Tuesday, May 02, 2023

You Win By Being Crystal Clear

"You win by being crystal clear about the few big things you want to accomplish and doing only what moves you closer to each of those end results."

-- Brian Page

Basically, this quote is all about focusing on what's truly important and not getting distracted by all the other things that might come up along the way. The key is to identify the few big things that you want to accomplish, and then make sure that everything you do is working towards achieving those goals.

Let's say, for example, that you have a goal of getting into shape. There are a lot of different things you could do to try and achieve that goal, like going for a run, lifting weights, or doing yoga. However, if you want to win at this goal, you need to be crystal clear about what will help you achieve it most effectively. Maybe you decide that lifting weights is the most effective way for you to get in shape. So, you would focus on doing only what moves you closer to that end result, like creating a workout plan, tracking your progress, and eating a healthy diet to support your goals.

Another example could be in your work life. Let's say you have a project with a tight deadline, and you know that you need to prioritize your time to get it done on time. If you're crystal clear about the few big things you want to accomplish, you would focus only on the tasks that directly contribute to the completion of that project. You might need to put off some other things temporarily, but in the end, you'll be much more likely to succeed.

So, to sum it up, the quote is about the power of focus and prioritization. When you're crystal clear about your goals and focus only on the few big things that will help you achieve them, you're much more likely to succeed.

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