Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Getting What You Want - By Nancy Nylen

Once you finally figure out what it is that you really want, how do you go about getting it? Do you bribe, manipulate, beg, borrow, steal, acquire it on your own? Or are you one of those lucky people that just seem to have things land in your lap?

As a child, we all learn the relentless pleading method. As a 3rd child, my parents were well trained already by this assault and my father had a one word response to me when I hit him with a “Dad, can I…” sentence: NO.
He wouldn’t even wait for the end of the sentence. Gees.

As a mother, I didn’t have nearly that amount of restraint with my own kids, who knew intuitively that if they just hounded me long enough, I would, if at all possible cave in to their requests. So much for being the adult.

And now that we are, hopefully, adults, we can make our own decisions,
Create our own happiness and get what we want on our own terms. Seems easy enough, but somehow, we don’t.

First, one must take a good long look at one’s own thinking, and speech.
We are programmed from the very first to believe certain “truths”, because our parents told us, our friends, our teachers. From the very simple “you’re a bad boy/girl” or “shame on you”…what is heard becomes a belief. Maybe you did something bad, but that doesn’t make you a “bad” person. Right? Simple messages repeated over and over create this thought pattern and belief system. Before you know it, you think of yourself as bad, shameful, unworthy, stupid, you name it!

Getting what you want starts with feeling as if you deserve it, are entitled to it and already have it. Believe it, then see it. All of it starts with your own thoughts.

And ridding yourself of unproductive thinking is the cancerous blockage that stands between you and getting it. People are victimized by their own minds, and yet constantly complain that things never go their way.
They are habitually re-creating their own, negative expectations into any new endeavor, thereby insuring that things will work out as they always expect them to.

Recognize and write down your own reasons why you can’t have what you want, no matter how silly they look. These are the self-imposed limitations that pop up in your head to spoil your fantasy of a perfect life.
Fear, it’s never been done before, can’ts, shouldn’ts, too hard, what ifs,
Not enough (brains, money, time), no one will like it, stupid idea, you each have your own litany in inner judges telling you why not.

Next, is believing and seeing what you want as yours already. Believe it and you will see it. Imagine it, picture it clearly in your mind.

Finally, imagine that desired object in a pink bubble, a color associated with your heart’s desire. Let go of the bubble, watch it float off into the atmosphere with your want inside of the bubble. You have let go of the emotional attachment and it can gather energy to be manifested into your life.

I once used this technique for a car that I wanted, and it came not once but twice! I have been driving a gold Explorer for quite a long time. Try as I might, I can’t think of another car that I would like nearly as well.

The universe does provide for whatever is in perfect harmony with your true desires. Of course, I have never desired to own a yacht, or buy my own island, but if I did feel passionately about those things, I believe it possible.

Family has always been the most important thing to me, and providing for my children as a single mother has been challenging, to say the least. It has been nothing short of miraculous that whenever my kids had a need, I would picture it, forget about it and let it go out into the Universe. The need would be met…not once or twice, but every single time.

God and the Universe recognize our needs, even before we take the time to want them. They already belong to us! Once you learn to live your life by this kind of faith, you will see your needs met.

So, back to the original question…what does your heart really desire?

By: Nancy Nylen


You can visit Nancy's web site at causeoflife.com

1 comment:

Australian Motivational Speaker said...

I cant complain I get things by plain luck