Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Care and Feeding of Your Environment - By Cara Lumen

Energy is amazing. It can feed and nourish you or it can crowd and depress you. The energy you allow in your home environment is crucial to your well-being, productivity, and happiness.

I have an extra bedroom and bath in my home and have rented it out for years—because I don’t need the space and it bring in extra income. But basically, I’d rather live alone.

It’s tricky to choose someone to share your home on the basis of one interview. I have to rely heavily on my intuition. This last time I choose wrong. The energy of the occupant turned out to be one of defeat, of not trying, of withdrawal, judgment, and of not taking self-responsibility.

And of course, it affected my entire environment.

The person didn’t stay long and actually, he chose to leave, which brings me to another point. When you hold steady to your vibration, or raise it through new awareness, often some of the people currently in your life organically drop away because they are not comfortable with the level of your vibration. That seemed to have happened in this case.

When he left I invested time in cleaning and clearing the room. I washed the walls, I gave it reiki attunements, I brought in green plants to clear the room and added some crystals. I held a blessing for the space to help it heal.

Within days, I felt the result in my own life. My days are now filled with a creative flow that is incredibly productive, satisfying, and rewarding at a level that I have experienced for a long time. I looked at my journal and it has been amazingly smooth for nearly three weeks. I’m sleeping less as if I no longer am being dragged down. I’m happier. And I’m joyously productive.

Who we allow in our personal space can affect every aspect of our life.

Who are you hanging out with?

What new boundaries do you need to set in order to honor yourself?

What changes do you need to make to bring serenity into your space and your life experience?

It may be a change in people. It may be a change in things. It may be a change in attitude. It may be a change in expectations.

When I had to move everything out of my home to lay new carpet a few months ago, I didn’t put everything back in and I rethought where I placed things. My office alone improved 1000%.

Do you need to clean more to let your environment nourish you (or hire it done)?

Is your environment as neat as you’d like it to be?

Do you like everything you have in it or do you need to toss or replace some items?

Does your yard upkeep reflect the energy you want around you?

What new friends can you encourage?

What non-nourishing friends can you discourage?

After I started focusing on how much I wanted my home environment to take care of me, I got a surprise. A charming Frenchman who is a computer consultant, offered to rent the space for his home office! I get the income and I get to basically live alone.

You can have it all when you ask for it!

What do you want?

Cara Lumen is a metaphysical philosopher, author and coach dedicated to helping you translate your Soul's Calling into a life of empowerment and choice. Through the Winds of Change Collection, she helps seekers deepen their spiritual experience and in High Intention Coaching, she provides innovative and profitable internet marketing strategies to entrepreneurs. To learn more about these compelling offerings, to browse in her library of insightful articles and to sign up for her three FREE e-magazines visit and join her on her blog at

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