Sunday, August 26, 2007

Passion - Love Your Work - The Law Of Attraction - By Rene Ng

Love what you do. Sounds reasonable but not many of us can claim this phrase. In today's fast pace and stressful society we very often rush through our work to make the time line rather than focusing on the quality. Much less enjoy our work.

Technically speaking, it is impossible to do a good job if you don’t love your work. Without passion, how can you make stories or images come to life. How can one transform ideas into reality? Without passion, how can you ever become an effective leader to motivate your best and brightest, using all of your imagination and every nurturing cells in your body to create an environment where they, too, can live a good life and achieve fulfillment? Without passion, how would you ever consider taking risk? We know some form of risk is necessary for any business to succeed.

Loving what you do is not about finding the best job in the world. It may not even be making a career out of your natural passion. It’s about having the right mindset and attitude toward something. It’s a decision you have to make, and sticking to it long enough to cultivate a liking for it.

Not everything or everyone in this world is likeable naturally. But you can decide if you want to take the challenge and learn to adapt and cultivate a liking for it. Your natural reaction to negative situation and people is to avoid or even reject them. But you can turn this negativity into something positive by changing your attitude and approach toward it. Bare in mind that it’s not going to happen over night, neither am I saying that it’s going to be easy. But is it achievable. ( you need it. It’s for your own good )

We do not live in a perfect world. The truth is, we will never ever find someone or something that we really like, period. With the right mindset and attitude we can focus on the good side of everything and work on it. Consciously practice positive thinking, refusing to let the negative affect or influence your mood and decision. Learn to relax and be grateful for the people and things around you. Be in constant touch with your spiritual and emotion side. Stay focus and be persistent in your pursuit. Once you have established the lifestyle and habit, you will find that loving whatever you do is not that difficult after all.

Finally, loving what you do matters. It gives you the reason to carry on. The motivation to persevere and the passion to improve. It makes life worth living.

Rene ng has been in internet marketing since 2005. He has written many articles pertaining to online marketing and self improvement. He is active in the online scene and currently does affiliate marketing for a living.

Check out this site to learn more about internet marketing and self development:

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