Thursday, November 30, 2023

Be a Master of Your Craft

"No matter what you want to achieve, I can think of no better advice than practice, practice, practice. Strive to be a master of your craft. It will help you get to where you want to go every single time. It may not happen for you immediately, but eventually it will."

-- Matt Mayberry

Monday, November 27, 2023

Focus on The Positive Lessons

“I learned a valuable lesson early on, which is to focus on the positive lessons that were there for me. I did not go with my demons; instead, I used them as my motivators to move ahead. And I think the way I choose to look at my past experiences, as offering something positive and not negative, has helped me all my life.”

-- James P. Owen

Thursday, November 23, 2023

It is All in Your Head

"So the good news, or the bad news, however you want to see it, is that it’s all in your head. Our thoughts and beliefs define our world. If you believe the world is a harsh and cruel place, that’s how it will feel. But if you choose to believe that anything is possible, that life will come to meet you halfway, and that your efforts will be rewarded, then that is what you’ll experience."

-- Suzy Greaves

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Your Life Force Energy

"Just as a car needs petrol so it can keep driving, our Life Force Energy is the fuel that drives us. We need to take time every day to take back our energies from areas that are draining them, to feed and clear them of other people’s needs and wants, and to heal them to raise their vibration. When we do this, we come into alignment, resonate with peace, joy and love and are at our best."

-- Abby Wynne

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Very Special People

"I believe that very special people are sometimes trusted with very difficult things. God allows them to face challenges that are very difficult to bear because He can trust them and empower them in those circumstances. He knows they will turn tragedy and challenge into victory. They will grow through the pain, and they will transform it into something extraordinary."

-- Dondi Scumaci

Monday, November 20, 2023

You May Be Your Worst Enemy

"Sometimes one of the biggest barriers standing in the way of achievement is yourself. Don’t become the problem. That old saying “If you keep on getting what you’re getting, it’s because you keep on doing what you’re doing” is apropos. You may be your own worst enemy. I certainly was when I wallowed in self-pity over some failure. Pick yourself up off the floor, and get to work doing your best."

-- Matt Mayberry

Thursday, November 16, 2023

When You Fail To Plan

“One thing that really always helped me was taking seriously the proverb, ‘Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.’ Sometimes your plans don’t work out as you want; sometimes they do,” he says. “But I do know that if I had not set goals for myself and had a plan to achieve them, I probably wouldn’t be able to do the kind of policy work I am involved in now, or to have as much influence.”

-- James P. Owen

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Garbage In Garbage Out

"The quality of the output of any process is dependent on the quality of its inputs, and this holds true for the creative process. I call creative inputs “stimuli” because they stimulate creative thought. Despite their importance, remarkably few people are intentional about the kinds of stimuli they absorb on a day-to-day basis. If you want to regularly generate brilliant ideas, you must be purposeful about what you are putting into your head. As the old saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out.”"

-- Ryan Babineaux

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Our Life Reality

"If you really want to change your life, you need to change the way you think, the decisions you make, and, most importantly, what you believe. What we believe about ourselves and our life is our reality."

-- Suzy Greaves

Monday, November 13, 2023

Watch Your Thoughts

"It’s harder to hurt when you’re laughing.  Take trouble in stride: A few setbacks are just what the doctor ordered. Watch your thoughts: Your thinking shapes your experience."

-- Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Ignite Your Passion Now

"Passion is the fuel for greatness. Find me a champion, someone who is the best at his or her craft, who isn’t passionate. I can almost guarantee that you won’t be able to give me more than one name. Evaluate what you’ve been doing and ask yourself if you’re truly passionate about it. Without passion, your outcome will be so-so. Ignite that passion now!" 

-- Matt Mayberry

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Your Real Success

"Real success depends on how successfully you handle your failures. Getting up means that each problem, each failure, is an invitation to learn something you did not know before.  The more you learn from mistakes, the wiser you become. The wiser you become, the fewer mistakes you will repeat. And how do you really learn? By experience, and that means not being afraid to make mistakes—as long as you learn from them.  Success is not how little you fall. It is how fast you get up."

-- Ichak K. Adizes

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

The Gift

"What does matter is that you gave everything, because anything less is to cheat the gift.

The gift of your potential.

The gift of the opportunity.

The gift of the craft you’ve been introduced to.

The gift of the responsibility entrusted to you.

The gift of the instruction and time of others.

The gift of life itself."

-- Ryan Holiday

Monday, November 06, 2023

Every Experience in Life

“Every experience in life forges you; good or bad, each one legitimizes and validates who you are. How will you respond? Are you resilient, or do you give up? I have always had a great love for life and I know it made a difference. The furnace made me stronger, and there is very little that I fear anymore. I often think, ‘Oh, I’ve been through worse.’”

-- James P. Owen

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

No One Make No Mistake

"I, for one, have never heard of a person who overcame all problems without ever making a mistake. To me, even God admits to making a mistake by bringing on the flood; God admits to being powerless to make us all righteous, thus the flood was the wrong decision and God makes a covenant to never repeat that mistake again. God also admits of being forgetful. He brings the rainbow to remind him to stop the rain (Genesis 6:9–9:19). God appears to me so human. So, who is this human who is better than God and never makes a mistake? We consider mistakes failures because we assume we should not have made a mistake."

-- Ichak K. Adizes