Monday, March 24, 2025

The Power of Positive Emotions

"Positive emotions have in fact been shown to help with stress recovery.  Research has shown that highly resilient people tend to display positive emotions, even when facing adversity or stress, and those with positive expectations – which is a view that your future looks positive, and you’ll fare better than is generally expected – have a lower risk of depressive symptoms and low mood when faced with adversity."

-- Gemma Leigh Roberts

Friday, March 21, 2025

Things We Worry About

"Things that never happen: 40%.

Things over and past, that can’t be changed: 30%.

Needless worries about our health: 12%.

Petty, miscellaneous worries: 10%.

Real legitimate worries: 8%

Which leaves 92 percent of all worry we do as useless."

-- Dr. Walter Cavert

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Vision Your Today Self and Future Self

"Take a moment to visualize yourself in five years. First, visualize yourself if you stayed exactly where you are now, and continued doing the same things that you’ve always done.  Now visualize where you would be if you adopted the view that you can be constantly changing and growing. How different would these two people be? How much does the decision you make today impact your future?"

-- Sten Morgan

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Future Will Still Come

"When we think of a difficult thing to do, like attending graduate school or changing careers, we often just think of the immediate comfort that comes from not doing it. No, I won’t do it gives a little relief from the big gulp of work that school would be for three years. But, that is a big lie we tell ourselves —a lie that hides the future consequences of our choices. Yes, you avoid the work. That feels good at the moment. But in doing that, you have made another choice as well: to have a life you hate three years from now. We act as if the present is all there is; we forget that the future is going to come either way. Immediate relief from hard work is not the only consequence. By avoiding the immediate discomfort, you also sign up for the negative consequence residing within the future reality."

-- Henry Cloud

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Re-Examine Your Determination

"In order to make the change and heal, you must prepare and be willing to make the actual decision. That sounds easy, right? “Of course I want to change,” you say. The decision has to be genuine; it’s not about merely saying the words. If you think you really want to change and it doesn’t happen, you will need to honestly examine your motivations, your convictions, and your determination."

-- Natalie Reid

Monday, March 17, 2025

You Must Write It Down

"Whatever really gets you going and lights a fire in your heart, you must write it down.  Find your reasons for the one thing that you would be doing if you had more courage and list at least five them on paper. Again, if you haven’t done it already, take a moment and write those reasons down right now."

-- Aziz Gazipura

Friday, March 14, 2025

Trust The Unknown Be Comfortable

"If you are focusing on what you don’t want more than what you do want, you will feel overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated, and perhaps even depressed or sad. You may be feeling unhappy and hopeless. The goal is to turn your attention to what you want instead of what is at the moment, which requires a dedication to trusting the unknown. We can trust the unknown and become more comfortable when we follow the joy route of becoming a goal digger."

-- Shannon Kaiser

Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Richest Learning Experiences

"Situations where you encounter adversity and trauma provide the richest learning experiences while also helping to develop resilience. Learning is the conduit through which failures can be turned into successes.  The adaptability pillar can enhance the future success of individuals by encouraging them to actively think about negative experiences and learn from them by reframing those experiences as opportunities for adapting, learning and positive development."

-- Gemma Leigh Roberts

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Kill The Negative Things Now

"The overriding principle is that unresolved negative things are a drain and take away from that which has life. They have no place in your heart. That principle does not negate patience, longsuffering, hope, or working out difficult relationships over time. It includes all of those things, doing whatever you can to fix what is wrong and make it better. Forgive and reconcile. But it also means not to let bad situations sit, stagnate, get infected, and drain away your life. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).Move quickly to deal with whatever is crushing your spirit. Déjà vu." 

-- Henry Cloud

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

What You Believe Is What You Create

"Beliefs precede your reality, which means that whatever you believe is what you will create. In other words, first the belief exists, and then the corresponding reality shows up. For example, whether you believe this 5-Step Process will work for you or whether you believe it won’t work, you’ll be right—because everything depends on your own belief!"

-- Natalie Reid

Monday, March 10, 2025

Once You See Through The Fear

"You’ve got to realize that all the horror you prepare yourself for is not actually going to happen. Once you do that and you see through those fears, your courage will explode. You won’t be dealing with overwhelming fears anymore ... you’ll be dealing with minor challenges; things you will be able to plow through with ease."

-- Aziz Gazipura

Thursday, March 06, 2025

When You Take Responsibility

"From the perspective of responsibility, you realize that you have the power to make something happen. From any other perspective, such as failure or victim, you do not. In fact, from those positions you will operate in a helpless, powerless way at the mercy of “circumstances.” It is up to you to take this first step by taking responsibility for the situations you want to change."

-- Natalie Reid

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Pay Attention To What Bugs You

"The message here is that our successful friends do not ignore the little signals that things are not quite right inside. They pay attention to what bugs them, drives their fantasies, delivers stress, or whatever signals make their way up through the weeds to consciousness. Often, the biggest sign that tells us of things buried in the heart is numbness and a life that is not alive. Our déjà vu friends will always choose life, and that means their heart, mind, and soul are always getting attention. And when they see those signs, they take action."

-- Henry Cloud

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Trigger Your Exponential Result

"When you've emptied out your head - so to speak- you can start to notice the connections between the issues in the bubbles. Your whole life is connected, so when you begin to work on one issue it will automatically begin to have a positive impact on some of the other issues. Look at your bubbles and draw lines between the issues that are connected in some way (using coloured pens makes this even clearer). This means that when you make even a small improvement in one of the areas of concern, it often has a positive impact on some of the other areas, triggering an exponential result."

-- Stephanie Philp

Monday, March 03, 2025

How You Create Reality In Your Life

"Remember, we create reality by observing it, so if you dwell on something, it will show up before you. To get rid of something, you do the exact opposite—instead of focusing on it—you let it become meaningless in your world by changing your attitude about it."

-- Natalie Reid

Friday, February 28, 2025

An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living

"You only need a few minutes a day for a journaling practice, and it is essential for growing your self-awareness. It was Socrates who said that an unexamined life is not worth living. That sounds harsh, but if you consider that without deeply examining your mental training and reconstructing new, uncommon stories to guide your behavior and goals, then you are blissfully (or painfully) ignorant that you are dancing to someone else’s tune."

-- Mark Divine

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Accept The Fact and Find Opportunities

"Whatever industry you work in, wherever you’re located in the world, you will face change. Once you’ve accepted this fact, the next step is to find opportunities in the situation you find yourself in."

-- Gemma Leigh Roberts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Power of Forgiveness

"Forgiveness reduces your stress. Over the years, many studies have shown that holding a grudge keeps your body in a state of stress. When you practice forgiveness, your blood pressure and heart rate decrease."

-- Amy Morin

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Problem of Fuzzy Goals

"To cultivate a true sense of self, you must get clear about who you are and what you want in life. Fuzzy goals will leave room for holes. Instead of having a life full of ditches and dead ends, create a plan of action to help you gravitate toward self love in every situation."

-- Shannon Kaiser

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Positive Feedback Loops

"Circumstances change, and so can you. Positive feedback loops, adding effect to effect, can spiral counterproductively in a negative direction, but can also work to get you ahead. That’s the other, far more optimistic lesson of Price’s law and the Pareto distribution: those who start to have will probably get more."

-- Jordan B. Peterson

Friday, February 21, 2025

It Is Important To Analyze Yourself

"If you want to be the best you can be and to achieve what is truly possible for you, you must be brutally honest with yourself. You must sit down and analyze yourself in detail to determine where you are today, as well as what you must do to get where you want to go."

-- Jack Welch

Thursday, February 20, 2025

What Shape Your Future Experience

"Your inner dialogue is the key to your perceptions, your decisions, your actions, and how you live your life. A useful metaphor is to think of your mind as being full of fast-moving mental traffic. Each thought is a vehicle that wants to take you somewhere. The thoughts you “take” to be true and wise are what shape your future experiences."

-- Robert Holden

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Focus On Those Things You Really Want

"Make a habit of daily goal setting and achieving for the rest of your life. Focus on the things you want rather than the things you don’t want. Resolve to be a goal-seeking organism, moving unerringly toward the things that are important to you."

-- Andrew Clancy

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

When You Utilize Your Personal Qualifications

"A man can assure his success only if he learns how to utilize his personal qualifications so as to create and control his opportunities to succeed. He should be able to bring himself to good luck, and not expect anybody or any event to bring good luck to him."

-- Norval A. Hawkins

Monday, February 17, 2025

Live A Purpose Filled Life

"What brings you joy? Every single one of us has our own inner joy route and things that feel loving to us. This awesome action is where you can get in touch with them. The more you open up to love, the more you will realize your true purpose and passion. The goal is to use your passion to live a purpose-filled life. Give yourself permission to be in the journey of life and explore your passions."

-- Shannon Kaiser

Friday, February 14, 2025

When You Let It Go

 "Life is a constant balance of holding on and letting go. Releasing habits, people, and situations that no longer serve you is an act of self-love. When we hold on to things that no longer help us grow, we become stale and bored with life. This is when the depression can sneak in and we avoid acting on our inner pull. Show up for yourself, and let go."

-- Shannon Kaiser

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Power of Stretch Goal

"A 'stretch' goal is something that not easily achievable. It's a goal that will demand more of you than perhaps you currently have, forcing you to learn new skills, step outside your comfort zone and become more flexible. In the process you'll develop more resilience. When you've accomplished that stretch goal, set another that will stretch you even further."

-- Stephanie Philp

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Power of Living Confidently

"I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings."

-- Harriet Rubin

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Hidden World in Your Mind

“We need to have the courage to enter into this other hidden world (our subconscious) [...] If we do this, we will discover two things: the origin of our involuntary behaviour and our unexplored potential.

-- Mario Alonso Puig

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Power of Self-Knowledge

"Self-knowledge is a primary key to Success Intelligence. It is far more important than your IQ, your CV, your Ph.D., your MBA, or your last job reference. The better you know yourself—what you value, what inspires you, what you are made of—the more effectively you will live, work, and relate to others. Self-knowledge is the jewel in the crown of success. It enables you to be inner-directed, self referring, and true to yourself."

-- Robert Holden

Friday, February 07, 2025

The Power of Your Beliefs

"We talk about beliefs as if they're things that you can pick up and handle. But beliefs aren't things. Beliefs are just thoughts that are repeated. The more the thoughts are repeated the stronger they become. They attract other similar thoughts. The thinking process becomes a habit. And eventually you end up with a belief. Beliefs can also come about because of some trauma or incident, from your parents or teachers, from the media. In short - they can come from anywhere."

-- Stephanie Philp

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Stress and Mental Management

"Practice five or more minutes of box breathing daily (building up to twenty minutes). Read something inspiring as part of your morning or evening ritual, or a spot drill. Say no to new commitments and say yes to downtime for learning or helping someone out."

-- Mark Divine

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Important To Have Meaning and Purpose

"We can make do without enjoyment for a while, and even without a lot of satisfaction. Without purpose, however, we are utterly lost, because we can’t deal with life’s inevitable puzzles and dilemmas. When we do have a sense of meaning and purpose, we can face life with hope and inner peace."

-- Arthur C Brooks and Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

The First Key To Success

"Over time, I learned that success is not a race; it is a journey. I also learned that success is not an achievement; it is a discovery. The primary task, then, is to create a vision for success—one that engages your whole being. Vision is what helps you discover the truth about success. Vision is the first key to Success Intelligence."

-- Robert Holden

Monday, February 03, 2025

When You Have Positive Attitude

"Your expectations determine the next ring, your attitude—the outward manifestation or reflection of your values, beliefs, and expectations. If you have a positive attitude, others will be drawn to you, and you will be more likely to find success.  Your attitude determines the fifth ring: your actions. You are happiest when your outside actions are congruent with your values on the inside."

-- Andrew Clancy

Friday, January 31, 2025

First Know Yourself

"Ninety percent of the world’s woe comes from people not knowing themselves, their abilities, their frailties, and even their real virtues. Most of us go almost all the way through life as complete strangers to ourselves."

-— Sydney J. Harris

Friday, January 24, 2025

Just Take The Leap

"If we wait until we feel ready to take on a new challenge, we might never pursue it all. There may not come a day when we wake up and suddenly feel prepared. We become prepared by taking the leap anyway."

-- Adam Grant

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Those Who Stayed Focused

"Success follows those who stay focused; those who can be disciplined enough to follow the same pathway until they see reward. Call it habit, ritual, routine or staying away from fads and shiny objects, the result is the same."

-- Stephen Macdonald

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

When You Are Open To Learning

"By living your life open-minded to other perspectives and our shared humanity, you can be equipped to adapt once pitfalls stand in your path. Embracing diverse viewpoints and acknowledging the shared experiences that connect us all fosters resilience. When you're open to learning from others, you gain insights that can help you navigate the complexities of life more effectively. The lessons learned from other people's triumphs and struggles become tools you can use to guide your journey. This open-minded approach allows you to anticipate potential pitfalls, make informed decisions, and adjust your course."

-- Brent M. Jones

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Back To The Way You Live

"One of my aims is to get people back to the way they should be living—back to doing real exercise, eating real food, and consuming real knowledge to shape their minds (as opposed to fear, disinformation, and control propaganda). If you are suffering from some of these challenges, whether as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic or simply due to the relentless societal drive toward ease and hyper-virtualization, then there is no time to waste in taking back your power right now. You will experience an immediate boost in positive energy, creative thinking, and overall health."

-- Mark Divine

Monday, January 20, 2025

Be Accountable and Committed

"There's something about committing to the goal by taking the first step that says you're on your way. If you really want to kick start your goal, tell someone what your goal is - then keep them updated on your progress. This keeps you accountable and committed."

-- Stephanie Philp

Friday, January 17, 2025

Believe Your Work Is Valuable

"“I have the belief that when you do work that is close to your heart and you believe it is valuable in some way, it will come back in some way. So far that’s been the case.”"

-- Harriet Rubin

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Are You In A Deepseated Patterns

"Many people keep creating the same experience over and over again. This can range from deepseated patterns, learned in our childhoods, to habits that we've acquired over the years.  When I was a kid, my mother often said: “If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.”  She would tell me this to try to get me to make better choices, usually around school or the house.  But this simple little saying is actually an important lesson for all of us."

-- Joel Fotinos

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

To Activate Your Subconscious Mind

"Since you become what you think about most of the time, a major definite purpose gives you a focus for every waking moment. Having a major definite purpose helps activate your subconscious mind on your behalf. Any thought, plan, or goal that you can clearly define in your conscious mind will be brought into reality by your subconscious mind."

-- Andrew Clancy

Monday, January 13, 2025

Discovering More

"Often what is most precious is hidden from our eyes.  Approaching what we already know with an open-mind can help us to discover much more."

-- Mario Alonso Puig

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Important To Stay Teachable

"I've learned that it's important to stay teachable. There are many people who are experts, but the experts that I admire the most probably would not describe themselves as experts. They would probably describe themselves as lifelong learners or students of life.  They are always learning and growing and changing, no matter what their age. I've tried to emulate this in my life.  When we believe we are experts, it's harder to be in the mindset to learn new things."

-- Joel Fotinos

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Those Who Took Immediate Action

"I've worked with hundreds of people who have set goals, and my experience has shown me that once they've established what they want to achieve, those people who take immediate action to get the goal underway, are often more likely to be successful."

-- Stephanie Philp

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

The Power of Physical Activitiy

"Physical activity and healthy living heal us from the inside out, strengthening the body and boosting mental health and emotional well-being. The aim is to make the body a fit vehicle for the mind to navigate the outer world effectively."

-- Mark Divine

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

What It Meant To Be Human

"By reading, the knowledge learned through hearing others’ stories gives meaning to our lives and inspires us to reach for more. Through the narratives of others, we expand our perspectives, cultivate empathy, and develop a deeper appreciation for the vast spectrum of human experiences. Reading allows us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection, transcending the confines of our lives to embrace the countless lives that have shaped our world.  Every book, every story, and every perspective become a stepping stone in our evolution, inviting us to live a thousand lives and enriching our understanding of what it truly means to be human."

-- Brent M. Jones

Monday, January 06, 2025

In Order To Create Prosperity

"We have to understand in a deep way that having what we truly want in life contributes to the general state of human happiness and supports others in creating more happiness for themselves. To create prosperity, we need to visualize ourselves living as we desire to live, doing what we love, feeling satisfied with what we attain, in a context of other people doing the same."

-- Shakti Gawain

Friday, January 03, 2025

Continue To Produce New Brains Cell

"We can produce new brain cells and improve our mind’s clarity and focus until we die. One way to do this is to take on daily meditation, along with new learning challenges, be it chess, the ukulele, a foreign language, knitting, or by becoming a writer at the age of one hundred and six. New skills, practiced repeatedly, stimulate brain growth. But your brain also depends on cardiovascular activity to stay mentally acute and even grow. The “move it or lose it” idiom doesn’t just apply to maintaining that fit and ferocious figure."

-- Mark Divine

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Everything You Achieve in Life

"Everything you do or achieve in life —every thought, feeling, or action —is controlled and determined by your self-concept. Your self concept precedes and predicts your levels of performance and effectiveness in everything you do.  It is the master program of your mental computer; everything you accomplish in your outer world is a result of your self-concept."

-- Andrew Clancy

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Create Your New Properous Life Story

"In order to go somewhere, first you must know where you're starting from. If you were to go on a journey using the GPS function on your smartphone, you would need both the starting point and the ending point to get the directions.  It's the same with the story of your life. Let's begin by getting clear about where you are as you write this new chapter. It's the first step in creating your new prosperous story."

-- Joel Fotinos