Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Awareness And Personal Power - By T.D. McKenzie

I once knew a man, who had big dreams and always took great
pleasure in talking about what he was going to achieve with his
life, however despite his ability to convince almost everyone
around him he failed to make any of his dreams a reality.

It was only years later that I realised that for all his talk,
his life was totally out of balance, he was always having
problems with his partner, his rent was always overdue and he was
constantly borrowing money from friends and family and forgetting
to pay them back.

I knew many people like him, but he stood out the time because he
seemed on the surface to want so much more from his life.

The key phrase in the above sentence is "on the surface" as this
was the vital clue that led me to truly understand his

This person's life for want of a better word was out of balance
he was not paying enough attention to his finances, relationships
and even his health and eventually all of these areas came
crashing down on him.

When I began writing this article my intention was to focus on
the importance of having your life structured and balanced in
away so that your ultimate purpose can materialise, however as I
began looking at the word balance a deeper more significant theme
began to take shape.

The other aspect of balance that came to mind was how it related
to our beliefs.

When our beliefs are out balance we struggle, even the simplest
of tasks seem to test us to our limits. Everything that can go
wrong eventually does and we often become frustrated, bitter and
resentful of others who seem to have superior skills and

This all comes down to the balance between our inner and outer
selves, the struggle between the conscious and unconscious and
usually the latter wins.

This is caused by the limiting beliefs many of us have
accumulated throughout our lives.

It is a battle that we must all fight in some form, yet it is one
that we can all win, once we recognise that we are always in
control, that the two aspects of ourselves are in fact one being
that is simply out of alignment.

The key to winning is simply being aware of what you consciously
desire and then witnessing what you unconsciously do! Coming to
terms with an aspect of yourself that conflicts with what you
truly desire may sometimes be uncomfortable, yet it's essential
to understanding what's not working in your life.

Once you become aware of an unconscious desire that conflicts
with what you truly want simply acknowledge it and make a new
choice that is more in line with your purpose.

This simple awareness will bring about a new sense of power as
you begin to undo the conditioning of your past and align all
parts of your being to focus on the success you so rightly

T.D.McKenzie is the creator of The Mckenzie Mastery Process.
Discover The Secret Word That Allows You To Erase Any Limiting
Belief Permanently From Your Mind Within 90 Seconds...Even
If It's Been A Part of Your Life Since You Were 5 Years Old!

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