Monday, October 31, 2022

The Right Mental Attitude

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

--  Bob Proctor

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Accepting Your Thoughts

"Every thought has a reason for being there, but unless you accept it for what it is without judging it, you will not be able to deal with it in any form. Allow the thought to be what it is. It does not mean you have to like it, does not mean you have to agree with it and definitely does not mean you have to love it. Just take it for what it is.  With every thought that is bothering you simply say “I accept you” to clear your mind of it. You have to imagine these thoughts of yours, both the positive and negative ones, like little children wanting attention. If you starve them of attention they will not go away but instead throw tantrums until you do give them attention. But all they really want is to be heard."

-- Lukas Schwekendiek

Friday, October 28, 2022

Learn The Lessons Within Them

"You can do this. I know you can. I pushed past more failures in my life than I can even remember—and what I took from each one is the lessons within them. I am stronger than I ever knew, and guess what? So are you! Maybe you aren’t sure if you believe that yet. I get it. The process that leads to self-love, confidence, and self-acceptance can be long and painful. Just stick with it—one day at a time."

-- Jay Adkins

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Achieve Great Things in Lives

"One of the primary differences between those who achieve great things in their lives and those who manage only to “get by” is that successful people learned early in life that they were responsible for their own actions. No other person can make you successful or keep you from achieving your goals."

-- Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Not Leaving Everyday To Chance

"Having the ability to control yourself, not give in to everyday temptations and constant distractions that happen all around you. Knowing the importance of keeping good habits because they will shape the human you will be in the future. Being methodical and analytical in the way you do things. Not leaving everyday life to chance — chance meetings, shifts in schedules, obstacles that show up out of nowhere and that threaten to derail your day."

-- Nela Canovic

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Effective Step for More Meaningful Pursuits

"If you’re like many people, you’re spending up to three-quarters of your waking hours interacting with technology. That probably includes the hours of the day when you are most alert and could be most productive. Cut back on your screen time, and you will have taken the single most effective step to opening up more time for more meaningful pursuits."

-- Joshua Becker

Monday, October 24, 2022

Learn To Teach Yourself

"The most important skill to develop in the modern knowledge and creative economy is learning how to teach yourself new concepts, skills, tools, and knowing how to ask for help. In the past, learning one skill was enough for an entire career, but today’s jobs demand greater cognitive flexibility which means that employees need to be constantly learning and improving to remain relevant.

Learning to teach yourself involves finding high-quality study material, working through problems yourself, and knowing how and when to ask for help when you’re stuck."

-- Karan Mehta

Friday, October 21, 2022

Never Too Late To Reorient Your Life

"Right now, I want you to start believing that it’s not too late to reorient your life around your purposes. You can do something now to live the life you want to live and eventually come to the end with fewer regrets."

-- Joshua Becker

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Law of Appreciation

"Cultivate a sense of appreciation for your life and each day in it, and try to see and feel the value all around you. This will show you that you have the power to shift the energy of your feelings, and it will demonstrate to the Universe that you have the intention to be happy in your career—a very important message if you want to find something better, or even if you just want to make your present situation more comfortable."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Start Thinking Bigger Now

"Use your spare moments to create. The mind does well when challenged with a change of pace. It craves stimulation. Start thinking bigger now. No matter how well you feel your life is going, it could be better. While others are enjoying only a small portion of their potential, you can think bigger and live in ecstasy. Every moment that you use instead of wasting adds to the potential for awesomeness in your life."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Your Anticipation and Belief

"The hope of having a successful today and a better tomorrow is the driving force that motivates winners to get up every morning. Your anticipation and belief in a more prosperous and fulfilling future keep your mind sharp and your fires of enthusiasm burning bright."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Monday, October 17, 2022

Discomfort Means Growth

"Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. You must be willing to get uncomfortable daily.  Remember, discomfort means growth is happening. So, don’t be afraid of it. When you don’t feel like doing something, DO IT!"

-- Jay Adkins

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Regret is Not Inevitable

"Your highest achievement will be different from mine, but we both have one. And life is long enough for us to achieve it. Regret is not inevitable."

-- Joshua Becker

Friday, October 14, 2022

How To Win BIG in Life

"The only way to win big in life is if you're willing to make big mistakes, and look ridiculous. We often take life so seriously, even though we're all going to end up the same way—free from our bodies and one with our light. So what have you got to lose? You might just win BIG!"

-- Mikaela Katherine Jones

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Press On Regardless of What Others May Think

"They who can think far enough and deep enough into the undiscovered realms of knowledge and law as related to electricity and other ethereal forces will be the inventors and discoverers whose names will be written in the Hall of Fame. Such men must be free from fear; men unmoved and unswerved by ridicule and derision; men who keep their minds fixed and centered upon one great purpose. Such men press on and on, regardless of what others may think or say."

-- Charles F. Haanel

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Make Clear Plans

"Your goals must be oriented toward the present as well as the future. Make clear and conscious plans about the present—this moment, this hour, this day—in order to accelerate your specific goals for the future."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor      

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

If You Never Make The Attempt

"Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters. But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success."

-- Napoleon Hill

Monday, October 10, 2022

Your Success is Different From Others

"There is no doubt that success and achievement are relative words, and your highest achievement is different from someone else’s. You may never lead thousands or cure cancer or start a nonprofit. But make no mistake: there is a good that you are designed to bring into this world that only you can accomplish, and there are people in your life whom you can serve and love better than anyone else can. Read that sentence again. There are people in your life whom you can serve and love better than anyone else can."

-- Joshua Becker

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Decide Every Single Day

"Make the daily decision. You must decide every single day that you will do the necessary things to transform your success psyche. The key phrase here is “every single day.” It’s not a one-time decision."

-- Jay Adkins

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Develop a Healthy Dissatisfaction

"Develop a healthy dissatisfaction with your life. Set new goals—big, exciting goals. Then, set out to achieve them with the same enthusiasm you knew and used as a baby. That is called living. Everything else is dying."

--  Bob Proctor

Friday, October 07, 2022

Tiny Battles That Lead To Your Future Life

"If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses, and see how your daily choices will compound ten or twenty years down the line. Are you spending less than you earn each month? Are you making it into the gym each week? Are you reading books and learning something new each day? Tiny battles like these are the ones that will define your future self."

-- James Clear

Thursday, October 06, 2022

How You Got To Where You Are Now

"You are capable, right now, of living a wonderful life full of meaning and purpose, having a positive effect on numerous people. But before you can realize your full potential for personal greatness, you need to understand who you are and how you got to where you are today."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Please Do Not Forget This

"You were designed to achieve great things! You are unique in your being, your personality, your abilities, and your relationships. And there is no one else on the face of the earth who can live your life and accomplish your good. Please do not forget that."

-- Joshua Becker

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Finding My Life Purpose

"Spend some time considering the options and try to find the answer in your heart. Begin to take steps to pursue that path—even if it’s just to be happy. When you’re doing what you love, you feel a strong sense of personal purpose, and your life force automatically moves into your heart. You’ll find that joy replaces drudgery in your life, and even if you still have many tasks to perform —and many steps until you reach your goal—you’ll feel focused and motivated by your purposeful pursuit."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Sunday, October 02, 2022

What Do You Want in Life

"Sit down and think about what you want your life to look like. Most people never get what they want because they don’t know what they want. What does YOUR success snowflake look like? Remember, it has to be your success, not someone else’s."

-- Jay Adkins