Thursday, March 06, 2025

When You Take Responsibility

"From the perspective of responsibility, you realize that you have the power to make something happen. From any other perspective, such as failure or victim, you do not. In fact, from those positions you will operate in a helpless, powerless way at the mercy of “circumstances.” It is up to you to take this first step by taking responsibility for the situations you want to change."

-- Natalie Reid

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Pay Attention To What Bugs You

"The message here is that our successful friends do not ignore the little signals that things are not quite right inside. They pay attention to what bugs them, drives their fantasies, delivers stress, or whatever signals make their way up through the weeds to consciousness. Often, the biggest sign that tells us of things buried in the heart is numbness and a life that is not alive. Our déjà vu friends will always choose life, and that means their heart, mind, and soul are always getting attention. And when they see those signs, they take action."

-- Henry Cloud

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Trigger Your Exponential Result

"When you've emptied out your head - so to speak- you can start to notice the connections between the issues in the bubbles. Your whole life is connected, so when you begin to work on one issue it will automatically begin to have a positive impact on some of the other issues. Look at your bubbles and draw lines between the issues that are connected in some way (using coloured pens makes this even clearer). This means that when you make even a small improvement in one of the areas of concern, it often has a positive impact on some of the other areas, triggering an exponential result."

-- Stephanie Philp

Monday, March 03, 2025

How You Create Reality In Your Life

"Remember, we create reality by observing it, so if you dwell on something, it will show up before you. To get rid of something, you do the exact opposite—instead of focusing on it—you let it become meaningless in your world by changing your attitude about it."

-- Natalie Reid