Friday, November 29, 2024

Enter Into The Discomfort Zone

"The idea of the comfort zone is deceptive – it seems warm and pleasing. But really you're the frog in the proverbial boiling pot. It's the very thing that's holding you back, and it's not doing you any good.  The discomfort zone is a state of mind you'll need to get used to if you want to make a significant change in your life."

-- Shaa Wasmund

Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Priciple of Lives

"The same principle applies to our lives. We harvest in direction proportion to what and how much we sow. If we desire love, kindness, compassion, and joy in our lives, we must sow many seeds of love, kindness, compassion, and joy. Additionally, when we sow these seeds, it cannot be a one-time thing. We must sow those seeds everywhere we go.

-- Robert Sully Sullivan

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Determine What Is Holding You Back

"Determine what is holding you back. What is the major reason you are not doing the things you truly want to do? Find others who are achieving success in these areas and determine what they are doing that you are not and what skills they have that you do not."

-- Andrew Clancy

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Our Natural Instinct To Learn and Grow

"Human beings have a natural instinct to learn and grow. One way of learning and growing is by setting goals that stretch and challenge you. It's often in the process of accomplishing the goal - or even in failing - that you learn and grow the most.  You're most happy in circumstances that stretch your mind - and sometimes your body. And striving towards something positive contributes to a feeling of achievement and vitality. Achieving goals helps you build self-confidence and self-esteem."

-- Stephanie Philp

Monday, November 25, 2024

There Is No Finish Line

"The whole point of the twenty-four-hour mission is to keep up a championship pace, not for a season or a year, but for your entire life! That requires quality rest and recovery time. Because there is no finish line.  There is always more to learn, and you will always have weaknesses to strengthen if you want to become as hard as woodpecker lips. Hard enough to hammer countless miles, and finish strong!" 

-- David Goggins

Friday, November 22, 2024

The Law of Magnetism

"The Law of Magnetism says that we can only attract the same kind of energy that we put out about ourselves. It’s based on the quantum-physical principle that everything—including every person—projects this power.  In fact, the Universe is filled with vibrations that scientists call “strings” of energy.  It moves within us, from us, and all around us literally all the time. Whether we’re aware of it or not, each of us is a part of a vast exchange and expansion of this force that takes place in the Universe every moment of every day."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Your Time Your Control

"Your time is there for you to use as you see fit. If you discover you need more of it, decide what changes you can make in your life. They might feel huge, daunting, even out of reach, but you only need to take the first step. It all starts in your mind."

-- Shaa Wasmund

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Make A Positive Action To Change It

"Your boss is not responsible for your happiness or success. Your parents or family members are not responsible for your happiness or success. Your friends are not responsible for your happiness or success. Only you are responsible for your own happiness and success. (And, by the way, you aren't responsible for the happiness and success of other adults. Stay in your own lane!) If there is someone who you feel is causing you distress or limiting you in any way, then make a positive action to change it."

-- Joel Fotinos

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Find People Who Knows More Than You

"I encourage you to find people who know more than you do regarding various facets of life. Or find people who were once in the same position you are in right now.  Listen, learn, and appreciate these people. They will help you see what is not visible at this time."

-- Robert Sully Sullivan

Monday, November 18, 2024

Evaluate Your Life in Its Totality

"Evaluate your life in its totality! We all waste so much time doing meaningless things. We burn hours on social media and watching television, which by the end of the year would add up to entire days and weeks if you tabulated time like you do your taxes. You should, because if you knew the truth you’d deactivate your Facebook account STAT, and cut your cable. When you find yourself having frivolous conversations or becoming ensnared in activities that don’t better you in any way, move on!"

-- David Goggins

Friday, November 15, 2024

Your Body is the Subconscious

"The body is the subconscious, and for this reason, when you look after your body, you are taking care of your mind; and when you take care of your mind, you also take care of your body."

-- Mario Alonso Puig

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Increased Your Set of Life Skills

"If you've experienced hardships or negative experiences that you've triumphed over, you will have also increased your set of life skills. You will have learnt ways to look at things differently, and developed additional skills for tackling life's challenges, as well as achieving your goals."

-- Stephanie Philp

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

An Easier Time To Learn

"There has never been an easier time to learn. You can do it all from the comfort of your own home if you choose. Education opportunities are everywhere: join a free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and take part in university modules; watch YouTube videos by experts; read books; listen to podcasts. In fact, you can do it all online.  Whatever you want to learn, the world will teach you."

-- Shaa Wasmund

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

You Have Incredible Mental Power

"You have incredible mental powers that you habitually fail to use to their full extent. By systematically setting goals for your life and making detailed plans to achieve them, you will save yourself years of hard work and use vastly more of your thinking powers than the average person."

-- Andrew Clancy

Monday, November 11, 2024

Make Peace with Yourself

"If you’re one of the few who acknowledge that, want to callous those wounds, and strengthen your character, it’s up to you to go back through your past and make peace with yourself by facing those incidents and all of your negative influences, and accepting them as weak spots in your own character.  Only when you identify and accept your weaknesses will you finally stop running from your past. Then those incidents can be used more efficiently as fuel to become better and grow stronger."

-- David Goggins

Thursday, November 07, 2024

When Opportunity Doesn't Knock

"Unleash hidden potential through character skills. The people who grow the most aren’t the smartest people in the room. They’re the ones who strive to make themselves and others smarter. When opportunity doesn’t knock, look for ways to build a door—or climb through a window."

-- Adam Grant

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

The Uncomfortable Truths About Life

"One of the uncomfortable truths about life is this: we don't always get what we want; we get what we settle for. After all, if you didn't settle for something, you would get more, right? That's common sense, and yet it's not always something we want to hear.  It's uncomfortable because it puts the responsibility of your life squarely on the shoulders of . . . you."

-- Joel Fotinos

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

The Key To A Happy Life

"The key to a happy life is to be able to create happiness in any moment. But how do you do this? Focus on what you have right now. To create your happiness, it is as simple as focusing on what is good right now in your life instead of focusing on what is wrong. But don’t just think about what is right —dwell on it. This is not a checklist. Take the time to appreciate and savor what is going well in your life. Today, right now, think of one thing that is going right in your life and then meditate on that for a few minutes. Chances are when you are done, you will be smiling.  Don’t pursue your happiness, create it!"

-- Robert Sully Sullivan

Monday, November 04, 2024

Up To You To Equip Yourself

"From the time you take your first breath, you become eligible to die. You also become eligible to find your greatness and become the One Warrior. But it is up to you to equip yourself for the battle ahead. Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability."

-- David Goggins

Friday, November 01, 2024

Build Your Inner Strength

"We need to work on our self-belief and our self-worth first.  Think of it like building psychological muscle. If your inner confidence is weak, you will feel fragile and bruise more easily. But if you've built that muscle, if you're stronger, you'll be able to take a punch.  Build your inner strength and you'll see you're enough, even if you've messed up."

-- Shaa Wasmund