Monday, September 10, 2007

Get Over Fear And Drink It Down, All of It! - By Jack Marinchek

So what does this mean?

Well, for starters, it means get over fear of people. How so, you ask? Most people are walking around with a deep seated fear of other people. It’s a universal trait. What will he or they think of me? How should I dress? What should I avoid saying to her?

The primary cause of this deep seated fear and insecurity with other people relates to the fact that most people are inauthentic, with themselves and other people. The best cure for this problem is obvious. Just be authentic with yourself and others.

In another words, be honest with yourself and everyone else. “Oh, but then if I am honest, most people are going to get mad at me or won’t like me.” No, that is not true. In fact, most people, will realize your authenticity and respect and like you for it. So, you get over fear of people.

I took Landmark’s “the Forum”. I got a lot out of it. So, I highly recommend it.

Goodbye Fear means giving yourself some space to show and grow. What do you mean by “show and grow”?

It means stepping up to the plate of life and swinging for a home run. Get over fear.

It’s the anticipation of making a solid hit. That’s important. In another words, you are anticipating success; not striking out and a failure. This means you are using your self-talk in a positive manner that is putting you in the position of “positive self-talk”.

Like Maxwell Maltz said in his book Psycho-Cybernetics

if you anticipate being successful enough times, you are going to be growing your comfort zone. In another words, you will be looking forward to doing things that you were at one time fearful of. Get over fear.

Lets face it, if you really want to own your dreams and turn them into reality, you will need to grow into much bigger shoes. This means, believing in yourself and expanding your horizons. Allowing yourself to think big hopes and aspirations. And then, taking the necessary actions warranted to realize your dreams.

Incremental Growth is good

Why not? Inch by inch, step by step and before you know it you are jumping and running towards your “big time goals”. This method of using incremental growth is a sure fire way of being successful in life. Each successful step you take is a sure fire guarantee the next step you take will be just right for you. You get over fear.

Here’s the good news. You can’t fail with attacking your road to progress with the “Incremental Way”. Why, because, even if you screw up a few times, it’s not the end of the world. You are only taking small steps to begin with. As you get comfortable in those new shoes, you stretch out and take on larger steps.

Believe me, the Incremental Way works. You won’t go wrong. And it is the perfect way for you to increase your comfort zone. You will stop weighing every action with the angst of fear and anxiety. Who cares if you fall down. You can always get back up and start over.

Why is the Incremental Way so popular? Because, it’s the Martial Art Way! You got it. Incremental learning and doing is what martial arts is built on. I can speak with some authority on this. I am a 2nd Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. From White Belt on up through Black Belt, the student learns his martial art through a series of increments. Step by step and foot by foot the various techniques are practiced to perfection. This is the way to learn and do without being overwhelmed.

A Motivational Word a day will make your day a GREAT DAY.

Jack Marinchek is the publisher of the site, which features- inspirational information on life improvement, getting jobs and income, travel, and real estate relocation.

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