Monday, March 19, 2007

Facing Fear - By Nancy Nylen

Facing Fear

If you can’t…you must. If you fear it…face it. The only way to overcome a weakness, is by beating it into submission with your own ability to act.

I remember standing at the top of a double black diamond ski run with several companions. This would be the “expert only need apply” run. I was fearless, at nineteen, I thought. But as I looked down, unable to see the bottom of the run, the slope dropped sharply from my position, and so did my courage. I felt the fear.

Fear paralyzes. The knees grow wobbly. Doubt started to overtake me. Fresh snow had piled into deep powder, the type of snow that skiers dream of: conditions superb. And yet I stood there. I had been a skier for over ten years by then, pretty good by any standards.

My fellow ski buddies urged me on then shot off over the precipice, howling in delight and leaving me in their dust. Not to be left behind, I followed. Rocking back, sitting low, keeping the tips above the snow, pointed straight-line downhill, bouncing side to side in an easy flowing rhythm. My knees absorbed the bumps like running through cotton candy.

It was awesome, unbelievable. I floated, I flew, I kicked up powder in my wake, making fresh tracks. Soundless except the feeling of exhilaration in my lungs, ecstasy in my body. Complete submission to the experience. I caught up with my pals who were waiting for me at the bottom of the run, equally flush. I did it.

Nodding appreciatively, they gave me the thumbs ups as I pulled to a quick side stop alongside of them. I looked back up the run, saw my clean tracks, perfect little “s” curves all the way down.

No fear. Just exhilaration, relief, accomplishment. I did it! I conquered…not the mountain, but the mountain of fear that had momentarily held me in check. The run lasted a brief couple of minutes, but the power of conquering that fear lasted a lifetime.

To this day, if something stops me dead in my tracks in fear, I take a deep breath and Know: this is exactly what I MUST do. Go ahead, take a shot. The weak knees give way to boldness; the shallow nervous breaths becomes a deep sigh of relief; the “I can’ts” become the “I did its”.

There is no better or more empowering memory than the ones you create in your own being, of knowing that fear did not hold you back, nor keep you from living a life more fully.

Nancy Nylen is a mom and writer, dealing with the challenges of daily life and facing each fear with more courage than the day before...sometimes, just getting out of bed and facing the challenges of life are all that is required! Visit me at : and feel free to write me. I'd love to hear from you!

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