Monday, March 12, 2007

How To Be A Magnet For Prosperity - By Kaya Singer

It is a beautiful day and wonderful
to be alive! Maybe you are thinking, "well, I
don't feel that way. It's ok for you, but my
life is a mess."

I have discovered that if I focus
on my problems then I tend to have more
problems to focus on. If you are like most
people you tend do things the same way
day after day without thinking about it.
We all have many, many habits that we have
developed over time. It is part of the
way we all live.

Some of these habits are positive and others
keep you stuck and are unsupportive.
Habits are called "good" when they support you
in your health, success, and prosperity.
A bad habit reinforces negative
beliefs, poor health, lack and limitation.

Think about something that makes you feel really
. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it
generates good feelings. For a few moments just
soak up those good feelings and notice what
happens. It is not possible to feel good and be
negative at the same time. Prosperity is attached
to positive thoughts.

Decide to feel good all day regardless of the
situation. If someone says, "how are you?"
answer, "I feel wonderful." When you say that,
things shift and your energy changes. Positive
energy attracts positive things to you whereas
negative energy repels and also attracts negative
situations. You are a magnet. It is
time to be a magnet for prosperity.

Whether you are talking to customers,
tele-marketers, salespeople, or the garbage
collector, be positive and up-beat. What a
difference it will make for your business. Today be
positive all day regardless of the situation.
At the end of the day write a few words in your
journal. Writing helps to ground the energy into
your being at another level.

Rather than focusing on the bad habits focus
on creating good prosperity habits. To change your
habits it is important to do the same thing over
and over until a new habit is formed.

Begin to fill up your mind with new mind-chatter
about prosperity and success. The more you do
this the more it becomes a new habit as well.

But what do you do when you fall backwards into
feelings of fear or limitation? Old patterns can be
very tenacious and they want to hook on to your
old triggers, and before you know it you are
worrying or being anxious. Not fun.

The important thing is to know what to do when
this happens. Here are some concrete ideas. These are
also things you can do even when you are feeling
good. They will reinforce your good feelings.

1. Be kind to yourself and give yourself heaps of
appreciation for all of you have accomplished.
Make a list of your accomplishments.

2, Make a list of everything you have done
recently to change your limiting habits and
develop prosperity. You will be amazed at what
you have done.

3. Choose to see only prosperity. It isn't about
how much money you have in your bank account it
is all about your attitude. One of my mentors
would say, "I am a millionaire now and the money
is on the way to my bank account."

4. Call a positive thinking friend to talk to.
Someone who won't commiserate with you;
someone who is upbeat and happy.

These are very powerful ways to get
yourself re-aligned.

Starting today:

• Have a positive attitude

• Say positive self-talk

• Be positive when you talk to people

Blessings on your prosperity
and your new prosperity habits.

Kaya Singer, MS owns Awakening Business
Solutions. She helps small business owners and
solo-entrepreneurs create successful business
ventures and attract right clients. She teaches
that it is possible to have purpose and
prosperity. She can be reached at 503-493-1199

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