Friday, February 12, 2010

Be An Eagle and Not Duck

"Wayne Dyer [author of You'll see it when you Believe it] said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'll rarely disappoint yourself. He said, 'Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.'"

-- Ken Blanchard and Barbara Glanz, authors
The Simple Truths of Service

"Some men see things as they are and say 'why?' Others dream things that never were and say, 'why not?'"

-- George Bernard Shaw

Nearly everyman who develops an idea works at it up to the point where it looks impossible and then gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged.

-- Thomas A. Edisom
(1847-1931, American Inventor, Entrepreneur, Foumder of GE)

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