Thursday, September 30, 2021

Living But Stuck In The Past

"The past is a valuable source of information, but it doesn’t determine your future. The act of living with your mind anchored in the past, turning over and over things that have already happened, can have adverse effects, bringing up emotions and sensations from melancholy, frustration, guilt, sadness, or resentment all the way to full-blown depression. All of these have an element in common—they prevent us from enjoying the present. Getting stuck in the past prevents us from moving forward in life."

-- Marian Rojas Estape

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

First You Must Have A Dream To Live

"The world respects people who can create. Just remember that in order to create anything, we must first dream it. To live your dream, you must first have a dream to live. Dreams create the world of reality."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Be Close To Nature to Relax

"Not a day goes by where I don’t want to sit in the sunshine and breathe in fresh air. Going on a walk outside with a podcast playing in my headphones is my favorite way to relax. I gave myself margin in my day to make walking a part of my schedule, and I now crave this part of my routine. I need the outdoors. When I don’t have it, I feel depleted."

--  Stacie Bloomfield

Monday, September 27, 2021

Set Obtainable Goals for Yourself

"Just start taking action. Start taking action. Start moving in the direction of your goals. Just taking that action will motivate you to continue to move forward. Set obtainable goals for yourself, and in reaching them, you will gain more and more confidence along the way!" 

--  Megan Tull

Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Gift Called The Present

"Remember that yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why it’s called “the present.” Be sure to live it that way and plan to live it that way in the future."

-- Jim Stovall

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Do Chose Carefully What You Think

"Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” Don’t allow trash into your mind indiscriminately. Be selective. Choose carefully what you think about."

-- Rick Warren

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Most Practical Way To Change Yourself

"The most practical way to change who you are is to change what you do.  Each time you write a page, you are a writer.  Each time you practice the violin, you are a musician. Each time you start a workout, you are an athlete. Each time you encourage your employees, you are a leader."

-- James Clear

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Playing Own Game of Life

"In the game of life, you’re the audience you’re playing to. Even if you listen to the advice of others, in the end you are the person in charge of making your own decisions. Be daring enough to follow your dreams, to immerse yourself in them, and you’ll find courage and boldness to achieve them."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Control What You Can Control

"When we trust in our process, what we really are focused on is controlling what we can control: our own actions. 'Control what you can control' has become a mantra for professional athletes as they prime their minds for the uncertainties of a performance. Simply listing all the things that are in your control and all the things that are out of your control during a performance can be extremely helpful. It reminds us why we rely on our process."

-- Brian Levenson

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Need To Prioritize Your Life First

"In order to be a successful human being, we must take the life priorities that we all have and make sure they all fit into our schedule. Our business activities can expand to account for the entire day unless we first and foremost schedule our priorities. Time for family and personal growth should be blocked out in our calendars before the daily crush of activities is allowed to take over our lives."

-- Jim Stovall

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Be A Human Vitamin

"Whatever your goal, always try to get better, to give value and to help bring the best out of others. Try to be a human vitamin, someone who adds, who helps, who brings joy and optimism even to periods of uncertainty."

-- Marian Rojas Estape

Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Art of Visualization

"You can make your dream even more tangible by being specific and putting dates by your goals. Hang your dream board somewhere where you’ll see it every day, and, when you look at it, notice the wonderful feelings you experience when you imagine those dreams coming true. This is what visualization is all about."

-- Camilla Sacre-Dallerup

Friday, September 17, 2021

You Are Fully Equipped For Success

"Don’t give up. Put your best foot forward. Show up. Do the work. Sharpen your skills. Ask for help. Roll with the setbacks. Learn from the failures. Lean on your support systems. Don’t carry it all alone. Embrace your own story. It won’t look like everyone else’s story. Believe that you are fully equipped for success."

--  Stacie Bloomfield

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Need To Love Reading

"On a more general level, becoming a skilled reader opens a universe of possibilities. People who are not overawed by the written word have a place to go when they do not have answers.  They thereby take advantage of what others have learned. This enables them to figure out what to do in situations that they have not previously encountered."

-- Melvyn L. Fein

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Pursue Things That Really Matter for You

"Make a commitment to pursue the things that really matter for you and your family. Let the rest of the world try to keep up with the Joneses, whoever they may be."

-- Jim Stovall

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Either Excuses or Get Results

"You can complain, “I’d do it if it weren’t for my parents, if it weren’t for my boss, if it weren’t for my spouse”—whatever or whomever you choose to blame. None of this is true. Every one of us can have excuses, but the choice here is, either have excuses or get results. Let’s think big and go for big results."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Monday, September 13, 2021

How To Built Your Expertise

"For most of my early life, I didn’t consider myself a writer. If you were to ask any of my high school teachers or college professors, they would tell you I was an average writer at best: certainly not a standout. When I began my writing career, I published a new article every Monday and Thursday for the first few years. As the evidence grew, so did my identity as a writer. I didn’t start out as a writer. I became one through my habits."

-- James Clear

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Taking One Step At A Time

"The elevator to success is out of order today. You’re going to have to take the stairway, one step at a time."

-- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Your Mind Your Control

"Keep your mind busy and goal oriented. Let there be no room for the negativity that will impede your climb to the top. Your mind is under your control. It is up to you to harness your power over it. All it takes is putting some conscious effort into thinking about your own thinking. When you find yourself feeling or thinking negatively, reach for the support that can redirect you in a more positive direction."

-- Sherrie Campbell

Friday, September 10, 2021

Be The Kind of Person To Do The Right Thing

"Never make having things or achieving status as your goal. Instead seek to be the kind of person who will naturally do the right thing that will result in all of the things that our culture calls success.

-- Jim Stovall

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Faking It Till It Became Normal

"Faking it till we make it is part of the normal process of becoming competent. No one is skilled from the first moment they try something new. Likewise few of us are free of trepidations when we enter virgin territory"

-- Melvyn L. Fein

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

In Any Area of Life

"Don’t expect everything to happen without you doing your bit. Instant results are often deceptive, and you need to accept that it’s difficult to build stable and durable relationships—in any area of life—in a matter of minutes. It requires patience, perseverance, and knowing how to give of yourself."

-- Marian Rojas Estape

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Live Bigger Than You Ever Thought

"Let’s face it: the amount of time you have on earth is limited. It doesn’t matter what the mental or the real obstacles are. It’s time here and now to set your goals, plan your big thinking, and live bigger than you ever thought you could."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Monday, September 06, 2021

The Path To Success

"The path to success is filled with failure. People who live their best and truest lives understand that. They are not afraid to fail, and not afraid of how they look to others.

-- Peter S. Temes

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Never Forget That You Still Have Everything

"The capacity of people to dig out from the rubble of their shattered lives and dreams and—within a few days—be building back, bigger and better, makes us all proud. But let us never forget that, when you’ve lost everything that you own, but you still have your friends and family around you and the desire to go on, you still have everything."

-- Jim Stovall

Friday, September 03, 2021

The Prevailing Wisdom To Success

"Prevailing wisdom claims that the best way to achieve what we want in life—getting into better shape, building a successful business, relaxing more and worrying less, spending more time with friends and family—is to set specific, actionable goals."

-- James Clear