Thursday, November 17, 2022

Foundation for Mental Strength

"You will set daily routines and habits in place that will ensure progress, give you a reliable structure and shape your new identity, consistently and on step at a time.

You see, once you get the foundation right, once you understand that you shouldn’t be defined and limited by the experiences from the past and external as well as unstable things, everything you do from there, from this present moment awareness, comes out of inspiration instead of desperation.

You will set goals, go for your vision, live up to your values and structure your day not because you want an identity from it, but because you enjoy it.

You can build a new identity while realizing deep down that you are “no-one”. You are pure consciousness that is connected with everyone else.

This realization, this connectedness with everyone else and seeing the sameness in everyone else, allows you to be loving and forgiving in any situation.

This is the foundation for mental strength and groundedness."

-- Kilian Markert

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