Sunday, June 03, 2007

Why The Heck Bother With Decluttering Your Home? - By Lou Smith

Has a self-enforced captivity within your own home finally made you urgently open your eyes to the obstacle heaps hogging the living space you pay for?
So, you’ve finally noticed it. Brrr. If you feel a resistance to do something about it, and most clutter folks do, read on.

If you’re reading this line, then it at least means that you want to grab a hold of your life before the clutter rams it out the window.

You may say …”Yes, yes, but why bother?” … “What’s the bloody point?” After all, it all turns into a scrambled mess later on anyway.

The breaking point to do something about it is different for everyone.

It doesn’t matter what the point is. What matters is there is a reason in your life propelling you to make room for a fresh new space filled with flowing positive energy.

Some folks need to be shocked out of their boredom by a firestorm of mishaps around their own clutter (including health problems). Others get to it through pure willpower. And then, some “clutter bugs” get suddenly fired up by a vigorous craving to clean up their home because a burning need to change their lives just arrived.

And the easiest way of changing one’s life is by changing the surroundings. Doing it little by little, through a brand spanking new and wickedly effective purge of “decluttering” produces results fast.

Whatever works in getting you there is the right way to progress. But for the folks who wait forever until the mood hits, they better be careful.

They’ve become clutter bugs for a damn good reason. Often, it’s emotionally rooted and may run deep.
If you haven’t felt the urge to declutter in a long while, it may mean that you’re getting immune to it. So, if you are immune to it nothing can happen, right?

Oops. This is dangerous. Liking a clutter bug’s lifestyle can lead a person into deeper emotional waters without ever realizing it. Could one day be too late to change? Maybe.

Are you going to wait and see which way the “maybe” scales tip?

It’s perfectly fine to ask your good friends for help if you need it. Your friends may have been hinting why you need to de-junk for a while anyway :).

What are some of the gripping reasons for “clutter bugs” to decide to jump ship into orderly living surroundings while reclaiming their living space and life?

Take a look at the lean and mean What-A-Mess List that often pushes decluttering to be a white-hot priority:

• Emotional exhaustion from dealing with clutter for years

• Inability to have company over and socialize in your own home

• Inability to sleep in an overstuffed and grungy bedroom

• Clutter as physical warning signs of unfinished chapters in life still holding one hostage (living in the past, perhaps with a broken heart)

• Reclaiming the space around to make room for that special mate, circumstances, or opening of new doors of opportunities

• Desperate need to streamline usually “ignored” business paperwork that piles up together with ineffectiveness and profit loss

• Clutter starts to affect the harmony of a relationship or entire family life

• Bad shape of affairs when looking around your home for confidential documents increasingly wreaks havoc into one’s life

• The utility company cuts off gas and lights because the bills were unpaid for months despite warning mail outs

What a mess to abandon, wouldn’t you say?

So, whichever your scenario may be, frankly, staying oblivious to the clutter around you may prevent you from having brand spanking new turnarounds in life on many levels.

Flirting with the idea of decluttering your home … and life … is only the beginning. Down and dirty action with your sleeves rolled up is the organizing power that will turn you into a success over the clutter trap … and then some.

Lou Smith prepared this article after organizing Discount Window Blinds, 3-Day-Blinds, and popular Faux
Wood Blinds
into moneysaving categories.

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