent of all worry we do as useless."

-- Dr. Walter Cavert

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Vision Your Today Self and Future Self

"Take a moment to visualize yourself in five years. First, visualize yourself if you stayed exactly where you are now, and continued doing the same things that you’ve always done.  Now visualize where you would be if you adopted the view that you can be constantly changing and growing. How different would these two people be? How much does the decision you make today impact your future?"

-- Sten Morgan

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Future Will Still Come

"When we think of a difficult thing to do, like attending graduate school or changing careers, we often just think of the immediate comfort that comes from not doing it. No, I won’t do it gives a little relief from the big gulp of work that school would be for three years. But, that is a big lie we tell ourselves —a lie that hides the future consequences of our choices. Yes, you avoid the work. That feels good at the moment. But in doing that, you have made another choice as well: to have a life you hate three years from now. We act as if the present is all there is; we forget that the future is going to come either way. Immediate relief from hard work is not the only consequence. By avoiding the immediate discomfort, you also sign up for the negative consequence residing within the future reality."

-- Henry Cloud

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Re-Examine Your Determination

"In order to make the change and heal, you must prepare and be willing to make the actual decision. That sounds easy, right? “Of course I want to change,” you say. The decision has to be genuine; it’s not about merely saying the words. If you think you really want to change and it doesn’t happen, you will need to honestly examine your motivations, your convictions, and your determination."

-- Natalie Reid

Monday, March 17, 2025

You Must Write It Down

"Whatever really gets you going and lights a fire in your heart, you must write it down.  Find your reasons for the one thing that you would be doing if you had more courage and list at least five them on paper. Again, if you haven’t done it already, take a moment and write those reasons down right now."

-- Aziz Gazipura

Friday, March 14, 2025

Trust The Unknown Be Comfortable

"If you are focusing on what you don’t want more than what you do want, you will feel overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated, and perhaps even depressed or sad. You may be feeling unhappy and hopeless. The goal is to turn your attention to what you want instead of what is at the moment, which requires a dedication to trusting the unknown. We can trust the unknown and become more comfortable when we follow the joy route of becoming a goal digger."

-- Shannon Kaiser

Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Richest Learning Experiences

"Situations where you encounter adversity and trauma provide the richest learning experiences while also helping to develop resilience. Learning is the conduit through which failures can be turned into successes.  The adaptability pillar can enhance the future success of individuals by encouraging them to actively think about negative experiences and learn from them by reframing those experiences as opportunities for adapting, learning and positive development."

-- Gemma Leigh Roberts

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Kill The Negative Things Now

"The overriding principle is that unresolved negative things are a drain and take away from that which has life. They have no place in your heart. That principle does not negate patience, longsuffering, hope, or working out difficult relationships over time. It includes all of those things, doing whatever you can to fix what is wrong and make it better. Forgive and reconcile. But it also means not to let bad situations sit, stagnate, get infected, and drain away your life. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).Move quickly to deal with whatever is crushing your spirit. Déjà vu." 

-- Henry Cloud

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

What You Believe Is What You Create

"Beliefs precede your reality, which means that whatever you believe is what you will create. In other words, first the belief exists, and then the corresponding reality shows up. For example, whether you believe this 5-Step Process will work for you or whether you believe it won’t work, you’ll be right—because everything depends on your own belief!"

-- Natalie Reid

Monday, March 10, 2025

Once You See Through The Fear

"You’ve got to realize that all the horror you prepare yourself for is not actually going to happen. Once you do that and you see through those fears, your courage will explode. You won’t be dealing with overwhelming fears anymore ... you’ll be dealing with minor challenges; things you will be able to plow through with ease."

-- Aziz Gazipura