Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Find Your Mojo - By Katherine G. MacRae

Three out of four people have lost their Mojo. Could you be one of them?

While the word ‘Mojo’ may conjure up all different kinds of definitions, the most common definition I came across searching ‘Mojo’ online was ‘magic charm or magical powers’. Of course right above that definition was an offer of ‘Liquid Mojo Testosterone Libido Enhancer’ that was on sale. Obviously the term ‘Mojo’ does mean different things to different people, and the late singer Jim Morrison may have had something to do with this.

In my mind when I hear the word ‘Mojo’ I think of get up and go, moxie, aliveness, bold courage etc., and the lack of Mojo to be just the opposite.

Three out of four people with no Mojo is an alarming statistic to me, one that I came across while reading the book ‘On Fire – The Art of Personal Consistency’ by Mike Lipkin. Even more so alarming when I wondered for a brief moment; if I too had lost my own Mojo?

Where did it go? Was it taking a vacation or gone forever? Is that why it has taken so long for me to write another article? Has my creativity and consistency gone missing with my Mojo? Could it be due to my change in diet, eating a different brand of cheezies?

I pondered these questions briefly before coming to the conclusion that I was too tired to think about where my Mojo had gone, and it was likely just taking a nap somewhere.

So back to you, and your Mojo. Do you still have it or has it gone missing with the others that are lost?

These are some reasons why I think people lose their Mojo:

• Getting caught up in endless to-do lists and the ever-increasing demands on one’s time can give one an out of control feeling that leads to anxiety, stress and a run down physical feeling

• Lack of regular uninterrupted deep sleep, and restful quiet time

• Too much focus on bad news media

• Lack of a nutritious diet and regular exercise

• Taking yourself too seriously too often, without regular playtime

• Too much time spent in the company of negative people

• Focusing on what is missing instead of the abundance all around you

You need your Mojo. It’s a good thing. The world needs your Mojo. Mojo good. No Mojo bad.

So what can you do to get your Mojo back? Here are some ideas to consider:

• Make time to do what you love, learn something new of interest to you

• Learn how to dance or just dance anyway like no one is watching

• Spend time in nature

• Develop natural curiosity to the world around you

• Exercise your brain and your body

• Spend time with people and in places that inspire you

• Challenge yourself to accomplish something of great significance to you

• Turn off the noise, and give your mind time to rest in free flow thought

Life is more fun when you’ve got your Mojo working, you feel more alive and you have a lot more to offer the world.

People with Mojo are just more interesting than Mojo-less people, that is to say that at least I find myself much more interesting when my Mojo is working than when it’s gone missing.

Now that I’m thinking about it, I’ll start looking for my missing Mojo to wake it up from its nap, and if you’ve become a No-Mojo statistic I hope this article helps you find your Mojo to get it working again too.

Katherine G. MacRae


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