Thursday, May 03, 2007

Take Charge of the Choices You Make - Claim Your Power - By Peri Coeurtney Enkin

There is no doubt that we access our personal power in the present moment. NOW really is the only place where change happens. So the question I offer you today is a key for unlocking your personal power. Take this question into your daily awareness. Reflect upon it often. Let it be the window through which you see the choices you make behind the unfolding events of your life. Ask yourself this:

Where are you Focusing your Attention?
And Why?

When you cultivate awareness for the choices you make - even the small ones - you reclaim your power. Here are the choices to make when you want to reclaim your power and consciously create your life your way.

CHOOSE TO BE AWARE - Awareness is your starting point. With awareness all forms of transformation, healing and change are possible.

CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT TO FOCUS UPON - To do this, you must know your self. You must develop an intimate relationship with your own self.

CHOOSE TO MAINTAIN YOUR FOCUS UPON WHAT YOU REALLY WANT - Your current life is the result of where you have placed your attention in the past. If you want new or different results take ownership for where you choose to focus your attention now. Are you focused upon what can’t be, or what can?

CHOOSE TO TRUST THAT ENERGY GATHERS IN RESPONSE TO YOUR CHOICES - Or do not trust it. Test this idea and prove it to yourself. Check it out until you know the power of choice for yourself.

CHOOSE TO RECEIVE THE MANIFESTATION OF YOUR CHOICES - Sometimes the very thing we want is right in front of our eyes while we are busy focusing on what we do not have. Receiving is an art form that more easily blossoms when you choose to remember two things: First: You are a Magnificent Being Just the Way You Are. Second: The Universe is wise and loving and really wants your happiness and fulfillment.

If you are unaccustomed to making deliberate choices for yourself begin small.
Are you resistant to change?
Join the club! And - do not let your resistance stop you from realizing your dreams. Use these questions to trigger your awareness and your actions.

How will you know what to choose? (Start with your values!)
What matters to you most?
If your current life were to end tomorrow what would be left incomplete for you?
What would you most like to experience next?
What are you waiting for?

When you are clear about your values you will find choices are much easier to make. And the more you practice making choices from a place of personal awareness the more power you gain.

Peri is the founder of Creators Choice- Programs, Products and People for the Practical Application of Universal Laws. Home for The Turnaround - Curriculum for a Fulfilling Lifestyle, Aware Entrepreneurs, Set Your Compass. Pick up a free report Get Unstuck Now! Listen to a free pre-recorded Tele-Class right now -The Turnaround Now! Six Essential Steps to move from Victim to Self-Empowerment and get current information about teleclasses and online programs.

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