Thursday, June 26, 2014

Reasons for Happiness and Unhappiness

"One of the reasons why happiness and unhappiness are so unpredictable is because they are mainly in your head.  To a large degree, happiness is a habit, and good habits have to be developed and cultivated.  To develop a good habit, or skill, you have to work at it, you have to practice it, and the same goes for happiness."

-- Barry Parker

"Stress, fear, negativity, too much to do and doing things for others at the expense of our own needs -- these all stifle our innate creativity. Relaxation, fun, meditation, and going after our dreams all get the creative juices flowing. Soul is always creative, always fresh and new."

"How can you create more space in your life to allow the soul's energy out to play?"

-- John Robson

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