Friday, December 29, 2023

The Regrets in Life

"It's not the things we did that make us who we are; it's the things we didn't do."

-- Mark Manson 

Many of us have regrets in life about the things we didn't do, such as not pursuing a certain career or not telling someone how we feel about them. Manson suggests that it's these missed opportunities, rather than the things we did do, that shape who we are as people.

This quote encourages us to take risks and try new things, rather than staying in our comfort zones and letting opportunities pass us by. Manson is reminding us that it's often the things that we don't do that we end up regretting the most, and that taking action and putting ourselves out there is a key part of personal growth and development.

So, in essence, Manson is encouraging us to live life to the fullest and take chances, rather than being held back by fear or hesitation. By doing so, we can avoid the regret of missed opportunities and ultimately become the best version of ourselves.

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