Friday, December 30, 2022

Accepting Vulnerability

"When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability….To be alive is to be vulnerable."

-- Madeleine L Engle

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Directing Your Mental Activity

"Every time you repeat a new optimistic conclusion, you redirect your mental activity to a different neural pathway. With enough repetition, these new beliefs will take over as your spontaneous, automatic responses, so you won’t have to work at it so much. Imagine how wonderful it will be when the peaceful, positive assumption becomes your natural response to everything!"

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Best Ways To Build Resilience

"Being allowed to experience failure is one of the best ways to build resilience. When you are wrapped up in cotton wool and shielded from risk, or are never allowed to make mistakes, you never learn how to deal with them – how to do better, and how to accept the need to confront and challenge yourself and your abilities."

-- Suzie Hayman

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Only You Can Decide

"Don’t let yourself be swayed by the opinions of others, by the chatter of the masses. Only you can decide to develop an unflinching will, to concentrate, to stay focused on your chosen objective until the task is successfully completed."

--  Bob Proctor

Monday, December 26, 2022

When A Mistake Becomes Real

"See every mistake as your life teacher, A mistake becomes truly a mistake if it keeps repeating itself. It shows that something is wrong and you are not learning."

-- Sean Lana

Friday, December 23, 2022

Getting Off The Tour Bus of Life

"To act means getting off the tour bus of life (for example watching television) and living among the locals, allowing worlds other than your own to stimulate your senses. It means smelling, tasting, sensing, and feeling as others feel. As Warren Buffett once put it, “Can you really explain to a fish what it’s like to walk on land? One day on land is worth a thousand years of talking about it.”"

-- Donald Van de Mark

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Why Clear Goals is Important

"Clear goals allow the brain to know what it needs to focus on; immediate feedback gives it a sense of moving in the right direction. This is one of the reasons why games and competitions are such good sources of flow. A golfer knows what he or she is aiming for, and finds out soon enough whether the shot is a good one."

-- Tim LeBon

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Overcome The Defeatist Attitude in Life

"No matter your past or personality, you can (and should) overcome a defeatist attitude toward life. At some point, if we don’t overcome this thinking, we allow the mistakes of our pasts to sabotage our presents and our futures to a degree that helps no one."

-- Joshua Becker

Monday, December 19, 2022

Never Compare Yourself To Anyone Else

"You should never say to a child ‘Why can’t you be like so-and-so’ or ‘You did that so much better than…’ It doesn’t build competitiveness; it builds rivalry and resentment, and often leads to people giving up. In the same way, you should never compare yourself to anyone else: ‘I’m so useless – I can’t do it as well as so-and-so…’ or ‘I wish I were like…’ You are your own unique being with your own unique abilities, strengths and opportunities. Celebrate that."

-- Suzie Hayman

Friday, December 16, 2022

Stop Living Someone Else Life

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

-- Steve Jobs

Thursday, December 15, 2022

You Just Can't Change The Past

"We often regret things we couldn’t have changed, but while it’s perfectly valid to wish things had been different, there is no point in blaming or beating ourselves up about what happened. Save your energy for doing something about the here and now or the future – you can’t change the past."

-- Suzie Hayman

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Keeping Yourself Motivated

"To keep yourself motivated, fill your environment with reminders and triggers that will keep your unconscious mind working toward your goal, even when your conscious mind is distracted by other things."

-- Heidi Grant Halvorson

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

What Makes Us Interesting

"It’s the same for people: What makes us interesting isn’t just what we’ve experienced, but also what we haven’t experienced. The same is true when you do your work: You must embrace your limitations and keep moving."

-- Austin Kleon

Monday, December 12, 2022

Have a Growth Mindset

"A growth mindset is one where you take the attitude that improvement is possible, regardless of innate talent. It is acknowledged that talent plays a role, but far more emphasis is placed on the importance of learning and practice. A growth mindset encourages you to develop skills and practice and to see mistakes as learning opportunities."

-- Tim LeBon

Friday, December 09, 2022

See Where You Are Meant To Go

"All great art, thought, and science have forever stood upon the shoulders of imagination. It is, after all, the place where you can see the unseen and know the unknown. Close your eyes and let your imagination take you to the mountaintop. Take a look at the horizons and see, now, where you’re meant to go and what you’re meant to do." 

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Loosen The Grip of The Past

"You can’t change the past—but you can loosen the grip it has on you. And maybe the pain from your past will even make you better at doing meaningful things than you ever could have been without it."

-- Joshua Becker

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Why Keep Your Mindset Positive

"You can keep your mindset positive by eliminating negative thoughts the moment they begin to creep into your conscious mind. If you dwell on the negative aspects  of every opportunity, you will never accomplish anything worthwhile. Be prudent about the risks you take, but don’t be paralyzed by fear of failure."

-- Napoleon Hill

Monday, December 05, 2022

Do Not Halt Your Development

"Living life too much in the safe zone keeps you subordinate to other people, places, and things, which halts the development of your talents and makes living a meaningful and prosperous life more difficult."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Sunday, December 04, 2022

One Small Change in Your Action

"You cannot get improved results in your life with the same old behavior. The beautiful truth about change with respect to results is that one small change in your actions often produces a tremendous change in your results. You have the potential to change, to take charge of your life, and to really live. Do it now!"

--  Bob Proctor

Friday, December 02, 2022

Deposit Your Laughter and Joy

"Find ways today to bring joy and laughter into your life and the lives of those around you. You will be healthier, happier, and a much more desirable person to be around. Particularly in times of stress, be sure to keep on hand: books, videos, and your ever-growing memory bank to give you an instant deposit of laughter and joy."

-- Jim Stovall

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Life Is Far Too Precious To Squander

"A vow to live every day as if it’s my one and only chance to make a mark, because IT IS. To live my life on purpose. To stop wasting time on things that don’t matter.  To step out of my comfort zone. To live with passion and courage of my convictions. To let go of the “what if’s.” To never, ever give up even when things get tough. Because at the end of the day life is far too precious a gift to squander"

-- Joshua Becker

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

When You Change Your Thinking

"But the fact is that your world is largely created by the thoughts you think, and the things that you do as a result of your thinking. When you improve your thinking, you improve your actions and your results. When you change your thinking, you change your life."

-- Brian Tracy

Monday, November 28, 2022

The Greatest of All Mysteries

"Regardless of your time constraints, your life will grow if you make an ongoing commitment to the activity of discovery. And while you’re busy investigating the mysteries of the Universe—the stars, the seas, the worlds within and beyond this one —you must remember that the greatest of all mysteries is the one that lies within you. Your soul, your spirit, can lead you to unlimited discoveries if you just take the time to discover it. Pause a moment now to consider just what the higher Self is."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Sunday, November 27, 2022

How To Attract Positive Things

"It is a curious fact of nature that somehow our minds find a way to transform into physical reality the things we think about most. If you expect to fail, you can be sure that you will, and if you find something negative in every opportunity, nothing will ever work out positively for you. Fortunately, the reverse is also true. If you are a happy, positive person, you will attract positive things."

-- Napoleon Hill

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Success Without Pushing Yourself

"The way to be a success is to do what we like to do, to enjoy what we do, and, therefore, do it to the best of our abilities. That way we won’t have to push ourselves."

-- David R. Hawkins

Friday, November 25, 2022

When Frustrated by Setback

"Whenever you feel frustrated by setbacks or failures, ask yourself, “What one thing can I do today that will move me closer to my ultimate goal?” Once you have answered that question, do it—and keep moving forward."

-- Pat Williams

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Your Greatest Possible Contribution

"So, wherever you are in pursuing your goals, and whatever kind of fear you may be facing, I’ve got the same piece of advice for you. Visualize what it would be like to get to the end of life without ever fulfilling your potential. Now that’s scary! You should be shaking in your boots about that possibility. Actually, we all should be shaking in our boots that you might give in to your fear, because we all need you and your greatest possible contribution to the world."

-- Joshua Becker

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

How You Handle The Mistake

"Everyone’s made mistakes.  Mistakes are not the cause of failure —they are merely springboards defining what was out of alignment, correcting it, and coming through it at a higher level. We come out either a loser or a champion, depending on how we handled the mistake."

-- David R. Hawkins

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Each of Us Is Different

"Each of us is different. No one else in the world has exactly the same gifts, talents, background, or future. That’s one of the reasons it would be a serious mistake for you to try to be someone other than yourself."

-- John C. Maxwell

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Success You Want To Experience

"Every single day you have the choice to decide exactly what kind of success you want to experience. It can be found in the little things, such as a kiss from a loved one, the scent of a flower, a moment of self-mastery, or a smile of appreciation. Success isn’t a future event; it’s a holographic state of mind, a condition of being free—free from fear and want—no matter how much or how little you may have."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Foundation for Mental Strength

"You will set daily routines and habits in place that will ensure progress, give you a reliable structure and shape your new identity, consistently and on step at a time.

You see, once you get the foundation right, once you understand that you shouldn’t be defined and limited by the experiences from the past and external as well as unstable things, everything you do from there, from this present moment awareness, comes out of inspiration instead of desperation.

You will set goals, go for your vision, live up to your values and structure your day not because you want an identity from it, but because you enjoy it.

You can build a new identity while realizing deep down that you are “no-one”. You are pure consciousness that is connected with everyone else.

This realization, this connectedness with everyone else and seeing the sameness in everyone else, allows you to be loving and forgiving in any situation.

This is the foundation for mental strength and groundedness."

-- Kilian Markert

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Read and Listen and Visit

 "Read alot; by this you will become a better decision maker increase your personal value and open doors that were otherwise not accessible.

Listen to yourself more; trust your own intuition and don't allow you life to be based on the opinions of other people.

Visit new places and meet new people; you meet interesting people and learn alot from traveling. There's is more to life than you think."

-- John Gichuki Mwangi

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Start Point of All Change

"What is it in your life you would most like to change? Think of this . . . the starting point of all change is when we change the dominant beliefs that have been limiting our awareness."

--  Bob Proctor

Monday, November 14, 2022

Preparation Meets Opportunity

"Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. Your ability to capture an opportunity is directly proportional to your optimism, skill level, and preparedness. Optimism allows you to seize an opportunity the moment it shows up, and your skill level and preparedness allow you to transform it into a concrete success.  The more optimistic and prepared you are, the more opportunities you will seize and the more successes you will have."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Need To Make Sacrifices

"Make sacrifices to try things. Make sacrifices to get out of your comfort zone. Make sacrifices to do things that are risky, and when you fail, be courageous to stand up and try again."

-- Flavian Mwasi

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Overcome Your Fear

"Sometimes fear holds us back not from starting but from trying again. Overcoming fear is not a onetime achievement but a lifelong skill. Your first attempt (or second or third) at pursuing something meaningful may not go as well as you would’ve liked, but if you’re ever going to be successful at it, you’ll have to try again."

-- Joshua Becker

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Stop Explaining and Start Doing

"It is far easier to rationalize that it’s too difficult, too expensive, or too time-consuming than to accept the idea that if we are willing to work hard enough, smart enough, and long enough we can accomplish anything. Instead of making a commitment, we make up an alibi. If you find that you frequently invent excuses for why you didn’t do something or have a million reasons why something didn’t work out as planned, it’s time for a reality check. Stop explaining and start doing!"

-- Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

The School of Experience

"Sound practical wisdom cannot, it is true, be rapidly acquired anywhere but in the school of experience; but the world abounds with men who are old enough to be wise, and yet are very ignorant. Let it be your fixed resolution not to belong to this class."

-- William Alcott

Monday, November 07, 2022

A Well Rounded Life

"But a well-rounded life—one that easily shifts focus from work to other activities—resonates with diversity and interest. Your decision to pursue other interests for their own sake resonates with the Universe on many levels and opens you up to endlessly joyous options."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor 

Friday, November 04, 2022

Know What You Believe About Your Abilities

"The goals we set for ourselves are shaped in large part by our beliefs about our abilities. If there are goals that appeal to you, but you have avoided setting them in your life, it’s time to ask yourself why. How sure are you that your beliefs are correct? Is there another way to look at things?"

-- Heidi Grant Halvorson

Thursday, November 03, 2022

The Choice Is Yours To Make

"The influential people in your life, with their opinions and nudges, may offer the intellectual and emotional tools to help you choose a wise path. But in the end, the choice, whether rendered early on or after years of false starts, is yours alone to make."

-- Marshall Goldsmith

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Live An Aligned Life

"I believe living a life aligned with your values and passions is the quickest way to happiness in both the short term and the long term."

-- Joshua Becker

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

When Life Just Happen on You

"The great majority of people go through life without giving much thought to who they are and how they got to where they are today. As a result, life just happens to them, like a series of random events, with no explanations and few connections between them."

-- Brian Tracy

Monday, October 31, 2022

The Right Mental Attitude

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

--  Bob Proctor

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Accepting Your Thoughts

"Every thought has a reason for being there, but unless you accept it for what it is without judging it, you will not be able to deal with it in any form. Allow the thought to be what it is. It does not mean you have to like it, does not mean you have to agree with it and definitely does not mean you have to love it. Just take it for what it is.  With every thought that is bothering you simply say “I accept you” to clear your mind of it. You have to imagine these thoughts of yours, both the positive and negative ones, like little children wanting attention. If you starve them of attention they will not go away but instead throw tantrums until you do give them attention. But all they really want is to be heard."

-- Lukas Schwekendiek

Friday, October 28, 2022

Learn The Lessons Within Them

"You can do this. I know you can. I pushed past more failures in my life than I can even remember—and what I took from each one is the lessons within them. I am stronger than I ever knew, and guess what? So are you! Maybe you aren’t sure if you believe that yet. I get it. The process that leads to self-love, confidence, and self-acceptance can be long and painful. Just stick with it—one day at a time."

-- Jay Adkins

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Achieve Great Things in Lives

"One of the primary differences between those who achieve great things in their lives and those who manage only to “get by” is that successful people learned early in life that they were responsible for their own actions. No other person can make you successful or keep you from achieving your goals."

-- Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Not Leaving Everyday To Chance

"Having the ability to control yourself, not give in to everyday temptations and constant distractions that happen all around you. Knowing the importance of keeping good habits because they will shape the human you will be in the future. Being methodical and analytical in the way you do things. Not leaving everyday life to chance — chance meetings, shifts in schedules, obstacles that show up out of nowhere and that threaten to derail your day."

-- Nela Canovic

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Effective Step for More Meaningful Pursuits

"If you’re like many people, you’re spending up to three-quarters of your waking hours interacting with technology. That probably includes the hours of the day when you are most alert and could be most productive. Cut back on your screen time, and you will have taken the single most effective step to opening up more time for more meaningful pursuits."

-- Joshua Becker

Monday, October 24, 2022

Learn To Teach Yourself

"The most important skill to develop in the modern knowledge and creative economy is learning how to teach yourself new concepts, skills, tools, and knowing how to ask for help. In the past, learning one skill was enough for an entire career, but today’s jobs demand greater cognitive flexibility which means that employees need to be constantly learning and improving to remain relevant.

Learning to teach yourself involves finding high-quality study material, working through problems yourself, and knowing how and when to ask for help when you’re stuck."

-- Karan Mehta

Friday, October 21, 2022

Never Too Late To Reorient Your Life

"Right now, I want you to start believing that it’s not too late to reorient your life around your purposes. You can do something now to live the life you want to live and eventually come to the end with fewer regrets."

-- Joshua Becker

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Law of Appreciation

"Cultivate a sense of appreciation for your life and each day in it, and try to see and feel the value all around you. This will show you that you have the power to shift the energy of your feelings, and it will demonstrate to the Universe that you have the intention to be happy in your career—a very important message if you want to find something better, or even if you just want to make your present situation more comfortable."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Start Thinking Bigger Now

"Use your spare moments to create. The mind does well when challenged with a change of pace. It craves stimulation. Start thinking bigger now. No matter how well you feel your life is going, it could be better. While others are enjoying only a small portion of their potential, you can think bigger and live in ecstasy. Every moment that you use instead of wasting adds to the potential for awesomeness in your life."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Your Anticipation and Belief

"The hope of having a successful today and a better tomorrow is the driving force that motivates winners to get up every morning. Your anticipation and belief in a more prosperous and fulfilling future keep your mind sharp and your fires of enthusiasm burning bright."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Monday, October 17, 2022

Discomfort Means Growth

"Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. You must be willing to get uncomfortable daily.  Remember, discomfort means growth is happening. So, don’t be afraid of it. When you don’t feel like doing something, DO IT!"

-- Jay Adkins

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Regret is Not Inevitable

"Your highest achievement will be different from mine, but we both have one. And life is long enough for us to achieve it. Regret is not inevitable."

-- Joshua Becker

Friday, October 14, 2022

How To Win BIG in Life

"The only way to win big in life is if you're willing to make big mistakes, and look ridiculous. We often take life so seriously, even though we're all going to end up the same way—free from our bodies and one with our light. So what have you got to lose? You might just win BIG!"

-- Mikaela Katherine Jones

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Press On Regardless of What Others May Think

"They who can think far enough and deep enough into the undiscovered realms of knowledge and law as related to electricity and other ethereal forces will be the inventors and discoverers whose names will be written in the Hall of Fame. Such men must be free from fear; men unmoved and unswerved by ridicule and derision; men who keep their minds fixed and centered upon one great purpose. Such men press on and on, regardless of what others may think or say."

-- Charles F. Haanel

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Make Clear Plans

"Your goals must be oriented toward the present as well as the future. Make clear and conscious plans about the present—this moment, this hour, this day—in order to accelerate your specific goals for the future."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor      

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

If You Never Make The Attempt

"Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters. But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success."

-- Napoleon Hill

Monday, October 10, 2022

Your Success is Different From Others

"There is no doubt that success and achievement are relative words, and your highest achievement is different from someone else’s. You may never lead thousands or cure cancer or start a nonprofit. But make no mistake: there is a good that you are designed to bring into this world that only you can accomplish, and there are people in your life whom you can serve and love better than anyone else can. Read that sentence again. There are people in your life whom you can serve and love better than anyone else can."

-- Joshua Becker

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Decide Every Single Day

"Make the daily decision. You must decide every single day that you will do the necessary things to transform your success psyche. The key phrase here is “every single day.” It’s not a one-time decision."

-- Jay Adkins

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Develop a Healthy Dissatisfaction

"Develop a healthy dissatisfaction with your life. Set new goals—big, exciting goals. Then, set out to achieve them with the same enthusiasm you knew and used as a baby. That is called living. Everything else is dying."

--  Bob Proctor

Friday, October 07, 2022

Tiny Battles That Lead To Your Future Life

"If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses, and see how your daily choices will compound ten or twenty years down the line. Are you spending less than you earn each month? Are you making it into the gym each week? Are you reading books and learning something new each day? Tiny battles like these are the ones that will define your future self."

-- James Clear

Thursday, October 06, 2022

How You Got To Where You Are Now

"You are capable, right now, of living a wonderful life full of meaning and purpose, having a positive effect on numerous people. But before you can realize your full potential for personal greatness, you need to understand who you are and how you got to where you are today."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Please Do Not Forget This

"You were designed to achieve great things! You are unique in your being, your personality, your abilities, and your relationships. And there is no one else on the face of the earth who can live your life and accomplish your good. Please do not forget that."

-- Joshua Becker

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Finding My Life Purpose

"Spend some time considering the options and try to find the answer in your heart. Begin to take steps to pursue that path—even if it’s just to be happy. When you’re doing what you love, you feel a strong sense of personal purpose, and your life force automatically moves into your heart. You’ll find that joy replaces drudgery in your life, and even if you still have many tasks to perform —and many steps until you reach your goal—you’ll feel focused and motivated by your purposeful pursuit."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Sunday, October 02, 2022

What Do You Want in Life

"Sit down and think about what you want your life to look like. Most people never get what they want because they don’t know what they want. What does YOUR success snowflake look like? Remember, it has to be your success, not someone else’s."

-- Jay Adkins

Friday, September 30, 2022

What Success Teaches You

"Success matters because it teaches you to look to yourself, rather than others, for your happiness and validation. As a winner you always know you’ll get things done and take care of yourself regardless of circumstances. Your self-generated independence enables you to support others unconditionally without reciprocal expectation."

-- Jeffrey Spencer

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Why Write Down Your Fear

"I would also write down my fears and look at them. When fears stay stuck inside your head, your imagination can go wild, torturing you with all the various negative possibilities and outcomes. But when you write them down, you clarify exactly what you are afraid of, and soon the power they hold over you will fade."

-- Blake Mycoskie

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Our Existence Mean Something

"Living a life of purpose is important not just to me or to a few others like me. It’s important to all of us, because we all have at least one thing (probably more) that we feel we just have to do before we die. And I’m not talking about bucket-list items like “ride in a hot air balloon.” I’m talking about living in a way that makes a difference. I’m talking about knowing our lives matter and make an impact on the world in a positive way, that our existences mean something."

-- Joshua Beckerr

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Short or Long Life

"We are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it…. Life is long if you know how to use it."

—- Seneca, “On The Shortness of Life”

Monday, September 26, 2022

The Power of The Mind

"The Law of Attraction, uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in your thoughts and materialize them into reality. The results of positive thoughts are always positive consequences. The same holds true for negative thoughts; always leading to bad outcomes."

-- Flavain Mwasi

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Thought You Pay Attention To

"But what really makes a difference is what happens beyond that. A snowball effect turns into what is known as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, which basically means that as you pay way more attention to the things that are in line with what you want, and ignore things that are not, you create more chances to actually get what you want.  Your brain cannot relay every little bit of information to the conscious mind, so it chooses to relay the important pieces, namely the ones you have thought about the most."

-- Lukas Schwekendiek

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Create an Environment That Support Your Efforts

"The best way to train your brain to think differently is by changing your behavior. Do hard things--and keep doing them even when you think you can't. You'll prove to yourself that you're stronger than you think. Establish healthy daily habits as well. Practice gratitude, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet so your brain and your body can be at their best.  Seek out people who inspire you to be your best. And create an environment that supports your efforts to build a healthy lifestyle."

-- Emil Baltman

Friday, September 23, 2022

Why Practice Gratitude

"It trains your brain to focus on positive things and makes you think of what you already have in your life as opposed to what you do not. It keeps you grounded in your personal life so you are less focused on what others are doing with theirs, which is a huge waste of time and won’t help you get any closer to your personal goals."

-- Nela Canovic

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Solutions for Most Problems

"There are many things you cannot control, but you can control the only things that really matter: your mind and your attitude. External forces have very little to do with success. Those who program themselves for success find a way to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Solutions to most problems come from one source and one source alone: yourself." 

-- Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

You Want To Challenge Yourself

"It’s also important when you set goals to make them difficult, while still being realistic. You want to challenge yourself and set the bar high, because challenges really get the motivational juices flowing, while avoiding goals that are more or less impossible. Remember that if you set the bar too low, you may achieve your goal but are unlikely to surpass it—most people tend to slack off once they’ve reached their original target. Nobody sets out with the goal of losing five pounds and ends up somehow losing twenty.

-- Heidi Grant Halvorson

Monday, September 19, 2022

What Keep You From Success

"It is on you to allow excuses and reasons to keep you from success. If you do not hold yourself accountable, no one else will for no one has to pay the price or reap the rewards of that accountability but you."

-- Lukas Schwekendiek

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Today You Can Begin A New Life

"If you are not presently living the way you really want to live, don’t feel bad about it or have any regrets about the past. Today can be the beginning of a new life. Just as you turn the page on the calendar to reveal a new day or month, mentally you can do that with your life."

--  Bob Proctor

Friday, September 16, 2022

How To Find Your Passion

"Starting small is a particularly good idea for someone who already has a job. Let’s say you’re a math teacher but your real passion is baking. You don’t have to resign your position. Instead, rather than sitting on the beach for your next vacation, volunteer for a week at a bakery to see if you enjoy it. Learn what you can without making a full commitment. Ask the owner if you can take on part-time evening or weekend work in which you can learn the trade while still making money at your day job."

-- Blake Mycoskie

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Create The Roadmap of Your Life

"I believe that setting goals is like creating the roadmap of your life. You start with a clean slate (or blank page) and then take the time to really think what you want to put on it. What matters to you? What would you consider to be a successful life? How would you feel if you accomplished goal X, Y, or Z? When you reach one goal, in which direction should you go to get closer to the next one? All of this is an exercise is self-discovery but also self-discipline, because setting goals will help you instill positive habits you will practice every day."

-- -- Nela Canovic

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Improve Your Focus

"Riding My Bike for 60-minutes a Day

This simple act is, by far, one of the most enjoyable parts of my day.

Nothing beats riding my bike along the beach while I enjoy the sunshine and get my heart pumping.

Regardless of who you are or what your goal is, spending an hour outside exercising in nature each day is all but guaranteed to boost your mood, improve your focus and creativity and help you maintain a body that you’re proud of."

-- Andrew Ferebee

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Way To Do Great Things

 "Great things are not easy to achieve, you need to invest your time and energy, and overcome many obstacles on your way. We can perform small tasks without motivation, but if we want to achieve great things, we need to be motivated. Great things can’t be achieved smoothly, you need to deal with many difficulties, uncertainties, and adversities until you achieve them. Motivation will give you energy in challenging times. Motivation is a reason or reason why you doing something. Motivation moves you toward achieving your aims. Without motivation, you can’t achieve great things."

-- Milos Vucetic

Monday, September 12, 2022

When You Are Curious

"In reality, our brain is capable of developing a growth mindset — believing that we can accomplish whatever we want to do as long as we continuously make an effort to practice, improve, and gain knowledge of a specific skill.

A big part of the growth mindset is learning something new and learning it in a different way from just reading a textbook in school. It can be finding out a small detail that made you curious. How did he do that? Is this possible? How can I find out how to do it too? When you’re curious, you want to learn new things all the time. it doesn’t matter if you’re 10, 45, or 85. It’s just a matter of what type of mindset you have."

-- Nela Canovic

Sunday, September 11, 2022

A Better Way To Measure Success

"Some of the most miserable people I know are wealthy beyond the realm of your imagination.

So stop predicating your success and worth on the number of 0’s in your bank account.

Because guess what?

One day, you will die and the money you worked so hard to save will be squandered by your children, stolen by the government, or, at the very least, gone in a few centuries.

A better way to measure your success is in love, happiness, and adventure.

Are you doing cool shit with your life? Do you have people you love and who love you back? Are you happy when you wake up?

If the answer is “Yes” then you are a success.

Regardless of how much money you have in the bank."

-- Andrew Ferebee

Friday, September 09, 2022

In Order To Be Great

"Do it every day. — put at least 2–3 hours in practicing your craft.

Be willing to make mistakes — fail and fail again, it’s part of the process.

Learn from people who are at the top — books, courses, coaches, etc.

Surround yourself with people who are a bit above your level — the challenge will make you better.

Celebrate small wins. Made a bit of progress? See it as proof you are getting better — no time for negative self-talk.

Be patient — remember to master anything it takes at least 10,000 hours of practice.

Remember most people can master a skill up to 95% — but the percents after that are what makes the great, great."

-- Rafael Eliassen

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Knowing Your Why

"The final step in creating your Success Psyche is to define your why. Your why will help you do the tough things along the way that you don’t feel like doing. Remember, your why can change during your journey. So, revisit it each quarter and make sure it’s still giving you the motivation you need to push past failure and make the daily decision to be excellent!"

-- Jay Adkins

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

When You Think Negatively

"So when you catch yourself thinking negatively, just let it go. Laugh and identify that as merely a visit from your old self. Bless the situation, release the thought, and simply remind yourself that there’s always an adjacent possibility. Forgive yourself and smile every time it happens. This immediately reverses the negative energy and creates a much more positive process."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Everyone Has an Unique Purpose

"Everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus everyone’s task is as unique as his specific opportunity to implement it. Each of us has a purpose for which we were created. Our responsibility—and our greatest joy —is to identify it."

-- John C. Maxwell

Monday, September 05, 2022

Rise Early and Plan Your Work

"He who rises early and plans his work, and early sets himself about it, generally finds his business goes well with him the whole day. He has taken time at the ship’s helm and will be sure to go before, or drive his business; whereas his more tardy neighbor “suffers his business to drive him.”"

-- William Alcott

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Become More Intentional in Everything You Do

"Being intentional means training your brain to get focused on what it needs to do as soon as you wake up. Here’s how I practice it. I start my day with this question: “What is the one thing I am committed to completing today?” This technique gets my brain to start evaluating the goals that are important to me right now and forces me to prioritize one goal that needs attention immediately. In addition, I give myself the time to think about what’s important in my life, instead of letting other people or situations dictate what I should or shouldn’t be doing.

How can you do this?

Put it in writing. Write it in big letters on a sheet of paper and hang it on your bedroom or bathroom wall. Read it out loud as you start your day, for example as you’re brushing your teeth or getting dressed. Come up with an answer on the spot and answer it out loud. Then follow up by taking action: focus your energy throughout the day to completing your one thing."

-- Nela Canovic

Saturday, September 03, 2022

The Lesson is To Keep Learning

"The more you read biographies, talk to successful people, and listen to business leaders speak, the more you’ll hear about mistakes, screwups, fears, and failures. But you’ll also see that those downers often turn out to be the biggest blessings they ever received. This is a lesson you have to keep learning."

-- Blake Mycoskie

Friday, September 02, 2022

Struggle Builds Character

"Strife and struggle can inspire you to overcome adversity and to propel yourself to real achievement. View every struggle as an opportunity for personal growth. It is the struggle itself, not the result, that builds character. If you know you are right, stay the course even though the whole world seems to be against you and everyone you know questions your judgment. When you prevail —and you eventually will if you stick to the job—they will all tell you that they knew all along you could do it."

-- Napoleon Hill

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Taking Control When Things Happen

"Things happen, so you’ve got to stay flexible. You’ve also got to stay committed to your schedule and not allow distractions that are not on your calendar to creep in and steal your most precious commodity (time). If you don’t take control, the results could be catastrophic."

-- Jay Adkins

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Making A Huge Difference

"Don’t try to consume the meal of your life in a single bite—take it gradually, in manageable bites, confident that all of the changes you are making in your life day by day will add up to a huge difference when you reach your goal."

-- Pat Williams

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

You Control Everything

"Constantly engaging in negative and fearful thinking is like taking poison every day. It makes your energy toxic and sends out wave after wave of agitating resonance.  In the pursuit of success—or any kind of happiness—it’s your thinking that matters most. Your consciousness, your energy, and your intentions revolve around this important personal power. Take control of your thoughts and you control everything!"

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Monday, August 29, 2022

Resilience From A Baby Walk

 "A few weeks ago I was watching a baby learn how to walk.

She was engrossed.

She made an effort to get up, felt her legs shake, stumbled, fell on her bum.

She was unfazed by this fall. She instantly began again. Stood up, wobbled, fell.


And again.

I detected no stress, no fear, no ego trip, no drama, no discouragement, no sense of failure. No wondering if it was worth it, no giving up, no dejection, no second guessing, no overthinking, no dismay, no blame, no loss of confidence.


I wish I could do everything the way I learned to walk."

-- Dushka Zapata 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Six Ds of Goal Achievement

 "This is what you need in order to achieve any goal:

Desire: You can’t achieve anything that you really, truly don’t want to achieve.

Some people just “wish” to achieve something, but they lack the desire, determination and passion to actually take action Desire is the starting point of all achievement.

Determination: You can’t achieve anything without having the courage to step out of your comfort zone to pursue your goal. You will be challenged by the people and the culture that surrounds you. “What are you doing? You will never achieve this! Be real”

Determination to make things happen is a key ingredient to achieve anything in life. Be in control!

Discipline: You must step away from motivation and emotions. Train yourself to do whatever it takes in a controlled and habitual way. Discipline is doing whatever it takes, even if you don’t want to. Motivation is an emotion, it comes and goes. Discipline is a decision followed by a series of actions.

Devotion: You must love what you do. Enthusiasm for your goal is a driver to keep going. Discipline says, “I need to.” Duty says, “I have to.” Devotion says, “I want to.”

Dedication: Your level of commitment to achieve your goal. Dedication doesn’t have days off. This is where willpower, perseverance, persistence and tenacity come into play. Lack of dedication is an insult for your goal. Obsession is what lazy people call dedication. Dedication is execution.

Destiny: We determine our destiny by the actions we take today. I’m the architect of my own destiny. The only person you are destined to become, is the person you decide to be. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen— Make them happen!"

-- Hector Quintanilla

Friday, August 26, 2022

How To Gain A Sense of Accomplishment

"Practicing self-discipline means that if you want to focus on priorities, you should work on them early. As early in the day as possible — in fact, start right after breakfast. Do that task that you’ve been putting off all week before lunchtime. Write up a plan for the school or work week ahead of time. Finish up doing homework or reviewing your exam questions that you’ve been procrastinating on for days because you’d rather do something more fun. The benefit? You gain a sense of accomplishment early that will make you feel better about the whole day."

-- Nela Canovic

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Never Be Afraid of Failure

"Failure is our master. I believe most of us already read the same stories about big successful people failed a lot in their life before becoming today's top news. Some maybe true some maybe fake, hear other people story, some of them may walk the same path. So don't be afraid for making mistake and fail at something, take that opportunity to check the battlefield and comeback with necessary ammunition!"

-- Kevin Gosal

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Why Do Things You Cannot

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ … You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, August 22, 2022

Life Without Routine

"It's no wonder that most people nowadays wake up feeling tired because they sleep too late and wake up too early. One of the side effects of a more sedentary lifestyle is not following a routine.  This may not affect you much as an adult in your 20s. However, if your body is always going to be confused, you’re soon going to face symptoms of exhaustion. Premature ageing, poor metabolism, and mood swings are just some of the signs that you need to fix your schedule.  This will affect all aspects of your social, professional, and personal growth too. It's best to set up a healthy routine that is customized for your comfort and growth."

-- Madison Laken

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Be The Person You Are

"Be open-minded. Don’t cling onto beliefs so much. Life is better lived learning. Be humble and kind. Be charitable. Be calm. Be happy with what you have. Grow in silence and appreciate things for what they are. Let go of old thoughts - welcome in new thoughts. Live honestly. Write when you can. Read when you can. You are on your own path. Make use of it, network, meet people. Meet many different kinds of people, learn from them."

-- Jasmin Mous

Friday, August 19, 2022

Increase Your Chances of Achieving Success

"Setbacks and fear are inevitable. The thing that distinguishes the ultimate successes from the ultimate failures is this: What do you do with them?  But there’s a way through it. Instead of focusing on the fear itself, which you cannot control, focus on what you can control: your actions. How you react to negative feelings will be the key to your success. Becoming comfortable with fear, and acting confidently in its face, will not only give you more courage when facing it next time but also greatly increase your chances of achieving success and happiness."

-- Blake Mycoskie

Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Law of Goal Achieved

"Everyone who’s achieved a goal knows the sense of self-pride that manifesting something positive brings. Every goal attained breaks a few more of the invisible chains that hold you back from becoming the best you can be, making your future goals easier to achieve. Each of your successes reconfirms to you that your achievements are the result of your efforts, and each validates your capacity to be the author of your own destiny." 

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Numerous Opportunities Life Offers

"Winners are wide awake; they are alive. Every day you will find them in the marketplace making things happen. The real winners are not just dreamers. Although they have dreams, they are doers: They realize their dreams. They are the bell ringers, always attempting to wake others up to the numerous opportunities life offers."

--  Bob Proctor

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Living Life As A Game

"I like to live life as a game. It’s more effective, and it also has the distinct advantage of being more fun. Start viewing life as something worth training for and playing hard. The alternative is to let the current of life sweep you along with it.  We should work to become studiers of our craft. It could be in sales, teaching, or corporate America. We can all become elite professionals in whatever we do."

-- Jay Adkins

Monday, August 15, 2022

Replace Your Self Limiting Beliefs

"Your greatest obstacles to happiness and success are usually contained within your self-limiting beliefs, those negative beliefs that you have about yourself and your potential that are not based on fact, but that you have accepted nonetheless. The key to unlocking your full potential is to challenge these beliefs and replace them with new, life-enhancing beliefs."

-- Brian Tracy

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Motion of Good Force

"Just as negative thoughts and deeds return to their originator, so do positive ones. When you practice honest, ethical behavior, you set in motion a force for good that will return to you many times over."

-- Napoleon Hill

Friday, August 12, 2022

Know How To Do It Differently

"One lesson that I have learned from "failure" is that I have never failed. I now know how to do it different.  It is okay to take a break, take a step back, clear your mind and think straight, but never give up on your goals, sometimes the business you are working on doesn't work, then you need to step up on to the next one."

-- Philip

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Do Not Make Excuses

"Don't make excuses. When you make excuses, you’re just setting yourself up for failure. Excuses are just another term for failure. They will not help you or anyone. If something is worth doing just do it. If you want something bad enough, you’ll have it."

-- Flavian Mwasi

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Redirect Your Life Force

"We all have the power to choose our feelings instead of being victimized by them. Some situations may be more difficult than others, but when we learn to define our experiences by the lessons, opportunities, and potential power they bring, we shift their vibration and redirect our life force."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Great Things To Be Done

"It is better to die with memories than to die with your dreams. Imagine these dreams were the talents, the ideas, and unfinished tasks. Each one of them is saying to you ‘’I came to you while you were alive but you didn't allow me to be a reality'' What would you do? How would it feel like? Look around you, there are great things done by ordinary people like you. It is just the mindset."

-- Morris Abah

Monday, August 08, 2022

A Truly Successful Person

"When people reach success, in whatever form that may be, they finally allow themselves to let go of the idea that these things would bring them happiness or fulfillment, and by doing that, they reached closer to true success.  In my opinion, a truly successful person is not one who has it all, but one who is happy because they have nothingIt is a person that feels successful without any reason to, one that removed all those negative thoughts, worries and stressors from their head."

-- Lukas Schwekendiek

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Wanting Does Not Matter

 "Wanting to do something isn't worth anything. In fact, what you want to do is really unimportant in life. It's what you actually do that matters. 

Wanting to talk to a girl is irrelevant, talking to a girl matters.

Wanting to launch a business is irrelevant, making your first sale matters.

Wanting to lose weight is irrelevant, creating a system to stop snacking matters."

-- Matt Sandrini

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Control Where Your Power Is

"Sometimes you don’t get what you want, because you deserve better. When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is."

-- Reven Lee 

Friday, August 05, 2022

Move Confidently in Dream Direction

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”

-- Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, August 04, 2022

The Great Death Teacher

"That’s why death is such a great teacher. It is death that makes life precious. Look how precious life becomes when you imagine you only have a week left to live. How precious would life be if there was no such thing as death? You’d waste every second of it because you’d figure you’d always have it. It is scarcity that makes things precious. It is scarcity that makes a simple rock become a rare gem."

-- Michael A. Singer

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Be As Specific As You Can

"When you set yourself a goal, try to be as specific as possible. “Lose five pounds” is a better goal than “lose some weight,” because it gives you a clear idea of what success looks like. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve keeps you motivated until you get there. Avoid “do your best” goals—they are too vague to be really motivating."

-- Heidi Grant Halvorson

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

The Only Regrets in Life

"When researching consistencies in human regrets at or near, the end of life, one consistency stands out. Research shows that people rarely regret chasing their dreams and failing or falling short, but they always have deep regrets for not ever chasing their dreams."

-- Dave Menz

Monday, August 01, 2022

The Power of Believing You Can

“The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness is self esteem: Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it.”

-- Jerry Gillies

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Way To Successful Living

"Successful living consists of knowing and being. When the two are separated, there is nothing but frustration and failure. To know all about love without loving can be disastrous. In the same way, knowing all about the right way to live and not acting on what you know, on a daily basis, can prove to be very destructive for anyone."

--  Bob Proctor

Friday, July 29, 2022

People Who Laugh A Lot

"Studies show that people who laugh a lot tend to live longer, recover more quickly from colds and other infectious illnesses, have better memories, and experience fewer chronic or catastrophic diseases. They also have more friends and a wider network of support, and—no surprise here—they tend to be happier."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Be The One Who Make Things Happen

"Baseball manager Tommy Lasorda once noted that there are those who watch things happen, those who wonder what happened, and those who make things happen. Strive to be one of those who make things happen. If you show others what you can do, they will respect you far more than if you had simply told them what you’d done. Anyone can quarrel with words, but actions speak for themselves."

-- Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Bouncing Back From Non Achievement

"No one ever has, nor will you  ever, accomplish everything you set out to do. Your inability to reach every goal you pursue is actually healthy, however, because it teaches you to remain trustful in yourself and gracious in defeat, and thereby a more determined individual and a better example for others. When others see you bounce back from a goal not achieved, they realize that not achieving a goal is something everyone must and can confront and overcome."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Doing Good Work

"Doing good work makes you feel good, makes you feel as if you have some control over your life and your future. I have this joke motto: someone asks me, “How are you doing?” and my answer is “I’m doing what I can with what I’ve got.” That can work for everyone." 

--  Ingrid Newkirk

Monday, July 25, 2022

Dream on a Big Scale Act on a Small One

"Use your imagination in a healthy way. If you really want something—within reason—and you imagine it in detail, you can achieve it. Let your heart fly, make a plan of action, and execute it. The plan is fundamental: Without a plan and short-term goals, good things remain out of reach."

-- Marian Rojas Estape

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Abundant Universe

"If thinking along the old lines of limiting thoughts, remind yourself: The Universe is abundant. I choose to focus on the value already present within my life, and I open myself to receiving more. As I choose to see value, I create more value all around me."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Friday, July 22, 2022

Remove Your Blockage

"But even if your life  is moving along in a satisfactory way, you may have, deep within your thinking, a negative memory or block that can be holding you back from accomplishing something extraordinary with your life. When you identify this block and remove it, you will suddenly begin to make more progress in a few weeks or months than you might have made in several years."

-- Brian Tracy

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Why The Need To Set Life Aim

"The evidence is overwhelming that you cannot begin to achieve your best unless you set some aim in life. Or put another way, if you don’t try actively to discover your purpose, you’re likely to spend your life doing the wrong things."

-- John C. Maxwell

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

How To Deal With Any Crisis

"The surest way to deal with any crisis is to focus on solutions, not on the probable cause of the problem or who should be blamed for it. Conduct a quick damage assessment, take the time to think through the alternatives and their consequences, and then act to implement the best solution. If you deal with life’s emergencies as they occur—on your own terms—you will be a stronger, better person for having looked them in the eye and conquered them."

-- Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

You Can Be What You Make

"It helps you examine your own ability to bash through those brick walls and encourages you to cast aside any doubts, hesitation, or perceived limitations you may be harboring. May it prove to you that you are bound by nothing at all and that the future, and your life, can be what you make it."

--  Ingrid Newkirk

Monday, July 18, 2022

Remind Yourself of Your Life Options

"If you’re driving down the street and you realize you’re going the wrong way, you can change course and choose a new route that will take you where you want to go. The same holds true for your consciousness, too. If you’re proceeding in a negative direction, you don’t have to keep going down that same counterproductive path.  You just have to realize that your life is heading down a dead-end road. Remind yourself of your options, and then let them redirect you—just like a map to a new destination."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Saturday, July 16, 2022

You Are Still A Victory

"Time flies by far faster than you know. Every day you get out of bed is a victory. It's never too late to become who you always wanted to be or could have been if you hadn't given up.  You'll regret the things you didn't do far more than the things you did that were "wrong" — the girl you didn't kiss, the trip you didn't take, the project you put off, the time you could have helped someone — far more than the things you did that were "wrong." If you have the opportunity, take it. You might never get another chance."

-- David Miller

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Risks and Costs To Action

"There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction. Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all."

--  Bob Proctor

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Product of Success

"Habits align with the values you've adopted and depict your quality of life. It determines whether you're going to be productive or not whereas, your success lies in how you manage your time whether effectively or otherwise. Success is a product of good values, habits and time management. If you can have these, you will be very successful. You may fail in the process but you will never end up a failure."

-- Olaseni Kehinde Precious

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Determine Your Usefulness

"As a general rule, you may be whatever you will resolve to be. Determine that you will be useful in the world, and you shall be."

-- William Alcott

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Be An Active Participant in Own Future

"Your consciousness is always moving into the mix of when and where, connecting with the consciousness of others and creating a shared destiny that you have—until now—only passively approved of. It’s time to be an active participant in the evolution of your own destiny—and that of all humankind. This is no small feat! The power of the world is at your disposal, and the choice you make at this very moment can open your heart and give you access to the realm of your most powerful potential. It may seem insignificant, but the power of your every thought is incontrovertible."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Monday, July 11, 2022

How To Get More Success

"Each success you have opens your mind a little further to additional successes you’re capable of achieving. And the more you succeed, the more options you will envision and the more you will succeed. Every experience you have, and every fact you learn, reorganizes your knowledge base and prompts fresh and novel ideas related to achieving more success." 

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Sunday, July 10, 2022

You Become What You Think Most

"You become what you think about most. If you think about success, you condition your mind to seek success, and you attract large portions of it. Conversely, if you think about failure and despair, you will become miserable and desperate. To keep your mind on a positive track, the moment you begin to experience creeping negativism, make a conscious decision to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts."

-- Napoleon Hill

Friday, July 08, 2022

Plan And Take More Action

"Oettingen’s studies show that people who believe goal pursuit will be difficult plan more, put in more effort, and take more action in pursuit of their goals. They expect to have to work hard, so that’s exactly what they do."

-- Heidi Grant Halvorson

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Your Life Journey

Life is a long journey, but busy people make it too short; The world is a very broad place, But narrow minded people make it narrow—more than it should be; Flowers dancing in the wind and moonlight in the snow are beautiful relaxing sceneries, but worried people move too hectic and miss the magic right before their eyes.”

—from Tending the Roots of Wisdom, By Hong Ying Ming

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

You Are Not A Tree

"You are not a tree. If you are not happy with a certain situation then walk away. Growing up hurts, change is hard. But nothing hurts more than when you're stuck in a place that's not yours."

-- Dale P Lee

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Choosing Life Guiding Light

"Choose your intention carefully and then practice holding your consciousness to it, so that it becomes the guiding light in your life."

-- John Roger

Monday, July 04, 2022

Be Good At One Thing

"It is far better to get good at just 1 thing, than to keep changing career.  Too many smart people change industries too often, and never get good at it. The evidence shows you need 10,000 hours of practice to get really good at something So practicing from a young age is key."

-- Adam Fayed

Friday, July 01, 2022

Some of The Most Indispensable Inventions

"Some of the most indispensable inventions and delightful distractions came about because someone, somewhere, dedicated countless hours to whatever interested or intrigued them, a problem of life and death perhaps, or tinkered about with, say, a musical instrument, a style or even something to eat." 

--  Ingrid Newkirk

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Never Wait For The Perfect Moment

"Never wait for the perfect moment to do something, do what's on your mind right now and learn how to do it better as time goes on.  Never give up on your dreams. Learn to finish everything you started and one day you will see the results.  Work hard and discover the world, you never know what awaits you tomorrow.  Learn to remove all toxic, fake people and purposeless relationships from your life."

-- Mathew P. Vanderburg

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Attract More Blessings

"Instead of envying what others have—or constantly, desperately striving for more—it’s time to make a higher choice! Consciously acknowledge all the wonder and beauty in your life—refuse to spend even a minute in lack. Your heartfelt recognition of worth will generate an abundance consciousness that attracts even more blessings to appreciate in the future."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

When You Should Not Quit

"The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far,  So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit – It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit."

-- Edgar A. Guest

Monday, June 27, 2022

Three Habits To Change Your Life

"One habit that will take care of your health, for example, sports, exercise, gym, etc.  One habit that will take care of your financial needs, for example side hustling, blogging, etc.  One habit that will make you learn new things, for example, reading, travelling, etc."

-- Faisal

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Developing Your Achievement Muscle

"Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It’s a strengthening of his powers of  accomplishment.  I attempt an arduous task; but there is no worth in that which is not a difficult achievement."

--  Bob Proctor

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Seed of Greater Benefit

"You will also learn how to deal constructively with adversity. Successful people realize that we all face adversity in our lives and that those who achieve great success are those who know we can’t always control events, but we can control the way we react to them. Instead of accepting a temporary setback as a failure, achievers realize that, as Napoleon Hill said, “In every adversity, there is the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”"

-- Napoleon Hill

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Improving Yourself

"Stop discussing your personal life with every second person. Tell them what's necessary, privacy is everything.  Stop trying to please everyone. Give importance to yourself. Stay away from negative people. Make yourself as your best friend. Stop worrying about what people say. Tomorrow morning if you disappear, world will go on perfectly fine without you.  Spend time with family more rather than social media. Make your own rules and boundaries. Don't let anyone to break them. Always keep smile . And don't waste your time on those people who don't cares about you. Polish your skills and don’t let society to take advantage of them. Do whatever which helps you to polish your skill. The only way to improve tomorrow is to know what you did wrong today. Learn something new every day which helps you to improve your skills."

-- Khushboo Khan

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Are You Living Someone Else Life

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."

-- Steve Jobs

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Idealistic Concepts Into Daily Practices

"It’s important to turn attraction and manifestation from mere idealistic concepts into viable daily practices—to understand that joy in everyday life is the source of real prosperity. Instead of being just a desperate materialistic pursuit, your entire existence can vibrate with blissful energy and emotional success."

-- Sandra Anne Taylor

Monday, June 20, 2022

How To Be Better Each day

"Work out - even if you start with a 1 km walk and then slowly increase. Start moving everyday.  Stop spending money on food outside. Cook your food and eat. Eat simple food. Smile. Keep a smiling face. Drink water. Put off the notifications in your mobile. Be it facebook/twitter/insta/whatsapp. Live each day one day at a time. Get up in the morning and plan what best you can do today and then execute it Be grateful for what you have and don’t complain for what you don’t have. You and only you are responsible for your happiness."

-- Tanya Tomar

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Faith and Doubts

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt."

-- William Shakespeare

Friday, June 17, 2022

The Cycle of Change and Joy

"Helping others translates into helping ourselves. And the better we feel, the more delight and energy we have to channel into helping others. What a wonderful cycle of change and joy our lives can be!"

--  Ingrid Newkirk

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Boldness Has Genius Power

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!"

-- John Anster 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Most Important Person Alive

"Regardless of who you are, you are the most important person alive as far as you and your life are concerned. Believe in yourself and build on your positive experiences. Work to develop good and positive characteristics. Focus on them with a white-hot intensity, for it is through the application of PMA principles that you will develop the sincere belief that you cannot fail, that you will succeed at whatever you choose to do."

-- Napoleon Hill

Monday, June 13, 2022

Determine and Get Into Action

"“The emotions are not always subject to reason, but they are always subject to action!” Determine what you are best at and what you like to do, and develop a burning desire to be the best you can be at it. Then get into action!"

-- W. Clement Stone

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Becoming Better At Every Point in Life

"Stop wasting time. Get off social media and find something meaningful to do. Work out, visit elderly relative, become an entrepreneur. Find a passion. Find 2 podcasts to listen to daily that bring understanding and direction, not entertainment Read daily. Non-fiction. Passion related. Find something your heart thinks of first thing when you wake up that revolves around YOUR PASSION. And not another person. Now put everything you have into becoming the person you see in your heart."

-- Katherine Ahrens

Friday, June 10, 2022

Finding It Yourself

"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself."

 -- Galileo (1564–1642, Italian astronomer and mathematician)

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Stop Holding Yourself Back

"Instead of being happy, enthusiastic, and optimistic about their lives and the future, many people are still fearful, negative, insecure, worried, angry, and frustrated. They have mental blocks, fears, and frustrations, all rooted in previous experiences, that hold them back from fulfilling their potential and becoming everything they are capable of becoming."

-- Brian Tracy

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

The Real Treasures in Your Life

"Many of us spend a lot of time working to acquire things that, while nice and valuable, don’t really matter when compared to the treasures represented by our friends and family. It is sad to think that sometimes we can get caught up in the rat race of acquiring things to the extent that we diminish the things that really matter in our lives."

-- Jim Stovall

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

The Ability To Concentrate

"Your ability to focus and concentrate set the upper limit for how far you can develop your capacity for success because that determines what actions you can conceive and are capable of implementing."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Monday, June 06, 2022

Killing Your Own Creativity

“Telling yourself you have all the time in the world, all the money in the world, all the colors in the palette, anything you want—that just kills creativity.

-- Jack White 

Sunday, June 05, 2022

Accept The Past and Keep Moving Forward

“Once you start looking back, you have stopped moving forward; and what is proverbially said of sharks is true—at least metaphorically —of artists: if your forward momentum ceases, you die.”

-- Martin Gayford

Friday, June 03, 2022

The Science of Living Ones Life

"Courageously live your life as an experiment. In science, experiments don’t always yield the results we expect. Sometimes the results are disappointing. Sometimes experiments yield answers, insights, and benefits we never imagined. So be daring. Live boldly. Take risks. Try new experiences. Meet new people. Accept new challenges. Invest in your talent at every opportunity."

-- Pat Williams

Thursday, June 02, 2022

When Success is Just a Journey

"When you see success as a journey, you’ll never have the problem of trying to “arrive” at an elusive final destination. And you’ll never find yourself in a position where you have accomplished some final goal, only to discover that you’re still unfulfilled and searching for something else to do."

-- John C. Maxwell

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

When You Accomplished Something Difficult

"Think about a time in your life when you accomplished something really difficult, and compare that to how you felt when you pulled off something relatively easy. Which feels better? Succeeding at something hard is more pleasurable, gives greater satisfaction and happiness, and increases your overall sense of well-being."

-- Heidi Grant Halvorson

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The False Beliefs That Hold You Back

"The great goal of your life is to remove all those fears, doubts, insecurities, negative emotions, and false beliefs that hold you back until all that remains is the very best person that you could possibly become."

-- Brian Tracy

Monday, May 30, 2022

Building Your Winning Mentality

 "Each success you have further builds your winning mentality by improving your ability to focus, increasing your belief in the value of your aspirations, increasing your confidence in your decision making, expanding your cognitive capacity, increasing your life passion, and strengthening your purpose."

--  Jeffrey Spencer

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Link Between Growth and Risks

"Growth means change and change involves risks, stepping from the known to the unknown."

-- George Shinn

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Goal To Aim For

"Fix upon a high standard of character. To be thought well of is not sufficient. The goal you are to aim for is the greatest possible degree of usefulness."

-- William Alcott

Thursday, May 26, 2022

How To Fully Experienced Life

"Learn to live as though you are facing death at all times, and you’ll become bolder and more open. If you live life fully, you won’t have any last wishes. You will have lived them every moment. Only then will you have fully experienced life and released the part of you that is afraid of living."

-- Michael A. Singer

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Mind Grows With Use

"Dare to be an explorer in the realm of thought. Dare to think deeply and radically, for the mind, like muscles, grows strong with use."

-- Charles F. Haanel

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Power of Doubts To Fuel Your Soul

"Learn from those who have been there. Put yourself in the way of them and find out what went wrong or right. Implement best practices and pay heed to decisions made. In life we will always have those who doubt us and those that praise and encourage us. Use the doubt, and disrespect as fuel for your soul."

-- Dave Menz

Thursday, May 19, 2022

When Your True Greatness Comes

"Basically, he says that if you aren’t sure what to do, just take a step—a tiny baby step. When the universe calls on you, even if you don’t know the exact path to success—take a baby step.  Your true greatness comes when you focus not on building a career but on finding your quest."

--  Vishen Lakhiani

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Trust The Process of Life

"Trust in the process of your life. Even if something “bad” happens. Have faith that something good will come out of it . . . It may take awhile to see the blessing, but eventually you will." 

-- Mikaela Katherine Jones

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Essential for Progress

"Being wrong won’t always  be joyful. The path to embracing mistakes is full of painful moments, and we handle those moments better when we remember they’re essential for progress. But if we can’t learn to find occasional glee in discovering we were wrong, it will be awfully hard to get anything right."

-- Adam Grant

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Difference Between Heroes and Cowards

 "Heroes and cowards both know fear. The difference is that cowards run from fear while heroes run toward it. People of courage seize opportunities, challenge the status quo, accept responsibility for failures, and keep moving toward their goals. People of courage stand firm for their values, principles, and goals instead of taking the easy path of compromise. There is no success without courage, because success requires investment, and investment entails risk. To invest in yourself,"

-- Pat Williams

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Good Things in Your Life

"Every day is a holiday. I give myself little rewards throughout the day to keep myself motivated and to acknowledge the good things happening in my life. Buy yourself a cup of coffee to celebrate that goal you checked off your list. Go on a date just because you are happy. When you are driving in your car, say out loud the good things that have happened during the day."

--  Stacie Bloomfield

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Are You Killing Your Own Potential

"You can decide right now what you’re going to watch. Don’t let the TV own you. Many people are unconscious: they go home, they turn the set on, and they vaporize many good hours while somebody else is making a fortune entertaining them. The person who kills time is also killing their potential. The person who is to succeed makes every moment count and come alive with full potential."

-- Mark Victor Hansen

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

You Have All The Power

"Let me take this moment to encourage you if I may. If you’ve ever been doubted, questioned, or told that you won’t be successful in life, those people are idiots, plain and simple. They are only right if you allow them to be right, and that means that YOU have ALL of the power."

-- Dave Menz

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Spiritual Force in You

"And as the most powerful forces of Nature are the invisible forces, so we find that the most powerful forces of man are his invisible forces, his spiritual force, and the only way in which the spiritual forces can manifest is through the process of thinking. Thinking is the only activity that the spirit possesses, and thought is the only product of thinking."

-- Charles F. Haanel

Monday, May 09, 2022

How To Harvest Accomplishment and Success

"If you want to focus your talent on your dreams and goals, you must invest in your talent through practice, focus, hard work, perseverance, coaching, and mentoring. You must invest your hours well in order to reap the harvest of accomplishments and success."

-- Pat Williams

Saturday, May 07, 2022

The Art of Making Progress

"Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."

-- George Bernard Shaw

Friday, May 06, 2022

Knowledge Compounds Interest

"Learning one new idea won’t make you a genius, but a commitment to lifelong learning can be transformative. Furthermore, each book you read not only teaches you something new but also opens up different ways of thinking about old ideas. As Warren Buffett says, “That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.”

-- James Clear

Thursday, May 05, 2022

The Law of Extraordinary

"There’s nothing more captivating than a person vibrant with life and passion and pursuing their calling. They come from having end goals that bring meaning and from being happy in the now. People who radiate this energy are magnetic because they’re living meaningful lives and helping others do the same. When you live at the level of extraordinary, you’ll attract others who want to live there, too. And together, you’ll create a better world for the generations who follow."

--  Vishen Lakhiani

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

The Law of Failure

"Whereas, in the real world, failure is how we learn. As long as we get back up every time we’re knocked down, then we will eventually pass the test. This realization was, and is to this day, a driving force behind my ambition. I now realize that failure is only temporary unless you choose to allow it to be permanent. In fact, I now fully believe that each failure simply means that I’m even more prepared for the next time."

-- Dave Menz

Monday, May 02, 2022

When You Cannot Forgive

"Those who injured us only did what they knew how to do, given the conditions of their lives. If you won’t forgive, then you allow those ancient injuries to continue their hold on you."

-- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Make Time For Rest

"“Rest is not something that the world gives us,” writes Soojung- Kim Pang. “It’s never been a gift. It’s never been something you do when you’ve finished everything else. If you want rest, you have to take it. You have to resist the lure of busyness, make time for rest, take it seriously, and protect it from a world that is intent on stealing it.”"

-- Catherine Price

Thursday, April 28, 2022

How To Develop Yourself to Greatness

"Take any phenomenal and wildly successful individual in any field of endeavor from sports to the performing arts to literature to leadership, and you’ll find that greatness is not made in mere hours of repetition, but in an intense desire to continually top oneself and to transform raw talent into absolute mastery. Greatness has more to do with how you invest your hours than with accumulating a specific number of hours."

-- Pat Williams

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

No Need To Be Perfect

"Give up your need to be perfect. As long as you're in your body, you still have things to learn and experience. It is not your job to be perfect; it is your job to share your unique gifts and your love. In so doing, you will inspire and uplift others."

-- Mikaela Katherine Jones

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Law of Attraction in Operation

"The ability to produce is found to be the real source of wealth of the individual. It is for this reason that he who has his heart in his work is certain to meet with unbounded success. He will give and continually give, and the more he gives the more he will receive. Thought is the energy by which the law of attraction is brought into operation, which eventually manifests in abundance in the lives of men."

-- Charles F. Haanel

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Commit To An Ongoing Expedition

"We should all commit to an ongoing expedition within our own personal and professional development. What things are you going to know, master, create, or achieve in the coming months and years that are beyond your known horizon today?"

-- Jim Stovall

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Embrace The Beginner Feeling

"If you’re an absolute beginner at something, it probably means that you’re trying something new, which can feel scary. And trying new things is the only way to expand your collection of interests, hobbies, and passions and open up more paths to True Fun. We should be embracing that beginner feeling, not running away from it."

-- Catherine Price

Monday, April 18, 2022

The Crux of An Entrepreneur

"You want it. You are thirsty for it. You want it really bad, and you’re willing to do anything that’s legal and ethical in order to get it done. This is the crux of an entrepreneur!"

-- Dave Menz

Saturday, April 16, 2022

How Would You Like To Be Remembered

“'At the end of my life, what do I want to leave as my legacy?' How would you like to be remembered twenty or fifty years from now? What goals would you like to accomplish to define the life you lived?"

-- Pat Williams

Friday, April 15, 2022

Choose The Last Thought of The Day Carefully

"Be wary of mentally going over everything that’s worrying you once you’re in bed, and try not to dwell on all the bad things that happened during the day, or might happen tomorrow. Focus on something joyful and positive that happened to you or brought a smile to your face. However bad the day has been, there’s always something positive to hold onto."

-- Marian Rojas Estape

Thursday, April 14, 2022

How To Achieve in Life

"The most purposeful people I know all seem to have clear disciplines and rituals. If they are fit, they tend to have a regular gym routine, run or some other regular physical activity. If they are happily married, they tend to spend quality time with their families. If they are calm, they regularly do yoga or meditate every day. If they are muscle bound, they obviously do a lot of weight training. The truth will out from every pore!  Anything you have achieved in life has come about through a regular commitment."

-- Andro Donovan

Monday, April 11, 2022

Heartfelt and Emotionally Driven Passion

"I’ll tell you that it’s perseverance; it’s having a heartfelt passion and emotionally driven passion—something you want to solve on the planet that wakes you up in the morning and keeps you up at night. For other people, it might be something they despise or some injustice in the world they want to solve. I know a lot of the time, doing anything big and bold in the world is hard, unless you have that emotional guiding star, that passion—most people fail by giving up—not by something that stops them."

--  Vishen Lakhiani

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Just One Thing At A Time

"Indeed, doing just one thing at a time is a great way to rebuild your attention span, which likely has atrophied as a result of being bombarded by constant  distractions and stimulation."

-- Catherine Price

Saturday, April 09, 2022

The Power of Grit

"Grit is defined by how hard you’re willing to work without giving up. It is this grittiness that allows you to be persistent and resilient in the face of failure, loss, success, and challenge. It keeps you committed. The successful utilize grit while the fearful don’t dig deep enough to find it."

-- Sherrie Campbell

Friday, April 08, 2022

The Power of Hard Thinking

"Hard thinking is mental mining and deep, penetrative thinking enables the thinker to convert gold in the mind into gold in the hand. Mental mining like gold mining requires concentration. To concentrate is to fix the attention on a common center; to centralize and intensify attention; to make the mind one-pointed. One hundred percent attention is concentration."

-- Charles F. Haanel